Wooden Finnish windows: Features, Advantages, Installation

August 25. Useful advice Views 1433. Comments To record Wooden Finnish windows: Features, Advantages, Installation No

Surely, many have heard of the many advantages of Finnish windows. This type of product is quite popular in European countries, and in Russia, mass sales have begun relatively recently.

It should be noted in advance that many people mistakenly make a choice in favor of metal-plastic windows, however, they, as it turned out, are far from the best option for the housing. At the same time, the wood base of windows has a range of positive parties, including the absence of tight insulation of the room from the outside world, as usual happens with metal-plastic products.

You can not get around the party and the fact that Finnish wooden windows look just fine. They will decorate almost any dwelling. Especially often such products are used in private homes, where it is necessary to create a pleasant natural atmosphere.

Especially serious when choosing the owners' windows belong to the price issue. Despite the fairly simple designs of most similar products, the price tags are very high. Although Finnish windows and wooden, their cost is higher than metal plastic.

In this article we will look at all the main points associated with the choice of Finnish windows, their features, as well as the principles of installation.

Features of the production technology of Finnish windows

Often, the wooden Finnish windows have a thickness of 227 mm, and the kit includes glass and double glazing of three glasses. In general, the design has a lot in common with classic metal-plastic windows, but you need to understand that much depends on the specific production, which can offer sufficiently original solutions.

Modern production of Finnish windows are limited not only to the usual release, but also a thorough control of each unit of products. After the window has passed all the main stages of production, computed quality control occurs. In most cases, it checks the integrity of all fixings, and also make careful control of dimensions.

Of course, it is no secret that any deviations from specific sizes mean that windows can be unsuitable for use. The consequences of deviation from technology will subsequently affect operation. Could appear slit, deterioration of sealing, etc.

Despite the fact that a fully wooden frame of Finnish windows is a kind of standard for manufacturers, you can find products that have an aluminum foundation. Such windows have all the same advantages as the usual products, but aluminum performs the function of the shell. Accordingly, wood always remains under a reliable "shield" that protects it from rain, as well as many other external factors. Classic Finnish windows do not have such protection, but wood still remains in the initial state over long years. The thing is that on the production of the tree is qualitatively treated with various antiseptic substances. Moreover, the surface is also covered with paint, which significantly improves the characteristics of the natural surface.

Most often, an oak, larch or pine is used to create a frame. Of course, the first option is the most reliable, since for long years wood will be in about the same condition, while the tree itself is not particularly deformed, so the products continue to perform all its high-level functions. It is not necessary to think that the windows made on the basis of pine are unsuitable for use. This is excellent products, however, it is this variation of Finnish windows that requires a lot of care.

The advantages and disadvantages of Finnish windows

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the positive and negative sides of the Finnish wooden windows depend on the specific manufacturer. To date, there is a tremendous amount of production of this product, each of which uses its special technology manufacturing technology. Ultimately, we get products with different parameters and capabilities. At the same time, the classic Finnish windows have certain features, thanks to which they became popular. Manufacturers, in turn, try to take into account most features of Finnish windows.

Below are all the most basic advantages of Finnish windows. It is worth saying that classical products are taken as the basis, but now there are many variations on the market.

  • Heat insulation. Finnish windows provide a stable room indoor temperature. This is especially noticeable in the cool seasons of the year, when this product absolutely does not produce warm air. To a large extent, this is achieved due to the wood-based windows, but a considerable weight here have both unique seals, which are definitely not in most metal-plastic windows. Particularly efficient in terms of thermal insulation, Finnish windows become together with the insulation of walls, ceiling and gender.
  • Sound insulation. Again, thanks to the wood basis, this product misses the minimum of sound waves. This is especially important in the dwellings that are located very close to passing parts, playgrounds, parks, as well as to other objects from which strong noise comes. It is necessary to recognize that in terms of sound insulation, metal-plastic windows show themselves no worse than the Finnish version.
  • Resistance to precipitation. This characteristic uniquely plays a colossal role when choosing windows. Unlike classic wooden windows, the Finnish version of this product is perfectly coping with almost any precipitation, and it may be a small rain, and a terrible shower. Often the Finnish windows are not installed vertically, but under a slight inclination (for example, on the surface of the pitched roof). In this case, it is especially important that precipitation does not fall inside the dwellings.
  • Countering temperature differences. Despite the fact that the frame of Finnish windows is wooden, it does not affect its deformation. The window design is always in the initial state. Often this happens for the reason that only high-quality wood is applied in the production of Finnish windows, which is not inclined to any negative trends.
  • Ventilation. Obviously, the wood base of Finnish windows creates some natural ventilation, which other types of windows cannot boast. In addition, most of these products has a ventilation valve, providing high-quality air exchange. This is what lacks in metal-plastic glass packages.
  • External diversity. Unlike metal-plastic windows, which almost always look the same, Finnish windows are created on the basis of various wood materials. Accordingly, it is possible to choose the shade of wood, as well as the texture. You can also carry out additional surface treatment, which will not only decorate the products, but will make it more durable.
  • Positive effect on the health of residents. Many people are afraid to establish metal-plastic windows, because they can negatively affect human health. It is about the fact that the basis of such windows is metal and plastic, which completely block fresh air, and also do not interact with the human body. The exact opposite effect of wood windows. This is the same material that does not affect people's health, passes air, and also easily re-processing.


Fortunately, Finnish windows have not so many flaws, especially if you compare them with classic wood products. First of all, it is possible to attribute the need to regularly process wood covering. Over time, the protective layer (varnish or paint) gradually becomes thinner, and it needs to be restored. However, there is nothing complicated in this, and by itself the windows do not lose their primary properties.

It is also necessary to know that most of the Finnish windows is significantly more expensive than metal-plastic products. It's all about wood basis, as well as special production technology, which makes Finnish windows with a practically perfect option for any home.

In any case, attention should be paid to all positive and negative sides, and only then make some conclusions. For example, for industrial premises or warehouses, metal-plastic windows will be the best option. And to create a home coat in a large private house, it makes sense to choose Finnish products.


Installation of Finnish windows

Before purchasing windows you need to decide with the way they are installed. In this case, we have approximate dimensions of the windows, we know about their features. This is enough for us in order to evaluate all aspects related to installation.

At the very beginning there is a window sill. As the basis, it is better to use a cement pillow, which will easily withstand all loads. The thickness of the windowsill should be limited to 50 mm. The windowsill can be easily knit with a dowel. This is a fairly simple process, given the smooth base and the surface of the windowsill itself. Of course, a few holes must be drilled in the installed element.

Now it's time to consider the installation of windows in a silicate brick house. It is necessary to immediately say that such a situation (wooden window and brick base) is the simplest to install windows. First of all, you need to pay attention to the mounting pads that are the most important elements on the basis of which the windows are fastened. At various types of windows, the location of the support pad is different. At the very beginning of the installation process, the reference pads are installed, and then spacer. It is necessary to install everything so that all the pads are in the created frame tightly, but it is not necessary to overdo it. In this case, you need to highlight the frame alignment, after which the pads are removed. At the very beginning, remove the spacer, and then - support. At the place of deepening, as well as on the frame area, it is necessary to apply a construction silicone, which will hold the entire design. After that, the pads can be returned to the place, after which it is necessary to remove all the drums formed as a result of silicone applying. After it is frozen, you need to fill all the crevices of construction foam. Already after all these works, unnecessary parts of the frozen foam can be cut off with a mounting knife. Now the final part of the work comes - installing window stems. It is worth noting in advance that the use of a construction foam is a mandatory stage, since with a strong wind the window can simply collapse.


Separately, you need to consider the installation of Finnish windows based on a wooden house. In this case, we are dealing with enough thin wood walls, and it is necessary to approach the windows in a special way. In most situations, it is impossible to use a mounting foam or construction silicone for a variety of reasons. In such cases, it is best to argue with liquid nails that are able to secure the windows of any design. It must be previously analyzed by a check, which must match the dimensions and shape of the windows. If there are some problems, it is necessary to cut the wood surface as soon as possible, to fit everything for the necessary dimensions. In addition to liquid nails, we will also need self-tapping screws, with which you can additionally strengthen the window. Again, all this is done so that during the strong wind the windows remained in place. All fasteners should be made on the overhead plank, which is located around the perimeter of the window opening. After the actions performed, it is necessary to carefully analyze every step to make sure in the quality done work. It is also worth checking the sealing of windows in the opening. Very often in the process of such works can form emptiness (in openings). They need to be immediately fill out, otherwise there may be different difficulties later.

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