How to build a children's game complex in the country

May 26. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3419. Comments To record How to build a children's game complex in the country area No

Of course, rest at the cottage with a child is always fun and interesting, the sea of \u200b\u200bnew impressions and joy for the younger generation. Especially if parents take care of the right organization of such leisure. For example, they will be built a playground in the country area. This can be done with your own hands from any girlfriend. At the same time, a child who will be delighted with such an idea can be attracted to such a session. So, let's find out how to build a children's game complex in the country area further.

Preparatory work

If you firmly decided to please our own child with a children's playing complex in the country area, then before proceeding directly to the work itself, it is necessary to decide in advance with some major details.

  • First, with the location of this object. It is best for this quiet cozy corner near the house, which will be well viewed from the windows where enough sun and at the same time shadows, as well as smaller drafts. It can be the backyard behind the house or a small plot near the garden, best of all from the south side. If the sun can be avoided, you can provide a special awning.


  • Secondly, it is important to decide what exactly you can see your game complex, from which it should consist of taking into account the age and interests of the child. Most often, children's gaming complexes include a sandbox, several swings, horizons and stairs, slides, etc. It is best to make an approximate layout of each individual part.


  • Thirdly, at the preparation stage, it is necessary to decide from what you will make the playground. For example, you can purchase a tree for this or in order to save the use of infirm materials that can be found in any garage or in the courtyard: old furniture, automotive tires, plastic bottles, etc. The main thing is that these materials meet the requirements of safety and strength, not forgetting that this object will be built.

Creating a game complex for children

Pre-occupy a certain work plan, you can proceed to the process of creating a game complex for children.


The sandbox is perhaps the simplest and most popular element that is present in the playgrounds. It is especially useful for those who have small children under the age of seven. Make a sandbox quite just almost from any materials: wooden boards, logs, plastic, old tractor tires, etc.


  • On her bottom, the slot is the oilcloth or nonwoven material so that the sand is not mixed with the ground, and after being poured preferably small and well-sashed sand.
  • Another mandatory element is a roof or a canopy, under which children will be able to hide from the sun during the game.
  • And from the imperfect guests in the form of cats, it is best to provide a lid or a lid, which you can close the sand overnight.



Swing is interesting to children of any age. They can be the most diverse, but the main thing that should combine them is the strength of fasteners and maximum safety, taking into account the weight of children.

  • The simplest swings are a seat that is attached to the crossbar located at an altitude of more than 2.5 meters, with a solid linen or hemp rope, as well as metal chains, cables, etc.
  • As a crossbar, a thick horizontal tree branch can serve or a special metallic or wooden frame that needs to be worn into the ground.


  • The seat can be made of wood, plastic and other material.
  • For children younger age category swing should be low with the back and with front protection.
  • Finished swing is better to experience their own weight in advance.

Gorki, labyrinths, "Lazinki"

In addition to the sandbox and swing, a children's game complex can be diversified with all sorts of slides, lazzicles, labyrinths, sports shells and other game elements that were interesting to a specific child.

  • The main requirement is safety, so they should not have protruding bolts and sharp corners. If it is a slide, then it should be with rounded bottom and sides.
  • The younger child, the lower the hill.



Own small house at the cottage is the dream of every child, with any age. Thus, he may feel its independence and at the same time retire if necessary. The house can have a different design, shape, size.


  • It can be placed on a tree, attaching a staircase or put on the ground, decorating beautiful shutters and doors.
  • Adventure lovers will be delighted with their own pirate ship or rocket. The main thing is to show fantasy in the process of work.



In addition to the game elements, the playground requires a high-quality coating, on which not only the appearance of such an object depends, but also the safety of the child during the game.

  • Before arboring the children's game complex, the surface of the site under it must be thoroughly aligned.
  • An ideal coating in terms of trauma safety can be considered a soft carpet from grass, which is specially sown in the gaming area.
  • The lack of such a coating is the need for a constant haircut.


  • Another option is an artificial rolled lawn or rubber coating, which is distinguished by durability and unpretentious care.



About how you can make your own hands a children's game complex at the cottage can be found in the video:

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