Make a frame for the ceiling under plasterboard

October 7. Repair and construction work Views 1679. Comments Record Make a frame for ceiling under plasterboard No

When repairing the ceiling in houses, the modern finishes, such as stretch and suspended structures, are increasingly choosing. Private companies offer the services of the rapid construction of both species, but the second decision is quite feasible.


In drywall structures, the main task is to correctly perform the sided ceiling frame. On this important issue it is worth stopping in more detail.

Possible solutions


There are two options for performing a task that differ in the materials used:

  1. Design of wood.
  2. Profile system.

The second solution has become popular thanks to many advantages, they include:

  • availability of component elements;
  • convenience in work;
  • reliability of the finished design.

Required resources potolki-Iz-Gipsokartona-Kuhonnye

Before making a frame for ceilings, you need to prepare all components:

  • guide ceiling profile (27x28 mm). It is attached to the walls at the stage of creating a surface level;
  • ceiling profile (60x27 mm). It is distinguished by hard shelves and the presence of longitudinal grooves;
  • direct suspensions that have a p-shaped form. This perforated element takes all the load of the design, so that the frame is securely secure;
  • crabs required to create rigid nodes when connecting laid profiles;
  • selfless.

It is worth noting that a completely different profile is used for the frame under the stretch ceiling, the so-called baguette. In this case, the frame for a drywall ceiling is erected using the following hardware:

  • when the profiles are compounded with each other, screws for metal 3.5x9.5 mm are used;
  • installation of drywall is carried out with products 3.5x25 mm;
  • the mounting of the elements to the wall and the ceiling is carried out by dowels with a diameter of 6 mm.

Construction of the carcass


The work consists of stages:

  • markings;
  • fastening guides;
  • suspension installations;
  • installation of longitudinal profiles and across.

At the very beginning of the process, the surface preparation may be needed. This applies to all cases, even if the framework is erected under the ceiling of plastic or panels. For example, if the old layer of finishes disappears or there are cracks and potholes - large flaws of the surface need to be eliminated or strengthened.

Space markup

When marking, first determine the height on which the ceiling level drops. It depends on the planned engineering networks. If you need to hide only the wiring, then the difference with the basis will be insignificant. But in the presence of air ducts worth considering the dimensions of their cross section.

When marking, you need to have with you:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pencil.

Immediately determine the lowest angle in the room, on it are farther oriented when the ceiling level is selected. In this place, the height of the interporal space is delayed and the horizontal lines of the pencil are carried out. It is important to know that the minimum value is 60 mm, then the necessary wiring is placed inside the design.

Next, the location of the longitudinal profiles is determined. To do this, from the wall near the window, points are noted with a frequency of 600 mm, through which parallel lines are carried out. Such a distance is required due to the standard dimensions of plasterboard (3x1.2 m). Sheets when installed should be based on three longitudinal profiles - along the edges and middle.

Fastening elements


First work with guides, for this, in the profile, drill holes for fastenings. Some manufacturers, for example, Knauff provides products ready for work. In this case, the holes are located on the bar at a distance of 25 cm. The profile is attached to the wall with a dowel, so you need to drill places in the wall for their location. It will only be left to fasten the guides with self-drawers with a frequency of 50 cm - the basis of the basis is ensured.

Then install direct suspensions, they must be located on the previously battered lines under the longitudinal profile. It is necessary to drill holes in the ceiling for dowels and secure the suspensions with self-draws at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The edges of the suspension bend on special lines.

The ceiling profile is screwed to the installed suspension. To do this, it is crushed into guides and fixed, only then fasten to fastening elements. For convenience, cut off the profile is not exactly accurately in the size of the room, but for half a centimeter less. With a lack of length, extension are making, for which they cut off the desired piece, insert it into the main profile and fasten with self-draws. It is important to leave for at least 3 cm.

To create a rigid design, it requires crossbars that are inserted between longitudinal ribs. The number of desired elements is 6-7 pieces per plasterboard leaf 3 m long. In this case, two crossings should fall at the joint of two adjacent sheets, the rest are evenly distributed over the surface.

When crossing the elements, you need to use crabs, they provide stiffness and strength of the compounds. For this profile, they are joined perpendicularly, then fastened with self-draws.

Recommendations of specialists

To obtain a good result, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • all work is carried out strictly by level, before fixing the item, check the correctness of the position;
  • to accommodate all the bands in one horizontal plane of the wizard, stretch the thread between two longitudinal guides;
  • do not harm a lot of profile in advance, because the distances between the walls can differ significantly, so it is better to double the desired length;
  • for fastening of drywall, a screwdriver is used with a special nozzle, which does not allow self-refuses to deep into the material.

The frame for multi-level ceiling continues after the base is trimmed. One nuance - the first level height can be 25 mm. After the construction of such a basis, a second level is built, which, as a rule, only part of the ceiling occupies. It is designed to create a decorative effect, so all communications are mounted in the base part of the structure.

Start work with the definition of the drawing borders, for this use in advance made patterns. If the ceiling with a circular niche is erected, the boundaries are applied by a special circulation. To do this, the center is inserted into the center and stretch the wire, and wipe the circle. montazh-MnogouRovnevyh-Potolkov-Potolkov-Iz-Gipsok-600x450

According to the resulting circuits, the UD profile is fastened, it is pre-extinguished with cuts of side sides. The planks are fixed in the location of the base level ceiling elements. Next along the perimeter of the walls, the guides are placed and insert a profile that are attached to the cross-coordinates of the first level through plasterboard. The same actions are necessary when erecting the third level.

Wood - simple option

The suspended ceiling on the wooden frame is also very popular, especially if the wizard has a lot of dry bar. The main rule when choosing this option - the use of dried wood. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy in the store, because after the construction of the frame, the material will begin to dry and deform.

The paper will require the following tool:

  • perforator;
  • level;
  • pencil, roulette, square;
  • saw;
  • electrolovka.

The entire process of construction of the wooden ceiling frame is similar to working with profiles, all the same actions. Initially, the timber is fixed throughout the perimeter, then the longitudinal and transverse strips are noted and assemble. Fixed wood among themselves nails and metal corners.

Make an independently simple suspended construction is simple enough, you just need to carefully follow the recommendations. A little different principle of working with a frame for the ceiling Armstrong, but also this task is fulfilled.

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