Waterproofing the foundation of the house with their own hands

September 15. Repair and construction work, Foundation Views 2296. Comments to the record waterproofing the foundation of the house do it yourself No

The foundation is the main part of the house. In most cases, the maximum service life depends on the strength of the base. One of the factors contributing to the increase in the operational period of the construction is the waterproofing of its foundation. We will tell about it in our article.

Prerequisites for waterproofing work

Any structure is subject to negative influence of soil, rain and capillary waters. Often it is the cause of deformation and sizing the foundation of the house. The concrete surface is characterized by the ability to absorb moisture, which rises to the capillaries to the floor and walls, which leads to the appearance of fungus or mold.

There is another problem. In winter, when the moisture penetration into concrete pores, its freezing is the process. When the thaw, the water thaws. As a result of such a cycle, the integrity of the entire foundation worsens.

To prevent the destructive effect of the wet environment, waterproofing the foundation of the residential building is carried out. The optimal option is the implementation of this process at the building construction phase. If waterproofing work is not carried out in a timely manner, then in the future you can suffer significant losses.

The depth of groundwater occurs is the main criterion when creating waterproofing the foundation of a country house. There are three main criteria for determining the specific method of carrying out similar works:

  • groundwater location below the foundation depth of more than 1 m;
  • underground sources are at a distance of less than 1 m from the base of the house, but do not reach the level of the basement;
  • the depth of groundwater occurs exceeds the floor level of the basement or the highest point of the foundation.

The first option involves using:

  • ruberoid (horizontal);
  • coating moisture-proof (vertical).

If the groundwater is approaching the bottom of the foundation less than 1 m, the horizontal waterproofing involves laying two coating layers with applying mastic. Verticals are used both reducing compositions and inland rolled materials.

When the groundwater is located above the basement floor or home base, in addition to the activities characteristic of the second option, the drainage system is carried out around the building.


Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing the foundation of the house is carried out at the construction stage. The following works are manufactured:

  • the bottom of the pit is covered with a 30-centimeter layer of oily clay;
  • it will thoroughly tram;
  • poured by a 7-centimeter layer of concrete solution;
  • for two weeks, the foundation occurs;
  • concrete throughout the area is covered with bitumen mastic;
  • ruberoid is laid;
  • the second layer of mastic and another layer of rubberoid occurs;
  • the concrete solution is aligned and the concrete solution is elongated.

An extreme part of a roll coating that hangs from the foundation is not necessary to cut. It starts down and presses the material with which the vertical waterproofing is created.


Vertical waterproofing

It is carried out using various materials that can be combined with each other. It all depends on the individual characteristics of construction work.

Bituminous waterproofing

This method of protecting the foundation from moisture is the cheapest. Preparation of bitumen resin occurs as follows:

  • large capacity is filled with bitumen (70%) and used oil (30%);
  • container is heated on a gas stove (can be heated and at the stake);
  • bitumen is brought to a liquid state;
  • its application is made on a flat surface.

Being covered with the foundation is carried out very carefully, starting from the bottom and ending with a 15-centimeter space from ground level. 3 is recommended to apply the resin layer, the total thickness should be up to 5 cm.

The main requirement when working with bitumen is that the capacity was constantly hot, otherwise the resin will solidify and ports. The composition must penetrate into all pores of the concrete. The service life of such a covering is 5-8 years, and then have to re-engage in waterproofing works.

To extend the operating period of surface waterproofing wooden house foundation is better to use bitumen-polymer mastic. Wherein the active material may be applied either hot or cold.

Wood banding roll means

coverage data can be used in two ways:

  • separately;
  • combined with surface waterproofing.

The most common and affordable web material is a roofing material. The order of execution of waterproofing works is as follows:

  • foundation surface is treated with a bituminous mastic;
  • by gas heated burner roofing material web;
  • material is laid with overlapping up to 20 cm;
  • for roofing mastic is applied;
  • it occurs stacking another coating layer.

For best results, fabric roofing replaced with modern products. For example, Stekloizol Izol, rubiteks or gidrostekloizolom. In their manufacture is based polyester that improves many performance (wear resistance, flexibility, etc.). These materials are also used in conjunction with mastic, because they do not penetrate into the pores of the concrete.


penetrating waterproofing

The materials used for this type of protection foundation of the house, are characterized by the ability to penetrate into the foundation of 10-20 cm and crystallize it. Due to the presence of hydrophobic waterproofing crystals prevented moisture penetration into the concrete, followed by its movement along the capillaries. This leads to:

  • increase the hardiness of the foundation;
  • prevent the occurrence of corrosion of concrete.

To the well-proven penetrating waterproofing materials are:

  • Penetron;
  • Hydrotex.

Waterproofing of the foundation of the house with his own hands done in the following sequence:

  • cleaning the surface of the base from dust;
  • concrete is wetted by water;
  • the application of the waterproofing material is produced in 3-4 layers;
  • after its absorption, the outer film is removed.

Liquid rubber

This tool is different:

  • excellent adhesion properties;
  • non-pharmacy;
  • long operational period.

The surface on which liquid rubber is applied is seamless, which leads to the highest possible protection of the foundation. The most famous waterproofing materials are:

  • Elastomix;
  • Elastopas.


The main differences between these two coatings are as follows:

  • application of elastomix is \u200b\u200bcarried out by one layer, elastopase - two;
  • elastomyx drying occurs in 2 hours (at a temperature of + 15ºС), elastopase - per day (at + 20ºС);
  • Elastopaz is used several times, Elastomix - once.

The technology of waterproofing the foundation of the house in the photo and in reality they do not differ. It includes such steps:

  • the base surface is purified from dust and processed by primer;
  • an hour later, applying liquid rubber.

"Castle" from clay

This technology is designed to solve the problem with pressure waters during the spring floods. Clay prevents moisture from entering the foundation.

"Castle" from clay is created as follows:

  • there is a trench around the foundation;
  • its bottom is covered with a layer of rubble;
  • the bottom of the trench and the wall adjacent to the house is deceived by oily clay;
  • the clay is trambed by several layers;
  • the rest of the RVA falls asleep by gravel;
  • created a scene.

Screen waterproofing

This method of moisture removal from the foundation is an alternative option for the "Castle" described above. Bentonite mats made from clay are used as a waterproofing material. They can be used as an additional means of protecting the base of the house.

Fastening mats to the concrete surface is carried out using a dowel. Their styling is made in 15-20 cm, after which the mats are covered with concrete, it is so prevented by their swelling. After some time, paper elements of bentonite mats are destroyed. The clay remains on the surface of the foundation, thereby protecting it from the harmful effects of the wet environment.

Plaster waterproofing

For the implementation of this type of waterproofing, special mixtures are used, which contain such moisture-resistant components, such as polymer concave, hydrobeton or asphalt mastic. In addition to waterproofing properties, the foundation vertically is aligned using plaster mixtures.

The technology of creating such waterproofing is largely similar to the surface finish with conventional plaster. Lighthouses are also used. The only difference is the coating is better to produce a hot way. The plaster dries up and is protected from the negative impact of moisture using the Clay device from clay.


Drainage system

The mandatory presence of drainage is envisaged when it is necessary to divert a large amount of atmospheric moisture or there is a danger of flooding at home with groundwater. It is also equipped with a bad indicator of the soil permeability.

Creating a drainage system involves:

  • carrying out the cutting of the trench around the perimeter of the building;
  • the width of the trench is 0.3-0.4 m, the distance from the house is 0.7-0.8 m, the depth depends on the location of groundwater;
  • ditch is made with a shower bias;
  • its bottom is covered with geotextiles;
  • the launch of the extreme part of the material on the side of the trench is 0.8-0.9 m;
  • along the entire length of the pit is covered with a 5-centimeter layer of rubble;
  • with a slope of 0.5 cm / 1 m, perforated pipes for drainage are stacked;
  • the 30-centimeter layer of washed gravel is poured;
  • gravel turns into geotextiles;
  • pipes are displayed in the well;
  • the trench is covered and levels ground.

The drainage device can be carried out after the construction of a residential building if there is a need.

Waterproofing and type of foundation

The choice of a particular water-proof material depends on the type of base of construction. Waterproofing of the belt foundation can be carried out by:

  • cooler mastic;
  • laying of inlet rolled materials;
  • use penetrating mixtures.

To protect the monolithic slab foundation, the runneroid is used and a drainage system is created. Ruberoid can be covered by a concrete tie.

In the device of the columns and pile bases, concrete solutions should be applied, which contains moisture-repellent additives. If piles are made of wood, then they are processed in advance with protective means. A columnar wooden foundation does not imply drainage devices. The pillars impregnated with a special substance are not rotated, but, on the contrary, over time become more resistant to the effects of a wet environment.


Waterproofing of the base and internal concrete surfaces are carried out with penetrating anti-indexed materials.

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