Cheap foundation with your own hands

September 10. Repair and construction work, Construction, Foundation Views 826. Comments to record cheap foundation with your own hands No

Recently, the most relevant are the construction that do not require extensive costs. Often we are talking about inexpensive materials, as well as structures that allow saving resources.

If you need to build a structure, then the most important thing is the foundation. Many specialists note that, despite all the possibilities to save, the foundation of the house should be durable, reliable and simply durable. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there is a situation in which small structures exceedly exist on simplified foundations. Accordingly, the savings are not at all a good option, which will definitely be no problem.

You need to save with the mind, and this is obvious with any scenarios. This article discovers the foundations for small frequent houses that you can argue with your own hands. However, the savings associated with the creation of the foundation will be limited to choosing the most advantageous type of base. Accordingly, it will only be necessary to take the least costly in terms of money, and apply it for a construction project.

In this material, we will consider the most optimal options related to the creation of a foundation for small houses. It will be the most faithful solution at the very beginning of building events.

Features of savings on the foundation

To begin with, it is necessary to understand that choosing one or another economical (in terms of money) The type of foundation for the structure is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It is often impossible at all, since the design, for example, may not correspond to the existing situation with the soil. In addition, it may be groundwater, which significantly affect the operation of structures. It is about what to do some conclusions associated with the choice of foundation can only after the surround analysis.

There are special services that hold relevant events and represent the report to the owners of the territory. Of course, it will have to pay certain money for it, but you need to understand that it will not do without it and it will not work at all. In most cases, if there are already some buildings on the territory, additional activities on the analysis of the site should not be carried out.

The main savings, as we have already said, should be in small volumes of materials used. In addition, you should not forget about the overall laboriousness of the work. In the event that various machines and other mechanisms are required to create a foundation, then these are huge money that is better not to waste.

First of all, it should be noted that often specialists celebrate a column foundation as the most inexpensive option for a small structure. This is true, if we are talking about creating a private house, which does not require any monolithic base. First of all, we will consider this base.


Creating a cheap bondage

First, I would like to note the pros and cons of this foundation.


  • Cheapness. This is exactly what we need. Obviously, the main component of the design is pillars that deepen into the ground and create a fairly reliable base for a small home. Of course, it is impossible to call an accurate figure associated with material costs, however the situation is in such a way that against the background of other types of columnar foundation is essentially cheaper.
  • Practicality. Practice shows that it is not much time to create such a base. First of all, this is due to the use of ready-made building solutions that are simply located in the right places. This is a clear advantage against the background of the same belt foundation, which is filled with concrete, after which a long period of hardening is happening.
  • Use on various soils. As we have said, often there are soils that are distinguished by some problems. It can be soil sewage, groundwater and many other aspects that significantly affect building structures. In turn, the column foundation is fairly easy to cope with all the problems that are available at the soil.


  • Lack of basement. Many people who are engaged in the construction of their own private houses, almost always plan to create a basement, or just a cellar. It is really convenient, especially the owners who have a garden. In the cellar store the crop is really convenient. In the case of a column foundation, it will not be possible to implement something like this, so you need to look for some other options, or do not save on the foundation at all.
  • Construction scale. As we have already spoken, a column foundation is although it differs in strength, but it can only be used for small structures. Accordingly, it can be created under small private houses, as well as for various economic structures. In this case, it will not be possible to save significantly.
  • Deformation. It is known that the column foundation is often horizontally moved. The situation is in such a way that even minimal deformations of this kind can significantly affect the overall situation associated with the operation of the structure. If we are talking about a small house, then special problems may not be at all, but the deformations can always increase, as well as create more large-scale problems.

If you speak directly about the construction of such a foundation, it is worth paying attention to the building standards that exist for many years. For example, you should pay attention to SNiP 3.02.01-87 and SP 24.13330.2011. Of course, many owners create foundations for their own considerations, however, it is often the useful information necessary for obtaining a qualitative result.


The process of creating foundation

  • Preparatory work. Specialists are confident that it is the preparation and preliminary assessments related to the creation of the foundation turn out to be the most important. Thus, you need to make a markup of the site, where the poles and other components of the design will be located. Often, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil - up to 30 cm. It will also be necessary to create a plan (if it was not before), which includes the base design.
  • Making holes. It all depends on the scale of construction. For example, if the pits are big, and in general there are many of them, it is definitely worth attracting special techniques. Next, if the depth of the holes will be less than 1 meter, then you should not expect from the miracle design. The base should be durable and reliable. It is important to note that we must have dimensions of future columns, and the recess should be 30 cm deeper than their length. As for the width of the holes, it is most often created a little larger diameter so that you can easily fill the space with various fillers, designed to strengthen the design.
  • Reinforcement. It is obvious that at least half of the success depends on the reinforcement. Accordingly, if the pillars are created directly on the site, by filling the concrete, it will be necessary to purchase high-quality reinforcement. Specialists advise placing reinforcement along the poles. The diameter of the rods of the reinforcement should be about 12 cm. The number of rods used depends directly from the scale of construction work. You will also need to tie pillars with paintwork so that in the end it turned out a single durable design.
  • Pour construction. Next, there is a mixing of concrete, which will be filled with the design. It is worth paying attention to the fact that construction products already released and already released, so reinforcement and fill here are clearly not to the place.
  • Separately, I would like to say a few words about the waterproofing of the foundation. This is an extremely important question, since the moisture often creates too negative conditions for the base, and after some time the situation will only worsen if it does not interfere in time. Accordingly, experts advise the use of various mastic, as well as rubberoids and numerous stroke materials. It should be borne in mind that today the range of this product is simply colossal, so choose the most suitable material - will not be difficult.
  • Well, at the very end it follows a turn of the creation of paintwork. This is a kind of monolithic belt, due to which the base of the construction will be even more durable and reliable. Here the process is similar to what we have during the creation of a ribbon foundation. A formwork is created that would cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe base, after which the assembly of fittings should be. It is that the reinforcement here needs to be given as much attention as possible so that the final result does not definitely disappointed. Immediately after the fill with the concrete mixture is performed, you can start the installation of slabs of the overlap.

This basis, as specialists noted, is almost perfect for bath buildings. It is about a sufficiently successful design associated with the specifics of the operation of the bath. However, for this you need to take into account the numerous features of the concrete structure in order to extract the maximum benefit from the existing conditions.


Cheap foundation from concrete blocks

Surely, many have heard that concrete blocks are increasingly used, from which you can create a fairly reliable and durable foundation. Practice shows that there is a sense to use such a base, but this is not always financially profitable.

First of all, it is worth understanding that this foundation is a construction, which takes a minimum of time and forces. Accordingly, it does not need to pour the structure of the structure, you do not need to create a formwork, or carry out other activities that require a huge amount of time. It is enough to purchase the desired number of blocks and properly place them on the site.

As for the price issue, as this article is about saving on creating a foundation, it is worth it in mind that the cost of block foundation may be the most diverse. Fortunately, there are options that will allow some savings. These are the most common concrete blocks that have fixed dimensions and a certain list of characteristics. It should be recognized that today there are really expensive blocks for the foundation. These are products that are created with pre-optimal characteristics for certain conditions.

Characteristics of concrete blocks

  • Frost resistance. This is an important aspect that belongs to concrete blocks. In conditions of harsh cold weather, the frost resistance of the material should be high, otherwise the blocks will quickly come into disrepair. Obviously, it will have to additionally pay for this so that the base be pleased with its resistance to not the most optimal conditions.
  • Dimensions. It all depends on what will be built. If this is a small country house, it definitely should look at small concrete blocks. For large houses, it is advisable to choose large blocks on the basis of which the building process will pass as quickly as possible and without problems. It is important to pay attention to the fact that large blocks for small structures may not come across the dimensions, but to make a cutting of massive concrete products - will not work.
  • Granite crushed stone. This resource must be present in concrete blocks, which significantly increases the durability of the foundation to acidic soil. Often this advantage is relevant.
  • Load. If we are talking about the boundary load, it is an extremely important aspect that indicates the possibility of the founding to withstand the colossal weight of the house. To begin with, it is worth noting that the construction should be created before the construction, as well as various calculations that allow you to install whether the specific material for the structure will be suitable. Blocks must correspond to the same boundary load that the structure creates.


The process of creating a block foundation

  • It all begins with the markup of the territory. Here, as in the case of the past base, it is necessary to draw the boundaries of the base and make some conclusions. As we have already mentioned, despite the presence of the plan, as well as some other data necessary for construction work, the site may have some problems. For example, it may be some kind of object, due to which construction work will be extremely difficult. Before the start of the main work, lead the territory in order. Also for successful marking of the territory should be placed in the corners of the plot of metal pegs and pull the rope between them.
  • It will also be necessary to remove the top layer of the soil, or simply create a sufficiently deep hole. It depends on what the foundation will be, and under what structure it will be all will be created. For each territory, this value can be different, so you should navigate a little on this issue and work is most successful.
  • Well, now the creation of a foundation begins directly. The whole process of building the foundation consists of laying blocks. It can be noted that this process is similar to brickwork, however, in the case of blocks, some deviations from the horizontal and vertical can be, as well as certain gaps. Despite this, in the process, the cement mortar should be used as efficiently as possible, closeing even minimal emptiness and gaps that are available between blocks.
  • It is also important to ensure high-quality waterproofing, which will allow you to get rid of the negative impact of moisture and groundwater.

Separately, it is worth noting that on the basis of concrete blocks, both a ribbon foundation can be created and a bar base. Practice shows that this selection depends only on the existing conditions, as well as on the preferences of the owners who wish to create an inexpensive and reliable construction design. It should be understood that sometimes it is better to overpay and create grounds using familiar to all designs.


It is also worth mentioning about the minuses of block foundations:

  • Price issue. Practice shows that they have some savings, creating a foundation based on concrete blocks, is not always obtained. Moreover, sometimes costs are also high if it is large-scale construction. Accordingly, it makes sense to use blocks only within small projects where the minimum number of construction products is required.
  • Seams between blocks. This is a serious question that often has a tremendous effect on the construction design. The thing is that creating ideal seams is extremely rare, especially on a large scale, when such seams are at least several hundred. Accordingly, if there are some flaws associated with voids or cracks, gradually the moisture will begin their "dirty", and the rot is tightened later. Thus, do not forget about waterproofing, which is best to use at the very beginning of the process and hide all flaws.

If we consider all the shortcomings of the design, and also pay attention to the strengths of this building solution, you can get a really high-quality result in which the foundation will last for many years.

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