Compost for champignons: preparation features

February 17. Plot. Views 3005. 1 comment to compost for champignons: features of cooking

Champignons are fruiting abundantly, care for them is simply so many are engaged in their cultivation for both for sale and for themselves. But so that the harvest is really high, it is necessary to give mushrooms a good start for growth. The key to success is properly prepared or successfully purchased compost. About its features is told in this article.

Types of compost for champignons

Compost for champignons are conditionally divided into the following types:

  • natural - for the preparation of which the horse manure was used;
  • semi-synthetic - horse manure is mixed with any other manure;
  • synthetic is the one in which the horse manure is not present.

Cooking compost for champignons

Prepare compost for champignon begins with the collection of all the necessary components.

What is needed to bookmark the substrate

In order to get a high-quality nutrient material at the exit, we store:

  1. Straw rye, wheat, rice, oatmeal or barley. Straw fits fresh, it is impossible to use it in any way.
  2. Dung. It is better when Konsky, but a cow, from under the pigs, chicken, rabbit, etc., will go for lack of pigs, and raw.
  3. Gypsum with chalk or alabaster is mineral supplements. They require a little - on 1 tons of straw 60 kg, but their presence is very important, because They improve the compost structure.
  4. Ammonium sulfate or urea as an easily accessible nitrogen.

Consider several compost recipes.

Recipe number 1

For the preparation of compost for 1 recipe, we take:

  • 100 kg of dry straw;
  • 100 kg of bird litter;
  • 6 kg of alabastra or gypsum.

Recipe # 2.

The second recipe is a little richer in components:

  • dry straw - 0.1 tons;
  • manure cow, horsepower, sheep, etc. - 0.1 t;
  • selitra ammonia - 3.5 kg or 2.5 kg of urea;
  • gypsum - 8.5 kg;
  • superphosphate - 2 kg.

On a note: Possible replacement 1/3 of a piece of straw on dry leaves, hay, stems of corn or sunflower crushed.

Compost fermentation


Composting - the process is not easy, complex chemical reactions occur here. In the process allocated:

  • water vapor;
  • ammonia;
  • carbon dioxide.

In this regard, the following conditions are required for the preparation of composite:

  • good ventilation if everything happens in the room;
  • canopy, if fermentation occurs on the street, otherwise the rain will wash everything useful from the compost;
  • shelter in the form of a piece of polyethylene film if the Bourge is in an open place. At the same time, only the top is covered, and the sides are left open to air access.

Stages of composting

Cooking compost for champignons includes several stages:

  • Sololi is abundant wetting 1-2 days in a row using a water hose or bucket. It can be placed in water tank.
  • The existing manure and straw is divided into 4 parts.
  • Form a stack, alternating layers of straw and manure. Each time, moisturizing the straw.
  • If a recipe number 2 is taken as the basis, then 0.6 kg of ammonium nitrates are placed on the straw layer.


Interruption of compost stack

The compost pie has the following parameters:

  • width - from 100 to 150 cm;
  • length - from 120 to 150 cm;
  • height is a minimum of 100 cm, a maximum of 150 cm.

In the process of fermentation it is necessary to make 4 mixing of the compost heap:

  • the first time - after 6 days;
  • the second - after 5 days;
  • third - after 4 days;
  • fourth - after another 4 days.

So it looks like this process at 1 sinking:

  1. Take a pitchfork and stirring, smash the contents of a heap, moving from one end to another.
  2. Along the way, moisturizing and sprinkle with a mass of plaster.
  3. Form a new stack.

With a second interruption:

  • mass are poured again, sprinkled with alabaster or plaster;
  • superphosphate is added;
  • stir.

The third and fourth interruptions are accompanied by the same actions in order to enrich the mass of oxygen and the uniform distribution of all components. Thus, the development of beneficial microorganisms in the compost for the cultivation of champignons is stimulated.

Compost quality control

With the correct bookmark and competent care, the composting process is completed by 22-26 days. An indicator of the normally flowing process composting is the temperature. Therefore, control this parameter:

  1. For 3 days after a bunch was formed, we lower the thermometer into it to the depth of centimeters 30. The indicator from 55 to 70 degrees C indicates that everything goes fine.
  2. We periodically repeat the measurements in order to prevent the temperature of the temperature indicators lower than when the first dimension.
  3. In the days when it is necessary to perform the interruption, the temperature may decrease a little and this is normal. The same phenomenon is observed at the end of the fermentation process.

If a bunch can not be warm up to the desired temperature, it means that it is badly moistened, it moisters or poorly covered. How to make compost correctly in this case, guess it is not difficult:

  1. If the stack is dry, add water with another interruption and compliment it.
  2. When there are a lot of water, jumble a bunch, add plaster and day after 2 cut it out again and stretch it a little more on the square.

But how to know the dry compost for champignons or wet? To determine the degree of humidity, we take a lump and compress:

  • if the water did not flow, but only a little spoke through the fingers - the humidity is normal;
  • water dripping even with a mesmer compression - the substrate was converted;
  • moisture does not succeed with a strong compression lump - compost dry.

What does the right compost look like


It takes less than 4 weeks and composting ends. How to determine what came the compost as it should? We look at the appearance, if it corresponds to the following requirements, then everything is in order:

  • the mass is dark, painted uniformly;
  • it will not stick to the hands;
  • spent specific, pleasant.

If it is possible to make a laboratory analysis, then the following indicators are considered normal:

  • nitrogen in the range of 2.3-2.5%;
  • acidness (pH) - 7.3-7.5%;
  • the ratio of content in the compost carbon mass to nitrogen - 17: 1;
  • ash content (ash content) - from 24 to 28%;
  • ammonia in the form of gas is absent.


Compost for growing champignons in bags


Growing champignons in bags is the least labor cost, but the nutritional compost will be required. For its preparation, use:

  • straw - 3 kg;
  • sunflower husk - 2 kg;
  • cOROD - 2 kg;
  • manure Konsky - 15 kg;
  • earth (chernozem) - from 5 to 6 kg.

Further like this:

  • the mixture is well watering water;
  • the temperature rises and reaches 80 degrees with;
  • the soil mixture is raving on the incident 20 days and dried;
  • the substrate is tightly screwed into the bag and fill with water;
  • polyethylene is shifted in a checker order, while the cell diameter is approximately 100 mm.
  • compost in holes sowing mycelium.

Keep in mind that the cooked compost is enough for 1 polyethylene bag.

The most suitable bag with dimensions:

  • width - 300-400 mm;
  • height - 200-300 mm.

Comfort purchased


If the process seems too time-consuming to you, then buy compost for champignons will not be difficult. Comfort factory cooking is pressed into special blocks. As part of briquettes manufactured on industrial equipment, there are all necessary components for successful growing mushrooms:

  • sawdust wood;
  • peat;
  • husk of seeds;
  • mineral additives.

The block size is different and depends on what equipment was used. Pack them into the film from shrinking polyethylene. It would be nice to buy a compost for growing champignons in the form of briquettes made on the equipment of the Italian company Alpi. They are characterized by good quality and possess the following characteristics:

  • block size - 570x370x180 (200) mm;
  • weight - from 17 to 19 kg;
  • the density of the substrate - from 0.45 to 0.5 g / sq. cm.

A good compost for champignons The price that will arrange both summer houses and farmers produce in the suburbs at a compost plant. You can buy it:

  • in bags, briquettes, mound;
  • with mycelium and without.

Look at the video about how to make compost:

Related records

One answer to compost for champignons: cooking features

  1. Sergey:

    and where is this mysterious compost plant in the suburbs? Tell me please. For contacts at all, the raven))

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