Thuja. Landing, care and reproduction

May 15. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2833. Comments to Tuya's record. Landing, care and reproduction No

Neat evergreen plants are popular among owners of country houses and summer cottages. One of the most commonly considered Tui, a huge number of varieties in various colors makes it possible to make not only the original living elevation, but also just decorate the household territory with separate specimens.


Therefore, it is worth considering how to grow it properly, because depending on the variety, the peculiarities of the plant care will be different.



Thuja refers to decorative evergreen plants, it can be both a tree and a shrub with flat shoots. There are 5 varieties:

  1. Korean.
  2. Chinese.
  3. Japanese.
  4. Western.
  5. Folded.

For regions of Russia, the most appropriate is the Western Tui grade due to harsh winters, at this time with the warm climate it will be preferable to grow a folded plant. These species, in turn, have many varieties that differ in height, the form of the crown and the coloring of the needles, which can be both green and drier or pink.

Conducted popularity

Minolta DSC.

The prevalence in different continents received due to dense crown, low-temperature resistance and contaminated air. Aromatic essential oils contained in wood give a pleasant fragrance and disinfect the surrounding atmosphere from bacteria.

Plants for hedge

Beautiful hedges are obtained from the car, but for its design it is not enough to choose a certain grade of the plant. It is also important to put the copies correctly, especially if we consider not formed hedges. To do this, withstand a flat line and a certain distance between individual elements. It should be borne in mind that over time the bushes are growing in accordance with the selected variety, therefore, it is preferable to apply colon-shaped and ejku-like Tui.

The use of a hedge formable implies a more spectacular result, because the smooth wall perfectly performs not only protective, but also aesthetic properties. To create this option, it is recommended to use colonum and pyramidal varieties, then when trimming the branch of the branches are beginning to grow. In any case, the living hedges of coniferous rocks always adorn the territory.



For a beautiful and healthy plant from seeds, it will take a lot of effort and time without losing aesthetic qualities. This is considered a time-consuming process, which will take at least 3 years. At the same time, the seeds should not be stored for a long time, the optimal option is to use freshly collected instances in the fall. Then, for the winter they are left under the snow for stratification, and in the spring they are already sown to a depth of 0.5 cm. To ensure the necessary conditions, the ridges are sprinkled with sawdusts, closed from direct sunlight. Also provide constantly loose and wet soil, a solution of dung fat is used as feeding.

The western view of the Tui is searched by shoots:

  • age of 2-3 years, the length of which is about 40 cm;
  • reached length 10-20 cm of this year.

To ensure rooting, on the basis of escape there should be a piece of old wood. Seedling is placed in greenhouse conditions, it is pre-treated with a solution of heteroacexin. The cuttings are plugged at no more than 2.5 cm into the ground. At the same time in the greenhouse constantly support high humidity by spraying. Next, the accepted cuttings are hardened by ventilating, and on the winter sprinkled with sawdust and is covered with a protective film.

How to plant Tyu

The basic rule when choosing a landing time is non-freeze soil, that is, early spring and late autumn is quite suitable. But it is preferable to be the beginning of May and end of summer with optimal temperature indicators. If you pre-grow in a pot in a pot, then the care will be easier than if you dig it out of the ground. As for the soil - suitable for the landing of Tui Sack or soil with clay and peat impurities. The main thing is to ensure good permeability, because of this it is impossible to neglect the drainage.

The location should be solar or haten waters, constant dimming is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the crown and the loss of decorative properties of the plant. Pre-dig holes with a depth of 0.6-0.8 m and sizes of 0.5x0.5 m, the reference is the development of the crown and a lump of land on the roots. Next, it is filled with a nutrient mixture consisting of ground, peat and sand in proportions 2: 1: 1, respectively. If the area is characterized by high groundwater running, they provide drainage. For this, the sand stacked with a layer of about 20 cm is suitable. When planning planting a group of plants, they are trying to withstand the distance of 3-5 m, depending on the variety and size of an adult instance.



To provide forces after transplanting, a sapling requires support. Care should consist of dry feeding in the form of phosphorus and potassium in spring, and supelphosphate in the fall. Fertilizers with a break in 14-20 days. Daily watering and mulching with peat and humus are also important.

These measures are also required in the growing season, then the sanitary processing and cropping is added. In the care event, the crown processing includes, because at the expense of its density on the plant, dry elements accumulate. In case of raw climates, dead branches are considered the perfect place of reproduction of pests, so the crowns must be cleaned regularly. This is done manually, carefully sorting through the whole mass of branches. So they creep on the ground, but it is also important to collect and burn dead branches.

Trimming bushes


On the photo on the Internet, Tuya looks spectacular thanks to the correct care, including pruning. This allows you to form separate instances or create neat alive hedges. The shoots cut off by no more than a third of the length, giving the desired shape. It is important to cut the branches for several centimeters at least once a year.

In the hedge, the first time of the Tui is cut immediately after landing in terms of the smallest instance. If the plants were planted later than August of the month, then the trimming is carried out in the spring of next year. The removal of the elements on top of the plant allows you to expand the copy, when cutting the side branches of the car grow up.

In the case of decorative and non-standard form, it will have to ensure shelter for the winter. Under the weight of snow, the branches can break and need a long time on the restoration of the bush. Sometimes water gets inside the crowns, then the branches are departed, so specialists recommend to bind bushes with loosely twine. It will provide fixation of branches and will prevent the accumulation of snow.

Preventive measures


The main disease, affecting plants is a fungus, so to prevent its appearance every year spraying. In the case of the diseases that occurred, they are sprayed with potatocomium or burglar liquid, the procedure is carried out once every 14 days before the plant's complete recovery. Under the defeat, the aphids use special substances that prevent the appearance of yellow needles and its dedication. The processing of the instance is carried out every 10-14 days.

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