plastic doors installation technology

January 22 Interior decoration, Construction Views 5862 Comments To the plastic doors Fitting Technology No

Despite the wide range of materials provided by the manufacturer of doors, often the preference of buyers get exactly plastic products. This market position is natural, because the characteristics of this material make it possible to implement any, even the most complex and innovative solutions Door configuration and decoration. But this is only one of a number of advantages.

Why choose plastic doors?


Note the main advantages of which depend on the reliability of the web and the duration of its operation:

  • material strength
  • Resistance to a different type of exposure to the external environment of chemical and mechanical nature
  • material lightness
  • The process of installing the plastic doors simple, fast and characterized by the highest possible purity
  • The multiplicity of variant configuration design and technical capabilities.

    Important! In addition, the plastic doors differ affordable price, much lower than the products from other materials with similar indicators of reliability.


How much does a plastic door?

plastic construction cost depends on the selected parameters of the main criteria:

  • leaf size and strength characteristics
  • profile quality
  • hardware manufacturer
  • additional equipment.

    Important! Please note that when ordering the manufacturer's firm plastic doors, the price of the product rises on average by a third of the amount. Given this fact and the technology of installation is quite affordable for an unprepared person, a rational economical solution will be the installation of a plastic door with their own hands.


How is the installation of plastic door?

The whole process consists of a sequence of a specific type of work:

  1. Preparing tools.
  2. Build door leaf.
  3. Preparation of the opening.
  4. Installation of doors.
  5. Adjustment and testing of the functionality of the finished design.

    Important! Before performing all the works, carefully read the installation instructions for plastic door. This approach will ensure the proper quality of the built-in finished design.3039_20130123144005_1_big

Tool preparation

To easily and quickly perform all the installation work on the inlet plastic door or interroom, prepare in advance all the necessary tools and materials.


Focus on the list below:

  • perforator
  • drill
  • building level
  • hammer with a round brick
  • pencil
  • nail-holder
  • saw
  • roulette
  • flat and semicircular chisel
  • mounting foam
  • sealant
  • polymer glue
  • pistol for foam and sealant
  • dowel, nails, selflessness
  • rubber white kiyanka
  • conductive and slotted screwdriver
  • knife assembly with retractable blade
  • wooden wedges
  • angle grinder
  • set of door details.


Build door web


  1. Check out carefully with the assembly scheme.
  2. Pre-assemble the box and internal web in accordance with the specified rules.
  3. At this stage, do not make reliable fasteners.
  4. Check out the opening direction.

    Important! For the correct installation, enlist the support of the minimum of 1 assistant in the process of performing all works. This will help save the accuracy of the parameters and avoid possible problems during operation due to the assigned errors during installation. vhodnye_gruppy.png.

Preparation of the doorway


  1. Pre-form the necessary dimensions of the opening.

    Important! For the correct installation, the parameters must exceed the size of the box by 10-20 mm. 1333540687_SAMUST-MVDEREI-2

  2. Build the threshold in accordance with the design, if you have chosen the design without it, and the design of space is made with regard to its presence.
  3. Clean the surface of the wall of the opening of all contaminants.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth installation location.
  5. Wait for drying surfaces.

plastic doors installation technology

Perform all work in the exact sequence set forth below:

  1. Insert the box into the opening. artc_10-03-10_3_mezhdveri
  2. Secure with wooden bars of the correct size. kak-ustanovit-mezhkomnatnye-dveri-4
  3. Check the evenness of the provisions of the design level.
  4. Puts bars on all sides to obtain the most correct position of the door. Ustanovka-dvernoy-korobki

    Important! Some instructions are recommendations for driving nails into the opening for pre-fixation of the box. The use of such technology is not quite appropriate, since if improperly performed, will lead to deformation of the box and opening. The above method is more accurate and will not cause such serious problems that will stand the accuracy of the parameters and set the door properly.

  5. Make the layout of fixtures on the profile.
  6. Standard parameters of the distance between fasteners:
    • 15 cm from the corners
    • 30 cm length of the side
  7. Drill holes in the ground of alleged mounts through the profile of the box into the wall.

    Important! The initial depth of the probe openings are not more than 2/3 of the length of the proposed fasteners.

  8. Check the evenness of the provisions of the door level. UrovenProkladka3
  9. Drill full depth of the hole for fixing a drill bit of smaller diameter (e.g., if initially used 11-millimeter, take 9-10 millimeter for final drilling).
  10. Set additional backup of wooden bars, surrounded by places of fastening.
  11. Drive the dowels and screw the screws.

    Important! To get the most reliable fastening apply under the bonnet of each screw before installing sealant. This will provide a solid grip and eliminate roll doors during operation.

  12. Cut off the protruding part of the saw wedges.
  13. Treat all the gaps with foam. 9
  14. Wait until completely dry.

    Important! Note that the standard period of drying - a day. Carefully read the instructions on the bottle to pinpoint the break.

  15. Cut off the excess foam exactly along the lines of the box. sam_5335
  16. Mount the frame slopes.
  17. Fill the interior of the slope selected heater.
  18. Secure the top frame decorative building panel with screws or polymer adhesive.
  19. Put the door on the loop. 4817_Flat2.

Adjusting and checking doors functionality

Do not skip the process of checking the functioning of the door and its individual items.

  1. Pay attention to the following nuances:
    • Fiction density
    • The equality of the situation
    • The smoothness of the stroke when opening and closing
    • Lack of violin
    • Working condition of handles
    • Functionality of locks.
  2. Correct each identified defect, sealing or weakening the fastening of the bolts. rEG-OKON.


  3. Close the door and exclude operation throughout the day.
  4. Check the quality of the installed installation.
  5. Correct when deficing deficiencies.


Additional equipment

Additional equipment includes door closers. They are not a mandatory component of the configuration, but are increasingly popular. Their main purpose is to regulate the opening speed, closing, the ability to leave the door open at a given distance.


Make the choice of a suitable type yourself based on personal preferences. Installation Perform exactly respecting the instruction rules.


Review the applied video installation of the plastic door, to more clearly understand the entire sequence of actions.


As you have already been convinced, in the process of owning a plastic door, there is no inspirple work. The main requirement is to comply with the accuracy of the specified parameters, to control them on time and use quality materials. Such an approach will provide long-term operation without the need for repair and will significantly save on the installation process.


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