Tool overview for painting: rollers, brushes, paintopult

July 21 Instruments Views 3702 1 comment to record Review of tools for painting: brush, roller, spray gun

Painting is always the most popular choice of decorative finishing of various surfaces. Quality work will ensure continuous operation and preservation of the attractiveness of the coating. To achieve such a result, it is required not only to choose a quality paint, but also the right painting tools.

Types of painting tools for painting


At present, there are 3 main types of tools for painting:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • gun.

Important! Before you buy a tool for painting, carefully read the below set out the characteristics of each application and features.



This painting tools are always in demand for various works.




Species series, presented by the current market is very wide, so the main determining criteria are such indicators:

  1. Type of bristles. For manufacturing brushes using natural bristles and synthetic materials:
    • nylon;
    • polyester;
    • natural hair.
  2. Pile length. pOST-83901-1367311622.

Advantages of use

  • the ability to create a smooth and relief coating;
  • brush - the only tool with which one can embody the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bany complexity;
  • the ideal texture of the coating without flaws;
  • the ability to carefully cry the surface, even if there are irregularities and other defects;
  • lightweight tool;
  • careful drawing of the smallest detail of the pattern. 1289537141d8ii.


  • labor consumption;
  • not always easy to use, especially if necessary surface treatment at height;
  • the minimum seizure of the area for one smear.


What works to apply?

The ideal option will be the use of a brush in such cases:

  • the design of the coating using several colors;
  • the need to draw complex patterns;
  • creation of the effect of embossed coating;
  • small processing area.


What to pay attention to when choosing?

In order to paint the brush to become simple, choose correctly choose the appropriate type of brush, based on the type of paint solution:

  1. Oil and alkyds Apply a painting tool with a natural or artificial pile.
  2. Latex and acrylic compositions are acceptable to use only brushes with synthetic bristles.
  3. The maximum smooth coating will ensure the use of the tool, the ends of the pile on which are split.
  4. Careful surface procession is easier to achieve if the central bristles are longer than the extreme.
  5. The ratio of the length and width of the pile is a minimum of 1.5: 1.



Features of operation

There are some recommendations that will greatly simplify the process of painting with a brush. Carefully read them before proceeding with the performance of work:

  1. Prepare brushes in advance, flushing with soap water and drying.

    Important! Such a procedure will not only give the necessary rigidity of the brush and the integrity of the beam of the pile, but also will make it possible to naturally remove dust and broken bristles.


  2. The uniformity of dye distribution brush can reach it to repeated wetting in the solution and wiping when cranking of the internal wall of the cans.
  3. During the shallow lower the brush in the paint, do not wipe, and lightly, flick it on the edge of the jar or other container - this will ensure an even distribution of the hair solution.
  4. When painting the wood do recent strokes in the direction of the fibers, to reduce expression of brush marks in the future.
  5. After completion of work, remove the remaining paint from the pile with a spatula, brush, wipe, wash with solvent and dry thoroughly outdoors.




View offers a video review of a paint brush, in order to clearly understand all of the distinctive features of each type and choose the most appropriate tool for the painting.


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Roller apply for work in all areas of design and its popularity is largely superior to the brush. Especially its device are as follows:

  • frame and handle portion of the dye is made into a cylindrical shape made of wood, plastic or aluminum;
  • top dressed carcass necessarily directly operating part - coat of soft material;
  • handle length is adjustable additional attachment.


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Today's manufacturers offer a wide range of rollers. The first distinctive feature is the size:

  • mini;
  • midi;
  • standard.


Another criterion for classification of these tools for painting walls and other surfaces - purpose:

Depending on the material used for the manufacture of fur coats, rollers distinguish the following types:

  1. With synthetic fibers made of:
    • foam;
    • polyacrylic;
    • polyester;
    • vestal;
    • polyamide. Malyarnyie-Valiki1.
  2. With a natural pile:
    • goat fur;
    • rubber;
    • fur Lama;
    • velours;
    • felt;
    • mohair. valik + Valik + Malyarnij + Valik + Prizhimnoj + Malyarnie + Instrumenti + 43873237788
      Important! When choosing tools for painting walls, certainly consider the surface area and base material to ensure the maximum long-term use of one roller.



  1. The convenience of use.
  2. A fairly large seizure of the surface for one rolling, adjustable width of the selected tool for painting.
  3. A light weight.
  4. Low price.
  5. The ability to quickly make the pattern of large sizes through stencil or create a textured surface.
  6. The rate of decorative coating.
  7. The ability to easily and without much effort to perform work on the surface with any location due to the presence of an additional extension nozzle on the handle. 1_206

Important! As a disadvantage, we note the quick wear of the tool fur coat, which, if necessary, the fulfillment of regular or large-scale work will require additional financial expenses. In addition, the roller is impossible to neatly and qualitatively cry the narrow parts of the surface, protrusions and angles, therefore, this volume is performed only by a brush.

Application area



The roller is the usual and most convenient tool for performing decorative painting in the following cases:

  • large surface area;
  • facade work;
  • decoration of ceilings, walls, floors;
  • performing simple works with independent arrangement of your own home.

What to check when buying?



After deciding with a specific type of roller, be sure to pay attention to the length of the sofa of the fur coat. Note the following recommendations in this regard:

  1. Roller with a short pile is suitable only for smooth surfaces from the following materials:
    • metal;
    • stripped wood;
    • plastic.
  2. Long bristle tool Use for painting rough surfaces:
    • relief grounds;
    • the surfaces are erected from materials with mineral components. valik + Valik + Malyarnij + Valik + Prizhimnoj + Malyarnie + Instrumenti + 89921603508

Important! With respect to the type of material used for the manufacture of a fur coat, stick to the same rules that are above the brushes. A distinctive nuance in this respect - velor and polyamide, the use of which is considered universal, that is, suitable for all types of solutions.

Features of operating technology



Required when choosing a roller and in the process of using it, consider the following nuances:

  1. Natural fur allows you to score more paint for one macania, but the duration of its operation is less.
  2. If you prefer not to universal options, do not use one tool for differential paints, even in case of careful pre-washing in the solvent.
  3. Before using the roller, roll it out to soften the pile and ensure good absorption.
  4. When dippeding in the paint, also slightly ride the palm tool to remove the excess and evenly distribute the solution on the surface of the coat.
  5. When changing the color, ride the roller over the pallet with the next tint until the splashes of the previous flaper disappear. valik + Valik + Malyarnij + Valik + Prizhimnoj + Malyarnie + Instrumenti + 8288390556


Review the interesting video about how it is made by painting rollers to more clearly understand exactly how to choose a quality tool.



Kraspopult - a modern advanced tool for painting. It was developed relatively recently, but immediately got widespread and today is a pretty popular adaptation, especially among professional builders.

Important! The main advantage of such an appliance is wide possibilities of application, regardless of the scale of the project.



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The two main types of paint sprayers, determining the criterion of which the device of the mechanism serves:

  1. Electrical models. Painting to the surface for finishing is carried out using the built-in pump. Such devices are beneficially distinguished by the following advantages:
    • simplicity;
    • compact sizes.
      Important! The ideal solution is to buy a spray gun to perform repair work as part of private cottage construction. 269469
  2. Pneumatic tools. Such devices are most often used by professionals, as it requires a thorough choice of a suitable mechanism device, in particular compressor, depending on the intended direction of work, and skills in operating technology. 1362401239_pnevmaticheskij-kraskopult


  • the speed of decorative coating, even with a large base area;
  • the convenience of use;
  • uniform application of the layer;
  • quality of coating. PT-0219.800x600.


  • need to access the electrical network;
  • expensive value of the instrument;
  • need for maintenance skills;
  • some models create a noise effect during operation;
  • no ability to perform an ornamental pattern. pnevmopistolet-Miol-S-Verkhnim-Bakom-HVLP-SINIJ-1-4MM! LARGE

Features of operation

To make a decision, whether to buy a paintopult, read some distinctive rules for its operation:

  1. Before use, be sure to check the purity of the collapse.
  2. Rinse it with a solvent.
  3. Paint filter and divorce in a proportion that is strictly defined for each model.
    Important! The jet when applied is determined by the design of the sprayer head.                                                                                                                      Miol_79_560_ENL
  4. Exercise surface treatment only from a distance of 20-30 cm, and strictly withstand one level throughout the processing. Otherwise, there will be drums or paint will stick earlier than it reaches the surface.
  5. Moving the collapse of the surface along the surface smoothly, without jerks in the literal and return direction. Otherwise, the formed coating will be substantial.
  6. When processing horizontal surfaces, try to minimize the tilt of the tool.
  7. Processing the protruding parts and angles in such a way that the cloud of paint does not fall behind the contours. kraskoraspilitel-Elektricheskiy-HVLP-SIGMA-1-4MM-1-8MM-68160111_ENL


View an example of how to properly paint the walls with a sprayer in the proposed video.


Regardless of how exactly the tool you prefer, be sure to perform the entire painting procedure sequentially and gently. In this case, only in this case, you can create a decorative coating, which exactly corresponds to its appearance of the intended artistic idea.

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One Reply to Overview Tools for Painting: Rolls, Brushes, Kraspopult

  1. Nikita:

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