Spring grapes in spring

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If you wish to get a good grape harvest, you need to invest a lot of strength, first the landing goes, then it is important to ensure the correct care. It is worth considering the first process.

A new plant is usually obtained in the main cuttings or chains. Seeds rarely use gardeners, mainly when removing new varieties. This is explained by a bad harvest - only a few bushes with preserved characteristics germinate out of a thousand seeds.

The decodes are part of the already growing bush, which are cheered into the ground. Then after wintering, a separate plant is obtained. But the most popular method is the cultivation of grapes with cuttings, for which the escape is cut off from the vine in the fall, and after winter storage it is planted in the ground. Then the new plant fully retains the features of the selected variety.

Phased germination


In order to exercise the grinding of grapes in the spring, it is necessary to prepare them in the fall. The process is conditionally divided into 4 stages:

  • harvesting raw materials;
  • storage;
  • preparation;
  • germination and rooting.

Preparation of copies

Planting material takes from rided branches. It can be fruitless shoots with a diameter of at least 7 mm. It should pay attention to the bark of the vine, it should be light yellow. If dark spots or surface damage are present, it is better to choose another process. In this case, the cuttings are taken from the middle part of the fruit arrow or cut into a feedback.

On selected branches remove shoots, leaves, unbearable tops, mustaches. The upper cut of the cutter is made at an angle, retreating from extreme kidneys for 2 cm. The lower part is cut off right under the lower eye. As a result, 4 kidneys should remain on each cutlets. To improve the root formation process at the bottom with the needle, 3 vertical strips are 3 cm long to a len. Then the cuttings per day are left in water to saturate moisture, then treated with copper vitrios (5% solution) and dried.

Shelter for winter


Before storing the cutlets sort, bind and labeled. It will remain closed in cellophane and send either to the cellar or in the refrigerator. Bottom boxes for vegetables are ideal for saving the material. For the winter they are examined and turned over 1-2 times. Some gardeners for storage are tested by a trench of a depth of 15 cm right on the place of cutting of the vine, then the branches are laid, sprinkling the sand layer.

Processing the preserved branches


Check the preservation of the workpiece in early February. If the moisture is composed of the branches - this is a sign of the renovation process, they immediately throw them away. The remaining cuttings are checked by the secateur, with a transverse pressure of the blades should be droplets of juice. At the same time, the core in good copies of light green, without dark spots. Such branches survived the winter with the preservation of their qualities.

Suitable seedlings are cut into the cuttings, as a result, copies should remain with two and three glaze kidneys. Next, the preparation of grape cuttings to the germination is to restore the plant's forces. For the selected branches which are soaked for one day in warm water. To saturate the active substances are used during the soaking spring, melted or defend the water. It added to honey (1 tbsp at a bucket of liquid).

Then the cuttings are put in a jar or a vase as flowers, a solution of the rooting agent is poured there. In it, samples must be more than 2 weeks. Therefore, to prevent the death of the upper kidneys, they will have to be treated with liquid paraffin. It is bought in a flower shop, then conduct a procedure. You can melt a conventional candle on a water bath, dip the upper part of the cutting into the solution and immediately send it to cold water.

Senior germination


There are two main options for germination:

  • in water;
  • pinch.

The first option is the most simple, its exercise takes about a month. Take a liter jar, a thin layer of wool is placed on the bottom. Pouring melting water 0.3 l, disinfect her. For which several crystals of mangartee be plugged, then the color of water should be pale pink. You can dissolve a couple of wood ash spoons, it will create an additional effect. Top to the sapling put on polyethylene to ensure the condition of the greenhouse. Such a design is sent to the windowsill, it is advisable to put it near the battery.


It is necessary to regularly check the cuttings, the water in the bank will have to constantly fill. The landing time is determined by the length of the resulting roots, it should be no more than 2 cm. Otherwise, they will simply rush. Together with the roots and kidneys are growing.

In the second embodiment, the temperature difference in the lower and top sealer can be used. It takes a capacity of 10 liters for its implementation, they are filled with wet sawdust. Inside put a three-liter jar, pour warm water. In sawdust put stalks in a circle of cans at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The resulting design is covered with polyethylene, put in a basement for about a month. At the bottom of the tank, the temperature is to be maintained + 25 ° C, at the top - 8-10 ° C, control the indicators helps the thermostat, which is placed inside the jar. Every week the design is checked, sawdust moisturizes.


Synthetic stimulants

For the extension of grape cuttings, you can additionally apply stimulation with chimperics. To accelerate the growth of the root system, the cuttings can use such drugs:

  • "Korniner", this stimulator is produced as a powder. After buying them, the lower slice and the stump of the instance are processed. The drug is convenient for use, practically does not have a negative impact in overdose;
  • "Heteroacexin" must be used carefully, in an accurate dosage and the specified period. Otherwise, the kidney does not wake up, and developed roots rot;
  • "Charcor";
  • "Connerest".

All drugs are designed to handle the bottom of the cutting, while it is worth a clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The most popular the preparation "heteroaceuxin", preparation of the solution using these tablets can be held in various proportions. The composition of the composition depends on the duration of impact on the cuttings, applied recipes:

  • for the preparation of 0.2% of the heteroacexin solution, 1 tab (0.1 g) + 50 ml of liquid is used. At the same time, alcohol is taken as a liquid, diluted with water 1: 1. Such a composition is treated with the bottom of the cutting of only a few seconds. During this time, the maximum stimulation of root growth will occur without affecting the kidneys;
  • 0.02% solution is obtained by dissolving 1 tab (0.1 g) in 500 ml of liquid. Alcohol in this case will need only 25 ml, as in the previous recipe. In such a solution, the cuttings are soaked during the day;
  • 0.002% solution consists of 1 table and 5 l of liquid, the amount of alcohol is similar to the above cases. Then the samples can be left in the day.

In all variants, alcohol is added to the mixture due to poor solubility of the preparation in water. If you pump the branches of the entire day in a weak solution, then the kidneys will not develop in contrast to the root system. Therefore, the duration of the effects of drugs and their concentration should be determined in each case. So, for thin cuttings with one kidney is better short-term treatment with a strongly concentrated solution. And for copies with a thickness of a finger on 3-4 kidneys, it is recommended to be soaked for 2 days.

Landing grapes


Next, the grinding of grape cuttings is carried out in dark plastic bottles. On the bottom you need to make holes in tanks for the drain of water. Also pre-prepare the soil for seedlings. The mixture should consist of soil, sand, peat and humus in equal parts. For planting a bottle is filled with prepared soil, stalks insert. At the same time, the soil cannot be condensed due to the fragility of the roots, the base gradually settles when watering.

The cutting process in bottles in bottles includes:

  • watering, the optimal frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 10-12 days. To do this, use only warm water, you can add honey;
  • the removal of unnecessary shoots, one process should be released from the top kidney. With the appearance of unnecessary shoots, they are closed to preserve the plant forces;
  • strengthening the process that appeared. For which the tank is tied to the tank, it serves as a support with further development of grapes.

The transplant in the open grape grapes in the spring is already at the end of May. It is important shortly before the process to start training plants. For this, 10 days do not water the plant, then the earth will take a room, and will not disintegrate when transferred. In addition, a week before the alleged date of transplanting, grapes put in a darkened place - this is a kind of running measure.

On the site it is necessary to prepare a place for grapes, for this, there are holes with a size of 50x50 cm. It is filled with a mixture of soil with humus, a small slide should be formed. Spring cuttings are removed from the bottle, insert with a room to the ground.

Subsequent care consists of the following procedures:

  • abundant irrigation, water should go under the root;
  • loosening and weeding are required to provide access to oxygen;
  • removal of lateral shoots for the formation of a productive vine;
  • making mineral and organic fertilizers. The grape greens is actively growing thanks to the cowboy also need potassium. For better vine aging, adding phosphorus is required.

The transplant is better to carry out in cloudy weather or in the evening, and in the next two days it is worth covering seedlings from the bright sun.

For clarity, you can view the vintage video of grapes with cuttings:

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