How to make traps for bees do it yourself

April 1. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 11014. Comments to record how to make traps for bees do it yourself No

The way that bees was diluted by the time of centuries is a rush. If the bee family, including the uterus, leaves the hive, then she is looking for a new home, and it may not be within the native apiary. Often in this way, some beekeepers are losing, while others acquire new families. To multiply the number of beekeeping, and not to replenish your neighbor apiates and need traps for bees. How they are manufactured and will be discussed below.


What is a trap for bees

The bees trap is a design for the settlement of the new bee family - Roy. An experienced beekeeper can catch the swarm with any device, especially if it is required immediately, otherwise the swarm will fly away.

Requirements for traps

In principle, the bees are still, what form will be a trap, from which material it is made, but watching the roces, the beekeepers came to the conclusion that:

  • at a minimum, the trap should be placed 40 liters. If the volume is smaller, then the swarm is small there;
  • the maximum trap volume is 60 liters. Larger - just irrational material consumption;
  • vertical shape trap more reminiscent of the bees hollow in the tree, so they will settle down in her;
  • the main requirement for the material is not to smell the sharp, as well as to resist the penetration of moisture, and, of course, it should be durable;
  • the swarm will surely settle in a trap with the bait - there are such special ointments, for example: "Apira".

What is a trap for a roa bee

A typical trap for the roa bees is a simple tree drawer, which:

  • accommodates the framework, of which two pieces are with honeycombs for bait;
  • you can learn or take any existing in the farm;
  • it has only one special slot for the input of bees and no other more;
  • it has a valve that you can quickly close the bees in a trap if it comes to transport it.


Production of trap for bees

Consider the process of manufacturing a trap for bees Photo of the manufacturing process you see.


Everything that's needed

Before you begin to make, you need to stock:


  • 0.4 cm plywood;
  • reiki 2.0x2.0 cm;
  • 20 mm boards 200 mm thickness;
  • wire;
  • nails;
  • 4 mm pins;
  • 10th rope;
  • insulating material in the form of rubberoid or cellophane;
  • clanches;
  • polyfoam leaf;
  • bark of wood;
  • glue.


  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • saw
  • stapler furniture;
  • drill.

We work on the corps

Manufacturing technology as follows:

  • from the boards of 20-mm thickness kill the bottom;
  • from the same material we make facade and rear traps;
  • in the front wall we make a slot at the rate so that the largest bee has climbed into it. Usually its dimensions 1x10 cm;
  • fresh walls to the bottom;
  • on the sides we make a frame using the rails;
  • from a piece of plywood, cut out parts for the sheathing of the side walls;
  • we carry out the trim of the sides of the plywood trap;
  • from the side of the side walls, which will be inside the trap, you feed the lumps on which the beesframes will be shed;
  • complete body assembly.

Roof trap

This part of the design resembles the roof of the hive:

  • on a sheet of plywood, we draw a rectangle, with such a consideration so that its edges are a little accepted for the housing;
  • cut out the item;
  • The edges of the rectangle decorated the bars, so that it can be put on the body of the trap;
  • smear foam flame glue and glue it from the inside of the roof;
  • the top of the roof is originated by rubberoid or polyethylene film;
  • fresh roof to the housing;
  • from the wire make a handle and secure it to the roof. With it, we will carry a trap and hang it on the tree.

Latest strokes

In conclusion:

  • let's put in the frame trap. Ahead put 1 frame with honeycombs or two, and the rest - with the participant. The optimal number is 5 frames;
  • we take the canvas and cover the frames;
  • grease the pilot hole with propolis. Well attracts bees and smell Melissa, basil, so they can replace propolis.

Choose a place for trap

Choosing a place where you can place a trap, orient to the following:

  • if you noticed that bee swarms are often sitting on a particular tree, then hang your trap on it;
  • place a trap on a sufficiently strong branch;
  • foliage around the trap should protect it from the sun;
  • it is desirable that the tree grow in place where there is water nearby;
  • place the trap on the Southeast or South;
  • Make a trap with the help of a rope fixed on the handle: just throwing it through the branch and pulling the long end;
  • having raised a trap to a height of no more than 7 m, tie it with wire;
  • on the roof of the traps put the bark of the tree, but it is at will.

Trap for bees from fiberboard

A trap for bees drawing, which is located below, is made of fiberboard. It is placed from 6 to 8 frames.



Before making a trap for bees, we carry out the preparatory work.

We collect material

Need to have:

  • Chipboard;
  • rake width 4 and 2.5 cm thick;
  • olih;
  • dark green paint.


It is possible to make a rowochitor even from cardboard, but the question is how much it will last. The technology of manufacturing traps for bees from different materials is not much different:

  • we take a sheet of fiberboard and cut out the blanks for the walls. It is easy to do it, because the sizes of the bees are shown in the drawing;
  • for the installation of the frames, we perform a fold-quarter on the rails, which will be fixed at the top of the front and back walls, shining the groove in them. It is good to have a fold edges for this purpose;
  • around the perimeter of the walls of the front and rear nail the rail;
  • we draw up the pilots on the facade of traps;
  • fresh side walls to the facade and the rear of the trap for bees;
  • you feed the longitudinal bars on the side walls, while: the upper bar is placing 4 cm below the edge, forming a place to plant the roof;
  • from the rails we carry out the roof strapping;
  • drink a piece of fiberboard, which will lie freely without any fastening and serve the ceiling;
  • cut the parts for the roof from the fiberboard from such a calculation so that visors formed from the facade and rear;
  • we form a roof;
  • outside, the trap for bees soak the oil. It is possible to finish on it, but it is better to apply a layer of paint of dark green tones - so the trap will become less noticeable.;
  • turn the frame between the facade and the back wall on the fold-quarter. In addition to the shift of the frame, planks-locks and wedge plates are prevented.


Even better you can cope with such a task as the manufacture of trap for bee roah, reviewing video:

Subtleties of catching Roy.

Making a trap for a roe is not all: you need to catch it and safely put in the hive. Some subtleties should be known:

  • if you are going to hang traps in the forest, then choose trees growing at a distance of 0.1-0.15 km from the edge;
  • place the catchers for the roa bees in advance, because the scouts bees begin to look for a place for the wing of the week for two;
  • you need to check the traps. If, with the next visit, you noticed that the bees (at least 10) are crawling around the facade of the trap, it means that there is some apiary or in a walker of wild bees, it is preparing for the departure of the swarm, and the people who perspective are guarded by the future of housing;
  • you can listen to evidence to understand whether there are bees there or not, but for this you will have to climb on a tree;
  • when you make sure the bees have already settled the trap, you need to close the pilot. To do this, use a small piping mesh and ordinary stationery buttons. All this is done when the sun has already been the village;
  • with the help of the rope, they lower the trap on the ground and moving to the apiary, they will settle for a permanent place;
  • return a trap back, but do not forget to grasp the flyer again, and at the same time the front wall from the inside, wax or spicy herbs.

Healthy: So that the bees were not too hot during the carriage of the trap with a closed flyer, you need to remove the roof, tie the housing along with the lid of the piece of gauze. Then: Marla weaken a little, the cover from the fiberboard is gently removed. That's all: the trap is provided with fresh air.

Tell and show how to install traps for bees video:

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