How to repair the well do it yourself

May 6. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2807. Comments to record how to repair the well do it yourself No

Owners of country sites, in the absence of central water supply, you have to look for alternative options, the wellness is considered the most popular. It is able to provide not only water for technical needs, but also internal consumption. Therefore, it is important to know the foundations of the care and repair of wells that help maintain the condition of the design and fluid at the desired level.

If the cleaning is carried out as prevention, then the repair is mainly required due to violations during the construction of the well.

The need for repair activities


An indicator of the need for urgent repairs is to reduce the quality of the resulting fluid, such as:

  • turbidity;
  • appearance of the taste;
  • the emergence of smell.

34This is due to the disorders of the design tightness, so that the soil falls through the gaps into the water. Then its consumption becomes impossible, the changes are especially noticeable during the floods and the tanya of the snow. This problem is solved even without the help of specialists, repair and clean the wells can be independently. As for cleaning, the work algorithm looks like this:

  1. Pumping water.
  2. Cleansing the design itself.
  3. Chlorination of water.
  4. Verification of the result.

Each type of construction is a special approach.

And the stroke of repair changes depending on the existing structure of the well. The activities undertaken are in sealing seals, replacing and strengthening individual parts. The small repair also includes the development of the bottom filter and the deepening of the bottom.

Repair of wooden wells


It is clear that wood does not apply to persistent materials to moisture, therefore, the disorders of the tightness of the compounds occurs due to the appearance of rotten elements. In case of late replacement of unsuitable areas, it may not only worsen the quality of water, but also to completely collapse the design. Then the repair consists of two stages:

  1. Definitions of a plot with a defect.
  2. Replace material.

For descent to the well and repair, an additional structure will be required. It is a platform, chopped from thick boards. The site should freely pass in size in the size of the structure itself. It is lowered on durable cables that are tied to the beams installed on the wellhead.

Since rotten areas are below the level of water, then the upper part of the log requires strengthening. For this, the wells are installed on the sides of the well, for which the logs on the four sides are fixed with boards. They subsequently will save a log cabin.

Next, rotten plot is extracted, and set new pre-processed logs. To secure the crowns are driven and jammed.

Concrete reliability


Despite the high rates of concrete strength, wells from it also require repair, sometimes cracks or displacement of the design details. Such situations arise for two reasons:

  • when using low-quality components;
  • due to the features of the soil. Sometimes the soil around the design is oversaturated with moisture, which over time blurs the compounds of the rings, disturbing overall sealing.

In any case, if you see the defect in time, it will be easier to correct the shortcomings and thereby keep the quality of water consumed. The small repair of a concrete well is carried out with the help of sealing mastic, gaps and small damage to be deceived from the inside. But before applying the composition, cracks are closed to remove destroyed sites, unreliable attached pieces of concrete.

When choosing a sealant specify its scope and composition. Safety for the human body is important, because in the future the mastic will interact with water. After coating, install or replace the filter.

If more serious problems are seen in the design, it will be necessary to interfere both from the inside and outside. For outdoor repair, you will have to dig a well to a defective area, so the ditch is rotated around the perimeter of sufficient width. Then the crack is cleaned of dirt, give dry and smear the mastic. From above to prevent further blur, it is necessary to equip waterproofing, for this design is covered with special composition.

The third common case is the displacement of concrete rings. This is a rather complicated breakdown, requiring considerable effort. The only option remains to eliminate the damaged area and disassembly. Next, the design is collected again with additional connecting elements and brackets. To prevent further destruction, seams are carried out and a fully design is sealing.

The stability of the concrete structure gives a clay castle, which is placed in the process of designing and building a well. But if it was not thought out in advance, then you will have to yield a trench with a width of 1-1.5 m and a depth of about 2 m. This space is tightly clogged with clay, and there must be a small angle of a linker from the well. High-quality rambling is carried out with gradual laying of clay at 10-15 cm.

Brick structures


This type of structures is easier to repair thanks to several factors:

  • lack of powerful elements;
  • the visibility of even hidden defects during cleaning.

This contributes to the timely identification of the flaws of the structure and the rapid correction. Repair is to remove the folding brick and the installation of the new with the fixation of cement mortar. As a preventive measure, the entire inner surface is attached. This finish and installation of the bottom filter contribute to improving the quality of the structure of the well and water in it.

Deepening a well


  • The breakdowns also include the situations of the disappearance of the liquid, then the deepening is required. If the well was built less than a year ago, there will be enough dugout soil under the bottom rings. Under your own severity, elements are settled when removing the soil.
  • The second way is the repair of the well plastic tube of large diameter. The holes are done before it is installed, subsequently the pipe performs the function of additional rings. It is lowered on the bottom of the well and choose an excess ground. So it is necessary to walk to the depths of the new aquifer, then the new rings are closed with a grid of stainless steel and thoroughly sealed with a solution.

In any case, experts recommend regularly inspection of the design and troubleshooting in time. It is important to disinfect water annually and the design itself, and once every 3 years view the state of the seams. So you can avoid reducing the quality of water and overhaul well.

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