Fence from plastic bottles with their own hands. Non-standard options for private houses

March 26. Useful advice Views 641. Comments To write a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands. Non-standard options for private houses No

It has been proven that the plastic bottle is not a secondary product. Of it, folk craftsmen can build original and practical devices. One of them is a fence of plastic bottles (in the photo).

Characteristics of fences from plastic bottles for the summer cottage

The positive features of the fence from plastic bottles should be attributed:

  • unusual appearance;
  • availability of material;
  • simplicity and speed of construction;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to create a fence of any size and color;
  • prolonged operational period;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and temperature differences.

Disadvantages of plastic bottles for the fence:

  • probability of damage for large mechanical loads;
  • inability to protect the territory from the penetration of thieves.

For the fencing device, various materials are applied:

  • wire;
  • plastic cloth;
  • rake racks;
  • caps of bottles;
  • rabitz.

Location and sizes of collection of plastic bottles

The dimensions of the fence made of plastic bottles are largely dependent on the length of the country area. If the fence is planned to be installed near the territory of the neighboring area, then when determining the size, the following minimum distances from the fence are taken into account:

  • to a residential building - 3 m;
  • to trees and perennial plantings - 1.5-2 m;
  • to the road - 5 m;
  • to the reservoir - 3 m;
  • to buildings for technical needs - 1 m.

The location and size of the structure can affect the presence of underground communication networks (electrical wiring, pipelines, telephone cable). In this case, such sections will have to go.

Based on the accounted calculations, the drawings of the fence of plastic bottles are drawn. They are displayed:

  • sizes and amount of containers used;
  • method of fastening bottles;
  • number of sections;
  • distances between all elements.

Due to the versatility of the material, there is the possibility of creating such options for the fence of plastic bottles:

  • frame fences;
  • low decorative designs;
  • capital structures.

Flumb Decoration

This method of using plastic containers is the most simple. The main purpose of the fence is an attractive appearance. Naturally, such a design will be low.

To create such a fence:

  • bottles are trimmed by the bottom;
  • tara is laid out around the perimeter of flower beds;
  • on the inside of the bottle are covered with paint.

When separating the beds or fencing of the site, the container is bought. To give the design of maximum strength to the inner part of the bottles, ground, sand, stones or colored glasses poured.

To create a higher fence from plastic bottles, a wire is used with their own hands, with which several packages are connected. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the design. To do this, each bottle is attached to the wire knot.

Low hedge fence from plastic bottles with their own hands

This design is a great designer solution. To create it, you must use the chain grid.

Stages of work:

  • the packaging is cleaned from the labels and is washing (it can be painted);
  • on the perimeter of the plot in increments of 1.5-2 m in the ground, wooden peasants are driven;
  • there is a chain between the waists, which is fixed with nails to spicks;
  • bottles are inserted into the mesh holes (you can create a specific pattern from the multi-colored container).

Another option - cutting a long plastic tape. The advantage of this technology is the inappropriateness of drilling and creating drawings of the fence of plastic bottles, disadvantage - a longer period of the structure of the structure. The reliability of fixation is achieved by means of a weaving method:

  • cropped both parts of bottles;
  • the products obtained are cut on the helix;
  • the resulting tapes are connected to each other with a stapler.

Plastic Bottles Fence - Stable Design

The dimensions of the fence from plastic bottles with increased strength will be much larger. Its minimum height is 1 m. Such a fence is good protection against penetration into a closed area of \u200b\u200bpets.

Stages of work:

  • the packag of the same size is selected (with the calculation of 5 containers per 1 link);
  • 4 out of 5 bottles cut off the bottom;
  • packing dresses each other (below - a whole bottle, top - capacitance with a lid);
  • in the lid of the top and bottom of the lower bottle, the holes are drilled;
  • they have a wire;
  • neighboring links are also connected by wire, which is in the side openings of bottles;
  • the wire, stretched through the container horizontally, is welded or mounted bolts with nuts to a predetermined metal columns.

There is another option of the racking device:

  • in place of placement, the fences are launched in the land of the poles from the metal (you can use conventional pipes);
  • wooden rails are mounted between supports;
  • bottles half filled with sand;
  • with the help of screws, each container is attached to the slats.

The most durable fence is created by the following technology:

  • clears the place under the foundation;
  • a shallow trench rumbles;
  • around the perimeter of the plot rush wooden peasants;
  • between them stretches the fishing line;
  • bottles are clean and filled with sand;
  • the trench is covered with concrete;
  • a container laying is made on concrete;
  • each layer of bottles is covered with cement mortar.

In this way, a 0.5-meter fence is made. After that, 3-4 days should stop work. Concrete must grasp firmly. Only after that they carry out further laying of bottles.

Plastic covers - as the main element of the fence

For the construction of the fence, you can use not only the container. Pretty original will look a fence from the covers from plastic bottles. But for its manufacture, it will take a rather solid amount of material (approximately 12-15 thousand covers).

Creating a fence from covers is a rather painstaking occupation. Each lid needs to make holes for wire rolling. Moreover, in order to come up with a picture of the fence and choose the cover of the corresponding color. Otherwise, the fence will not be attractive.

Video on how to make a fence from plastic bottles:

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