How to store garden tool

June 10. Instruments, Repair and construction work Views 4394. Comments to record how to store garden tool No

Both in the garden, and in the garden we have to care for fruit trees, vegetable crops with the help of shovels, robel, sapes, forks, etc. Whole this inventory is sent to the barn and, as a rule, together with pieces of plants, tree bark, Earth and other garbage. Agree, it is not beautiful to deal with garden manual instruments. Let's look at how and where it is better to store them.

Inventory storage in winter and summer - nuances

The time of year plays an important role even in this, it would seem finely. In sultry weather, the shovel and rake can be especially hiding, but to put under the garage, because in a short time they will come up again. In winter, it is impossible to leave the inventory somewhere, humidity and precipitation will adversely affect wooden and metal parts.

As for gasoline tools and electric, then everything is not so unequivocal. As a rule, for each of them there are their own, individual storage rules, so do not take a very far instruction when buying. For example, when using some models, it is advised to merge fuel and leave absolutely dry for winter. Another tool is strongly recommended to grease carefully, so be alert.

Primary processing - stages

After any occupation on the garden or in the garden using the inventory it follows:
1. Clear, wash, dry (or wipe dry).
2. Lubricate the clutch seats of some tools. Of course, we are not talking about rakes and not about the shovel. Such garden tools may be a bit, but some, such as a variety of secateurs, are almost every.


3. Dangerous "toothy" inventory needs to be hiding into covers. Speech, as you understand, goes about hacksaws, saws. If there is no such covers in the farm, it will suit the old sleeve from winter jackets or sweatshirts (good use for an unnecessary thing, however!).
4. Wooden handles of tools are covered with varnish, thereby increase their durability.

Where to store tools?

It seems it is easier to come up with a question impossible. An ordinary barn is an ideal solution. Nevertheless let me disagree with it. It is not in every apartment there is a barn (often there is not there), and even more so, not at each dacha there is a properly equipped room for storing garden inventory.


If you are in the country ...

Any room is suitable - shed, house, storage room. In the latter case, it is worth more carefully to care for the used inventory. You cannot decide how to store tools - in the garage it will be just perfect. What is it better shed? In the fact that there are shelves on which it turns out to make the tools. This manipulation is needed in order for the plane of the shovel, the sawdust or the secateurs as smaller as possible. In suspended state in a well-ventilated room, garden inventory will be best. If all this happens to provide in the barn, then there are no objections.


If in the apartment ...

Now you will think, why in the apartment rake and forks? However, do not make hasty conclusions: a lot of people take care of the flower in the local area, grow flowers and seedlings on the balcony. And how to cope with all this without a blade (even a little), boards?


Well, how to keep the tools in the apartment to be order? I want them to be not at all visible, right? And at the same time, it is desirable that you could quickly and easily get to fulfill the next novice gardener.

If the tool is small, then hide it into the mailbox or an old suitcase. Take all this in the storage room or on the mezzanine. Banally, yes, but if there is really no place, then you have to go for tricks. Use a magnetic tape, it will guarantee you that all metal tools will remain in its places, suffer frosts and wait for the moment of its application.

Alternative option - take a look at your balcony in a new way! Surely there is plenty there, so take immediately for its arrangement. Do not know where to store the tools, - shove them into the closet, which will exhibit "live" to the balcony. Because it is higher than any bedside table, and even more so the table, then the shovel, and long rake, vila, axes fit there. Most likely, there will be a small branch, which will be useful for hammers, garden scissors, nuts, screws and the rest of the instrument.


Organization of order - it's stiff

There is another problem - how to store tools, beautiful or convenient? If you do everything far away and deeply, the interior of the apartment will not suffer. However, at the very first need, a dilemma will occur or the boards.

It is best to store inventory in a separate room, but it is more important than the right care for him. Which sense is to build a separate corner for garden tools in the garage, if they are already kept, and scattered?

There are cases when people and storage rooms do not have in the apartment, but they are twisted, and very ingeniously. Containers, suitcases, and pockets, and jars are used for storing tools. Sometimes it is necessary to have it even in the hallway, but if you do with the mind, then no inconvenience will bring it.

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