Ultrasonic rodent repellers: Reviews and installation features

March 30. Useful advice Views 1359. 1 comment To records Ultrasonic rodent repellers: Reviews and installation features

Ultrasonic rodent repeller is an electronic device providing protection for warehouses, household buildings, granaries, houses, cottages, etc. from mice, rats and other small pests. It works in any climate environment, does not represent danger to animal health, people, consumes minimum energy.

Features of ultrasonic rodent discreteners


  1. The ultrasound generated by this device is reflected from almost any surface (often from solid than soft).
  2. Electromagnetic waves of the device cannot pass through metal obstacles.
  3. Ultrasound generated by the repeller cannot penetrate through the floor and walls.
  4. Electromagnetic waves emitted by this device can pass through the walls.
  5. Most electronic devices emit exclusively ultrasound.
  6. Such repellers as TM-9034, UP-116-T, AR-130, among other things, can emit electromagnetic waves.

How to choose insects and rodents ultrasound

The rodent reverser is ultrasound, to buy in a specialized store or order via the Internet, you should choose, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendation and your own needs.

Selection rules

  1. Be sure to check out the reviews and read the characteristics of the device.
  2. Compare the area specified on the scaretch with its territory.
  3. Know that the parameters of the empty room are written on the hardware, so correctly appreciate the degree of workload of your own home.
  4. Be sure to take into account the appointment of the room.
  5. The repeller struggles with pests about 60 days. If there is no food in the room, they will leave before (about 14 days).
  6. If there is pets in the room, use the ultrasound that they do not hear. So the devices of foreign producers are the best option, since they will definitely hear the domestic reversal.
  7. If you buy several devices at once in different rooms, remember that some of them act and at low temperatures (tornadoes, spectrum, sonar).

Discipers of rodents Ultrasound: Reviews



  • easy to use;
  • the effect is noticeable after 4-12 days;
  • rodents and insects really go;
  • chemicals and poisons are not involved;
  • modern devices function in almost any climatic conditions;
  • safe for man;
  • consume minimum of energy;
  • are an economical and convenient way to influence rodents;
  • have a long service life.

Common models of devices for combating rodents

Ultrasonic Tornado rodent repeller


The basis of the system of ultrasonic rodent fuser Tornado is a special generator with automatic reconfiguration frequencies, which eliminates the possibility of adding rodents to a certain sound.

Objects of use - the premises of a large area.

Tornado repeller is designed to combat:

  • mice;
  • rats.

Install its front panel to rodent habitats. The ultrasound generated by the device, reflected from the ceiling and walls, fills the entire room.


  • the first time the device should work around the clock until the extinction of animal pests is completely disappeared;
  • it turns on only periodically - as prophylaxis.

Ultrasonic Tornado Repeller: Views

  • Ogo 8.08-200;
  • Ogo.08-200-12k, ogillion8-300;
  • OG.08-400, OG.08-800.

Such a choice of models makes it possible to choose the necessary device in accordance with certain conditions.


  • large exposure area;
  • small dimensions;
  • low energy consumption;
  • the absence of antisanitarian and humanity in relation to rodents;
  • no extraneous noise;
  • can be used not only in large, but also small rooms, including at home;
  • safe for pets;
  • it has high efficiency in the fight against rodents.

Ultrasound rodent rodent

Views and Description

Grad A-500


Ultrasonic repeller used for all types of rodents (earthquakes, mice, rats). The operation of the device is carried out from batteries and from the network (an additional adapter is required).

Objects of use:

  • under the hood of the car;
  • in cellars, cafe;
  • cottages, houses, etc.

The grade-500 repeller generates unique (non-duplicate) sound oscillations acting in the frequency range from 4 to 64 kHz.

Hail a-550 ultrasound


Powerful ultrasonic repeller designed to protect area up to 550 m2.


  • forms a unique non-duplicate signal;
  • can work autonomously, as well as eating from the network;
  • it is distinguished by silent, energy efficiency.

Distinctive features from the previous model of Grad A-500:

  • has an improved signal algorithm and a pulsating display indication;
  • automatically switches to economical energy consumption;
  • connecting to an external source, functions with maximum power;
  • can be fixed on the wall.

Objects of use:

  • cellar, apartments, cafes, elevators;
  • warehouses, cottages, granaries, private houses, etc.
Hail a-1000 pro


A reliable functional device that is a modified A-500 model.

Distinctive features:

  • 2 times better affect rodents;
  • there are "flexibility" of working modes;
  • it has increased productivity (2 times).

Grad A-1000 pro acts against:

  • mosquitoes, ticks, moths, earthquakes;
  • ants, moles, protein;
  • flea, volatile mice, spiders;
  • mice, rats, etc.

Principles of operation of the device:

  • provides a powerful flow of radiation that cover the territory up to 1000 m2;
  • in this device, there is an ability to adjust the radiation level of 25-100%;
  • a polyseed resource for adjusting the repelter allows you to select a mode corresponding to certain conditions and pests;
  • the beep is not duplicated that it does not allow rodents to adapt to its action;
  • there is no "frozen sound" in this device, i.e. There are no areas of silence;
  • to scare the pests from a short distance, 6 light diodes with a certain brightness force are provided.

Objects of use:

  • cellar, fruit plantings;
  • country houses, golf courses;
  • city \u200b\u200bapartments, factory warehouses;
  • attic, public catering facilities, granaries;
  • tourist bases, etc.

Operation of the device:

  1. The first thing to do is to explore the rules for using the device.
  2. Next, the device is connected to the adapter.
  3. The desired operating mode is configured.
  4. The device is fixed to the surface.
  5. Connects to the network.

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One answer to ultrasonic rodent discreteers: Reviews and features of installation

  1. Nicholas.:

    We took to the warehouse the ultrasonic rodent jigger Sititek 360 mainly due to the fact that he has three ultrasonic emitters that provide the direction of radiation of 360 degrees, which significantly increases the efficiency of work. And for the food warehouse this is the basic condition.

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