Fence in the country with your own hands

March 31. Repair and construction work, Plot Views 1356. Comments To write a fence in the country with your own hands No

Surely now almost impossible to find a plot around which fences would not be. Obviously, today the fence does not only protect, but also a decorative function. Provided hosts create huge fences that more resemble full-fledged architectural buildings. Current opportunities in terms of construction allow you to implement even the most bold projects, and we are talking about any scale.

For small sections, a small fence is suitable in the best way, which will make a protective function to a greater extent. Metal fence for such needs is the best solution.

If we have a large house in the country, which has more than two floors, then the installation of a small fence does not make much sense. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that often the construction of a major fence implies the implementation of a rather complicated and financially cost project.

If we talk about the process of construction, then it is often no special problems in yourself. Accordingly, anyone who wants to carry out a construction process, and for this you only need to carefully examine the specifics of the construction, as well as the details, because of which something can go wrong.

In the article, we will analyze the process of creating a fence in the territory of the country area, as well as take into account all those details that may interfere with the construction of the fence. With such recommendations, you can safely begin construction work.


Features of creating a fence in the country area

Often, on the Internet and literature you can find information that when creating a fence on the site you need to decide for which it is necessary for a fence. In modern conditions, most people prefer to decorate the landscape, because it is nice to be on the beautiful and modern plot. But at the same time it is impossible to forget about the safety that the appropriate fence will definitely maintain.

Fortunately, today there is no particular need to choose between a strong side of the fence, as it is quite possible to combine an attractive appearance, and reliability.

In most cases, professionals are involved in such work, which in the construction industry has found some success. However, in most cases, we are talking about major fences that are independent structures. It is worth paying attention to the fact that today it is such fences and are very popular. On the territory of the CIS countries among the owners of large home, there is a certain fashion, which is to create high fences, with which the site becomes a certain fortress. If we talk about classical solutions that the site is really attractive for visitors and tenants themselves, it is possible to note high metal fences, which are canceled in any modern landscape. With this situation, the most important thing is to trace the overall style of the territory and choose the most appropriate options for the fence.

In most cases, large fences are not combined with the main structure on the plot, and there is simply no need for this, as it is not possible to consider the fence against the background of the house. Accordingly, such solutions have nothing to do with the creation of a holistic style of a plot, and you need to remember.

Selection of fence for the site

Immediately after we have created the site, it is necessary to think about creating the fencing most suitable in all parameters (it is possible and on the contrary - the fence is created first, and then the plot is equipped).

The main task that stands before the hosts is to ensure the overall style of the landscape. Earlier, we have already talked about the choice in favor of large or small fences, and then we will analyze how fences are generally there:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • fencing from corrugated;
  • concrete;
  • metal (grid).

Each of these fences has its own characteristics, advantages and weaknesses, therefore it makes sense to consider the main details when choosing one or another fence.

Wooden fence

Often such fences are used around small buildings, which externally do not represent anything attractive. Such a fence can be done quickly and without any problems. It must be remembered that wood is often used as a separate component in concrete or brick fences, however, when using a tree, it will be very difficult to create something unique.



  • Cheap and affordable material.
  • Easy to create a fence.


  • Low durability.
  • The need for regular care.

It becomes clear that it is impossible to use wood structures as a full fence, especially if we have an attractive area and a solid house. If necessary, wooden fence can be a temporary solution.

Fence from professional flooring

It is no secret that professional flooring is used today in a huge amount of construction work. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is a practical material that can give odds to many classic construction solutions. The fence from the corrugated floor is also difficult to call full, however, if you wish, you can create an attractive externally fencing that will fit into the existing landscape.


  • A variety of professional flooring. On the market you can find dozens of types of professional flooring, so you can choose exactly the material of the material without any special problems, which will be the best suitable under the existing landscape. In addition, professional flooring can be obtained under the order, after analyzing the necessary dimensions and the appearance of the material.
  • A budget option. Profile sheets are fairly cheap, especially if you compare them with the cost of concrete, brick or metal. Accordingly, as we have said, you can easily get an attractive fence, while without spending a lot of money.
  • Practicality. Of course, professional flooring is a practical material that is used in a variety of building events. Accordingly, it can be used in a variety of projects related to fences. Accordingly, there will be no situations at which there is not enough any important detail or the component of the fence. Everything can be replaced by professional flooring.
  • Durability. The material in question is truly durable, and often it is that professional flooring does not lose its original appearance, as well as the most important characteristics for long years of operation. Often, manufacturers indicate that the durability sometimes reaches 30 years. Practice shows that it is not just empty words.


  • Appearance. Unfortunately, the fence from the professional flooring looks really not very presentable, so it is often installed as a temporary fence, or around small houses, where the beauty of the fence is not of particular importance. Of course, if you wish, you can easily make a fence attractive outwardly, but before other options for the fence it will be all far away.

Separately, I would like to note that often the professional flooring is combined with bricks, and this option is very solid, and it is suitable for most buildings.

Brick fence

If you need to build something, then the brick is often an indispensable building material, which will easily provide reliability and durability of the design being created. However, we will talk about all the features of this type of fence.

Hand-brick fence


  • High strength. Unlike the same professional flooring, as well as wood, brick is a truly durable and reliable material, which for decades will not be deformed (if no violations were allowed during its creation). Accordingly, if the fence is needed to create a kind of fortress, then the brick will be the best choice.
  • Attractive appearance. When creating a brick fence, you can use various types of material. Moreover, the decorative material is often involved, which will even hide those small flaws that were allowed when creating a fence. It all depends only on the desire and fantasy of the owners, as well as the possibilities. Most often, bricks of different colors or textures are used in the process of creating a fence.
  • Cleaning bricks. It is no secret that the fences need to be cleaned regularly or washed. In this case, the brick fence is easiest to get rid of pollution. You can use any rags, wash off the dirt with water under pressure. There are no restrictions, since the brick is durable, and it will not work damage.


  • Price issue. Again, if the material has many strengths, it means that he is expensive. This rule does not always work, but in the overwhelming number of cases. Thus, a brick fence is an expensive pleasure, especially if it fully consists of this material (without inserts of professional flooring or metal elements).
  • The need for foundation. The brick fence has an impressive weight, so if we are talking about creating such a fence, it will not work out without the foundation. Often the foundation for the fence is essential that it is used for full-fledged buildings, but still will have to work.

Metal grid fence

Recently, the fences from the metal grid were considerable popularity, and first of all it occurs because of the low value of the materials.



  • Reliability and durability. Metal grid is a reliable material that will easily serve for many years in a wide variety of conditions. Often, a thin mesh is used, which creates only the formal fencing of the territory.
  • Does not create a shadow. In a small summer cottage, it is important that the shadow from the fence does not interfere with mature various plant cultures. In this case, the metal grid does not create any interference, and this is definitely positive news for gardeners and gardeners.


  • Fencing function. Often, the hosts use a fence so that foreign people cannot look at them to the site. Metal grid is not able to hide the site, so passersby will see absolutely everything that happens there.

Concrete fence

Concrete facilities are unambiguous reliability and durability that does not have any other material. In the case of a fence, we can talk about the fill of full-fledged concrete structures, or on the use of concrete slabs.


  • Reliability and durability. Any concrete structures created by using quality resources are at least several decades, and you need to remember. No loads do not work on the fence, so there should be no special problems with the strength of the fence.
  • Options for concrete slabs. To date, there are many manufacturers who offer a huge number of concrete slabs. They may differ among themselves form, texture, color and other characteristics. It is most important to note that the owners often create personal orders, and their relevant companies are issued without any problems at its best.


  • The process of installing the fence. Obviously, it will be very difficult to carry out the installation of concrete slabs, therefore we are talking about attracting specialized equipment that will deliver the material to the right place, as well as install the plates at the desired point.

Creating a wooden fence in the country

On a small summer cottage, it is advisable to install a wooden fence. This process can be easily spent both with your own hands, and for this it often does not need helpers (if the fence is small).

The process of creating a wooden fence consists of the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to establish those boundaries in which the fence will be located. It is best to create a small markup so that in the future it was easy to navigate.
  • Next we will need a boring. There are drilling holes under the bearing pillars. The depth is often limited to 30 cm. The step between the pits is about 2.5 m.
  • Prepared earlier posts are placed in the pits. With the help of a building level, you need to verify the location of each column, since everything should be on the same line.
  • From the bottom and on top to the poles must be screwed using wooden bars (the dimensions of which about 50 x 50 mm). Immediately after that, the installation is accounted for.
  • To the created design, we carry out the fastening of edged boards. The distance between the wood elements should be limited to 2 cm (can and more - it all depends on the existing project). It should also be paid attention to a strict step between the boards.
  • Immediately after the completion of the last step, you can proceed to painting the fence or some other processing.

Separately, I would like to note that before using the wood, it is necessary to process it using funds against rotting. If this is not done, then the material will be in disrepair very quickly.

Creating your own handwriting hands

Recently, the hosts are increasingly using professional flooring in order to create full-fledged fences. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is a tremendous number of options for fences based on a corrugated floor, therefore it is advisable to use the Internet for the search for the best solutions.

  • As in the case of a wooden fence, recesses are created in the ground, their depth should be limited to 1.2 m.
  • The obtained recesses should be filled with gravel or rubble, but not completely, but only 25 cm (or less, depending on the depths of the holes).
  • Next, metal poles are installed in the pit. Their cross section should be at least 50x50 mm. It is most important with the help of the construction level to trace so that there is no slightest deviations from horizontal or verticality.
  • Now we need to use polished metal pipes, which will perform the function of transverse lag - about 3 units. It is important to observe an equal distance between metal elements.
  • Next, it is involved directly by professional flooring. You need to use screws as fasteners. When attaching it is important not to spoil the surface of the professional flooring, as the process of corrosion can begin, especially considering the fact that the material will be on the street in the rain.

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