Cleaning and whitewashing of trees in autumn

July 17th Plot. Views 3407 Comments recording Cleaning and whitewashing of trees in autumn No

It's nice to come in the summer to the country, and with delight to enjoy all the beauty that nature gives. Even more fun will take the constant contemplation of the local area cottage all year round. Especially, if this beauty is also accompanied by a lot of effort.


Any owner of his own land wants it was not just ennobled, but drew their comfort and well-groomed. Garden arrangement as well as possible contributes to this result, but it is absolutely necessary to proper care. One of the most important stages - Autumn cleaning and whitewashing of trees.


Why whiten the trees?


On time, the measures taken will help protect fruit and decorative trees from different adverse environmental influences. Seasonal Teaches will help avoid such problems:

When exactly make cleaning and blotching trees?


The best period for cleaning is the month for the cleaning month. But if you take note that over the past few years, the climate of our country has changed significantly, focus on the weather. The ideal option will be the period immediately before the onset of the first frosts.

Features of protective prevention of trees


So that your work is not in vain, read in advance with the rules for the implementation of preventive measures. Perform work in the planned sequence proposed below:

  1. Preparation of plant barrels for processing.
  2. Selection of suitable time and weather conditions for processing.
  3. Determination of the corresponding composition of the solution and the technology of its preparation.

The procedure for applying whitewashing on trunks.

Important! Consider, on how correctly you will conduct plant preparation for the winter and choose the whores for trees, largely depends on their longevity and health.


How to prepare plants to whitewash?

Preparation of trees to protective processing occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Cleaning the tree from spoiled bark.
  2. Antibacterial mixture.
  3. Treatment of wounds on the trunk. 00062401


  1. Carefully hands remove all particles of spoiled bark, moss and lichens.

    Important! Do this without using any tools made of metal or plastic. They most likely will damage the wood. To perform cleaning inside the cracks is permissible to use only the sharpened thin sticks or wood chips. View offers video, which clearly shows how to perform this care work.

  2. Cook the mixture for disinfection.
  3. Pour the liquid in the sprayer bottle or prepare the brush out of the grass and thin branches easily bendable.
  4. Apply a thin layer of solution on the trunk and lower branches.
  5. Make sure that the mixture does not leak to the upper shoots and seeped down the trunk. s640x480

How to prepare a disinfectant solution?

Today developed many recipes for disinfecting mixture. From the options below to select the one that fits your financial possibilities and it seems the least labor-intensive, but effective.


Method 1

Non-metallic components of the mixture do so:

  1. Not boiling, heat 10 liter of water.
  2. Dissolve 50 g of soap.
  3. 3.2 kg of fly ash pass through a sieve.
  4. Add the soap solution.

Carefully stir.

Important! Before you use the solution, allow to cool until warm.


Method 2.

Prepare a solution, based on copper is used, the following recipe:

  • 0.6 kg of powdered copper sulfate;
  • 20 liters of water.

    Important! Before applying make sure that the powder is completely dissolved.

Method 3.

Use drugs Specialty destination:

  1. Oksihom.
  2. Hom.
  3. Abig peak.

Important! With extreme precision follow all the recommendations for the preparation of a mixture according to package directions.


method 4

Use iron sulfate in the proposed concentration below:

  • 0.6 kg powder;
  • 10 liters of water.

Important! It is advisable to alternate not less than once a year, the treatment composition. Ignoring this recommendation will lead to accumulation in the cortex iron, copper and other components that were manufactured protective mixture. This will contribute to the development of diseases in trees and adversely affect the quality of the fruit.


How to treat wounds on the trunks of fruit trees?

If during cleaning or you found yourself accidentally caused serious damage, Heal them by such means:

  • "RanNet";
  • own kneaded mixture of fatty rock clay, straw, cattle manure;
  • cooked with its own hands from fat, wax bees and rosifers.

Important! Gently apply one of the selected solutions to the location of damage.

                                                                            Olympus Digital Camera.

What to choose a selection solution?

Choose the composition of the blots is as simple as they apply it. To determine the option, be sure to consider such factors:

  • tree age;
  • type of plant.

Important! Do not ignore the councils of specialists in the field of gardening, they will quickly prompt the right decision.


Types of solutions for plating trees in the garden


Recipe 1.

This option is suitable exclusively for non-blocking trees. It consists in the use of white acrylic paint, the main quality of which is resistance.

Important! When processing paint whitewash, trees are performed only a year later.

Recipe 2.

  • 400 g of copper mood;
  • 100 g of casein glue;
  • 2 kg of hazed lime;
  • 10 liters of water. maxResDefault

Recipe 3.

  • 1 kg of lime;
  • 200 g powdered copper sulfate;
  • 1 kg humus;
  • 8 liters of water.

Recipe 4.

  • 1 kg of fatty clay;
  • 250 g of copper mood;
  • 1 kg humus;
  • 2 kg of hazed lime;
  • 10 liters of water. whitewash

Important! During the selection of the recipe we advise you to prefer the mixture, which includes vegetable and more natural substances. Consider the concentration of the solution for young trees will be much weaker, especially those in which there are lime.


Cooking technology whitewings

  1. Take the desired number of components.
  2. Use only one measure to not disrupt the proportion.
  3. Accordingly, add all components.
  4. Stir.
  5. Rate the quality of the cooked solution:
    • the presence of lumps;
    • the resulting mass resembles liquid dough. izvest
  6. Give the solution for 3 hours.

    Important! Browse the video in which the example of the preparation of the womb is presented with your own hands.

How to play trees?

This procedure is pretty simple.


Strictly indicates all recommendations and you will definitely achieve a positive result without harmful to trees:

  1. Depending on the height of a certain tree, adjust the height of the deposit. Often the indicator does not exceed 150-170 cm together with the lower branches of the skeleton.
  2. Use only a wide brush with a mild pile. Such a tool will be able to easily and evenly apply the mixture, and will also allow to process all the slots.
  3. Do not allow the thickness of the coating layer more than 2-3 mm, otherwise, as a result, it will provoke the appearance of cracks and sprinkle.
  4. The protective layer should be bright white. If it became gray, repeat all manipulations again. 00061923

    Important! Browse the video example of deposits to the trees, after familiarization with which you will not have any questions on the technology of the procedure.


The whole process of caring for trees will not be particular difficulties, but takes a lot of time. Remember, processing garden trees can not be postponed for a long time, regardless of how much you preferred for growing. Moreover, they are always susceptible to environmental and insects. Otherwise, they can lose all their well-kept views and attractiveness for the next season.

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