Installing the pool with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

July 7. Repair and construction work Views 960. 4 comments To write installation of the pool with your own hands: Step by step instructions

How nice to plunge into cool water is a hot summer day, but every time ride the lake or the river for a very long time, and not everyone can afford to afford a swimming pool in the country. With the latest statement, most of the homeowners agree, but after reading this article, you will be sure to get your own pool much easier and cheaper than it seems! Today we will tell you how to independently make the installation of the frame pool.

Characteristics of frame pools

The pool is an ideal place to rest in a family circle, friends or alone. However, it is believed that this pleasure on the pocket only a little. In fact, it turns out that only some types of structures are really expensive, and fortunately, the frame pools do not belong to them. Their name reflects the essence of the design features - the bowl holds its form due to the hard and durable frame.


The advantages of such pools include:

  1. Simple geometry of the bowl allows you to place a swimming pool on a plot with a variety of landscape.
  2. A wide range of sizes of cups allows you to choose the optimal option for each.
  3. The assembly and installation of the pool is very simple and can be very simple and for those who have never come across such a task.
  4. Frame pools serve almost as long as stationary, but their assembly and installation occur much easier and faster.
  5. All-season models need to be mounted only once, after which it is enough to produce maintenance annually.
  6. A strong framework allows you to immerse the bowl into the ground by a third of the height of the side.
  7. Filter installations in the technical plan are no worse than in stationary pools.
  8. You can rearrange the collapsible pool at any time to another more comfortable place.

Unfortunately, there are designs and its drawbacks. Thus, the collapsible models for the winter have to be disassembled and hiding into the room, since they do not maintain low temperatures. In addition, the framework models are pretty problematic to set the backlight, waterfall or slide, since most of them are not designed for similar loads, even products with metal trim. It is worth noting that the strength of the composite products of seasonal and all-season type is much lower compared to stationary, so it is better not to try to sit on board and not allow children to jump from it.

Types of pools

Above you have already mentioned the seasonal and all-season design, and now it's time to tell about it in more detail.

Three constructive varieties of frame pools distinguish:

  1. Seasonal - such structures can stand outside throughout the bathing season, but with the onset of cold weather, they should be empty, disassemble and hide into the room. The frame-collapsible frame consists of hollow metal pipes and parts connecting their parts, and the function of the bowl performs a kind of bag of durable and thick polyvinyl chloride with reinforcement from polyester or kevlar mesh. This bag is invested in the collected frame, clamp and fill with water, which saves its shape. Usually the volume of such basins is small, it is enough to plunge adults or for children's games in water. Models with a capacity of more than 7 tons of water (up to 22 tons) usually have additional strengthening due to the metal wall, which occurs around the board circle. It is represented by a steel sheet, rolled into a roll and a coated polymer substance to protect against rust. A bowl can be round, oval or rectangular. They serve not more than 10 years with careful operation.
  2. All-season - these models can be left for a winter outdoor. Externally, they do not differ from seasonal pools with a metal edging for the only exception that the material of the boost amplifier is slightly thicker and stronger. Steel board with a reinforced frame, additional transverse elements and backups withstand a decrease in temperature to -40c and the pressure of frozen water in a bowl (on how to prepare the pool to wintering is written just below). The form of all-season products is usually circulated or oval, and the height of the side does not exceed 1.5 m. Only one German firm Krulland produces models with two-meter sides, so their pools are suitable for diving. The service life of servicing and proper care is 10-15 years.
  3. Stationary - such models are collected only once and set to a permanent place where they will be all the time. The main material is the sections made of mixed composite materials (wood, plastic, duralumin, steel, impregnation). Due to this, it turns out a more rigid and robust design than all-season products. The installation of the pool bowl occurs only once with the help of bolted, adhesive and lock connections, so it will be impossible to disassemble it then without critical damage. After installation, all the joints are filled with a sealant, and the inner surface of the bowls will be rested with a special bag of multilayer polyvinyl chloride film. Stationary frame basins have several advantages compared to seasonal and all-season. First, they are not only oval and rectangular, but also complex bizarre forms. Secondly, the height of the sides can reach 2.5 m, which means that for such pools you can install a springboard for diving. The bowl can be with a drop of depth, which you will not meet with collapsible models. Thirdly, the service life of stationary pools is 15 years and more, depending on the quality of the care. But the cost of such a reservoir will be significantly higher than any collapsible. In addition, this is one of the reasons why, in the domestic market, such models are practically not presented (perhaps will have to look for a suitable option on foreign platforms).

How to install the pool with your own hands

Each model in the kit should go assembly and installation instructions. As a rule, it is very detailed, so new owners can easily install the basin at the cottage without additional assistance, to the air of the simplest tools. And since for seasonal products it is only necessary to free the platform and put it with a film, we propose to consider the detailed installation of the composite pool of the all-season and stationary type.


First you need to choose a suitable place to install. Ideally, it should be located not far from the power supply to which the pump filtering will be connected. It is also good if there is a source of fresh water and sewage to quickly fill the bowl and drain the old water to clean up. The surface of the earth itself, on which you will install the bowl, should be perfectly horizontal and smooth if possible. Suppose the maximum angle of inclination at 5 °. If it is more of this value, then you will not fully fill the bowl, and the water will turn over the board.


So, when the place is chosen, you can be taken for installing the pool with your own hands:

  1. Make marking around the perimeter and remove the upper fertile layer of the soil. Typically, the thickness of the turf is 15-25 cm. If this is not done and leave the roots of grass and weeds in the ground, they will germinate and can damage the waterproofing of the bowl.
  2. If you break the bowl into the ground, dig up the required depth, adding 25 cm. If the pool is without a blowjob, just dig a mini-pitual depth of about 25 cm. Ultimately, the bowl must be immersed in the ground by 3-4 cm .
  3. Thoroughly align and confuse the bottom. Check the horizontal surface with the aquatic building level. If the day needs to be aligned, take a smooth cutting board with a length of 2.5-3 m, put it on the ground, put the level and expect the horizontality. Then turn the board to 90 °, check the horizontal again and, if necessary, the protruding soil cut the shovel.
  4. Put the bottom with a river sainted sand layer with a thickness of 10-15 cm, pour it with water from watering can or hose with a sprayer and also as you follow. To do this, you can use a special label vibromaver or make a manual tamping from a log or bar.
  5. In the center of Wooden stake and bed layer of the plastic film (in its center pre-make a hole for the cavalley). The number in this case is needed for fixing the litter.
  6. Next, lay the polystyrene foam plates with a thickness of 2 cm. For such work, it is better to take exactly the extruded polystyrene foam, and not a foam, since it is more dense and durable, and therefore will last longer. Place the plates with a small displacement so that the subsequent row walks with the dressing of the seams. Sticking parts of the plates cut the stationery knife, after connecting all the elements with a wide scotch. For smooth trimming of the plates strictly around the perimeter, put on the central peg long lace with the loop at the end, insert the marker into it and swipe the circular line (the principle of operation like a circular).
  7. That part of the kolyka that sticks out of the polystyrene foam layer, you need to cut carefully.
  8. Source the surface by another layer of film that should go complete.
  9. According to the installation of the pools, collect the frame and put it in place.
  10. Check the horizontal side of the side and, if necessary, deepen too high racks to the ground. If they were too low, to put on them wooden bars of the corresponding thickness. If you install the swimming pool on loose soil, the bars must be put under each support.

Pool Preparation for Winter

And what to do with the stationary or all-season pool with the end of the warm bath season? Such constructions are frost-resistant, and therefore disassemble them and it is not necessary to hide into the room. But this does not mean that they do not require special training. There are a number of mandatory procedures that need to be made before the onset of cold weather. They will protect the pool from damage during frosts and will allow you to quickly put it into operation in the next year.


How to prepare a frame pool to wintering:

  1. Getting to work before the daily temperature falls below + 15c. First of all, the pool needs to be cleaned of all visible contaminants. To do this, arm with a manual "vacuum cleaner" in the form of a brush on a long handle with a hose connected to it, which leads to a skimmer. You do not need water from the pool! In the process of cleaning the "vacuum cleaner", all mud deposits will be superseden through the hose in the skimmer, and clean water will be returned to the pool.
  2. Next, spend a shock chimrocessing with chlorine-containing drugs. Alternatively, you can make a shock portion of hydrogen peroxide 1300 ml / m³ of liquid. By adding chemicals, turn on the circular pump and leave it 5-7 h, then put on the reverse to clean the filter. Chemical treatment will protect the water from the reproduction of algae.
  3. Drain the water to such a level so that up to the bottom of the water supply nozzle from the pump remained about 8 cm. Discover the hoses and block the holes with the plugs (they must go in the kit). Then remove the sand cartridge (it must be stored separately) and fold everything into a dry room where the equipment will lie all winter. Before that, make sure that there is no liquid in the pumping system, otherwise it can rotate.
  4. Fully merge water from the bowl should not, but since water, freezing, increases in volume, it is necessary to protect the tank from the pressure caused by this extension. To compensate it, plastic containers are used, foam floats, semi-coated tires. They are immersed in water in large quantities so that the floats are completely covered with the surface (1 pc / 0.5 m² of surface), and fixes the bags and sand tied for the lace. In no case, do not take metal materials as a cargo - laundering rusty traces therefore will be impossible! In order for all floats to be blown in one direction, put each of them in your place, then tie them with one common rope and tie her ends to the sides.
  5. Close the cup with a protective casing that must go in the kit. In order for the casing, rainwater and snow did not accumulate, to the pool in the center you need to put one big float, which will face the side.

Important: Do not pour out the water from the pool completely, because it is needed in order to resist the powers of the soil, which will have a load on the construction outside.


Note that it is impossible to completely empty the pool - the swamming of the freezing soil will inevitably damage the design of the reservoir!

The installation of frame basins in the country will be an excellent solution for economical owners who want to spend the best possible time as comfortable and fun. In order for the design to serve as long as possible, in the spring every year, make a thorough inspection and, if necessary, make repairs, tapping damaged surfaces, setting patches on a polyvinyl chloride bag and changing the filter cartridge.

Finally, we offer to look for a useful video about the installation of pools:

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4 responses to the installation of the pool with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

  1. Romanova.:

    The process of installing the pool is simple. My husband and I coped with it alone. Of course, it was also necessary to read a lot of reviews, in order to clearly follow the installation process. In addition, it was further ordered with delivery to Moscow a special capacity for the overflow pool

  2. Polina Ivanova:

    For a long time I dream to install the pool on the territory of his country. The problem is that the places are not so much. But still I hope that I will be able to find somehow an alternative

  3. Mamsik.:

    For sure by the same technology, my husband installed a plastic pool. By the way, it came out at all expensive. The pool itself was bought and made the type of the same terrace as in the photo examples. On the side, everyone was sewed inexpensive plastic

  4. Irina Ruth:

    I want to note that the article is very competent everything is set out. At the same time, not only the installation process itself, but also the point of what is necessary to take into account in terms of care of the pool itself. But I would still do not risen and entrusted this business to professionals

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