Screcker pigeons do it yourself

April 24. Useful advice Views 2259. 4 comments to the record the pigeon repeller do it yourself

Pigeons are wonderful creatures, symbolizing peace and tranquility. So nice to watch their behavior in the park, feed, hear their recovery. But when such a cute society is justified with you under your nose, for example, on the visor of the balcony, the windowsill, feeding of other pets, then the emotions in relation to these wonderful birds can manifest themselves completely different.

Pigeons can make noise, leave behind unilent traces, than constantly calling your discontent. In this case, it is worth thinking how to spend the uninvited guests and make them choose to choose another place away from your home.

Pigeons have long been accustomed to human society and to urban bustle with its constant noise and movement, so it is not easy to get rid of them. But if you show perseverance and combining various ways to scare birds, then these birds will leave you alone.

Methods of scaring pigeons


There are many different ways to scare away pigeons, which are based on the properties of objects and sounds, unpleasant for these ubiquitous birds.

Simple rebuilders from girlfriend

  1. It is worth paying attention to the fact that some birds do not like brilliant items. A golden or silver paint can be used as a pigeons from the balcony or a conventional foil on the windowsill or a visor.
  2. You can collect "beads" from unnecessary CDs, having traveled them to the rope and knit ends. Such a necklace is hanging into a favorite place for the pigeons, and its highlights in the sun will be irritating annoying birds, which will make them change the location of the dislocation.
  3. You can simply pull the line along the window sill. When trying to land, pigeons will face a mechanical obstacle and will be forced to search for less inventive tenants.
  4. The pupils do not like the cutting from the ribbons of old video cassettes or magnetiform cassettes. Several such tapes are fastened together by the "beam" and are hung in the right place. Such a simple fitting fluttering in the wind and makes a quiet, but unpleasant rustling for birds, forcing them to fly away your windowsill side.
  5. Bright balloons, on which big black eyes are drawn, will resemble the pigeons of a terrible predator look, and make them get out of your home.
  6. Over the gardens and open spaces, you can use an air serpent, which, leaving the wind, will cause associations with a larger predator, which makes the pigeons and other small birds fly away. This snake can be made independently, and you can buy in a special store.
  7. It is known that the pigeons do not like spices. Lay out on the windowsill or karnis bitter or fragrant pepper, mustard, cinnamon and forget about the unborn visits. In addition, this method is not dangerous for other animals and birds. Therefore, its use is humane and justified.
  8. A rather impressive way to drive the pigeons for a long time from your site is to pour them with water. Most often for this, garden sprayers are used, which produce a jet of water under pressure. Such a soul will not appeal to feathery guests, but to frighten them in this way, not once to form a resistant reluctance to land in this place.
  9. Install on the balcony or terrace of stuffed birds of prey, best of all hawk or falcon. It should have the most plausible look. True, the fear of pigeons at the sight of such a physiognomy will dispel, as soon as the birds are accustomed to a fixed figure of the predator.
  10. Purchase or make firepress spokes themselves. A similar device purchased in the store has a sticky base, so you can attach it to any surface. Metal spokes sticking in different directions will not allow birds to sit in the place where they were installed.
  11. In order not to allow the birds to walk along the surface of the car, it is better to leave it in the garage or at least not put the car under the windows of high-rise buildings. Bird lips very badly affect the paint of the car, so drivers do not like to wash these unpleasant traces.

Sometimes the car is waiting for its master under the windows of the house, therefore it does not hurt to apply one of the simple ways to protect against birds. To do this, you can cover the car with a tarpaulin or hang up the glass toy device in the form of a ball with a yellow point in the middle. Such a ball will resemble the pigeons of predatory eyes, which will scare him from walking on the surface of the vehicle.

Screcker pigeons do it yourself

A simple device, effectively distinguishing pigeons, can be made with your own plastic bottle. We will also need markers, scissors, wire, foil, stick. For the manufacture of a repeller for pigeons, you must perform the following steps.

  1. We carry out the felt-tip pen 4 vertical strips through the same gaps, for example 1.5 cm.
  2. We draw 2 horizontal lines.
  3. NC is obtained 4 letters "C".
  4. On these lines, they make cutouts with scissors, we strust out the slices of plastic and get the turntable blades.
  5. We glue foam to the blades to enhance the scaping effect.
  6. Through the bottle cover we skip the wire that we fix one end at the bottom of the bottle, and insert the entire end to the stick.

Such a device is installed in the right place. The turntable will rotate in the wind and scare away unwanted birds.

Based on the old ball, placed by parts of computer discs, you can build a discobole. It will be more susceptible, if you hang out a few such balls on the site that will be waiting in the wind, create a reflections, and drowning birds from your site.

These and other simple ways to scare up the unborn birds will allow you to sigh with relief almost immediately after their use. In addition, they are safe for pigeons and save your money to acquire more complex devices. By setting such devices, you will not spend time on unpleasant cleaning of balcony and window surfaces from bird surprises and save the purity and hygiene of your home.

Special pigeons dischargers: types

When it comes to the large territories that need to be protected from regular bird raids, it will not be possible to get rid of a simple repellent pigeons made by their own hands.

Industrial devices can come to the rescue, capable of fighting the unwanted visits of feathers.

Ultrasound devices


  1. The effect of the ultrasound repellent pigeon is based on the radiation of the high frequency sound, which capture and try to avoid birds. Man This device will not cause any discomfort, because the sounds with the frequency published by the device are completely safe for people and are not distinguishable by the human ear.
  2. It is important that the device regularly changes the frequency of the audio published, which does not allow the ability to get used to the pigeons, and not pay attention to the work of such a repeller. Some variants of ultrasound instruments are equipped with infrared sensors capable of transmitting a signal about the movement of the bird in the zone of the repelter, thanks to which the device is triggered.
  3. A ultrasonic device for scaring birds is used in small territories - both open and closed. Its use is advisable for private areas with plantings, garages, warehouses.
  4. Such a device has a number of features that can be attributed to the benefits:
    • simplicity of design and installation;
    • clear directional application;
    • the ability to work on batteries or from the mains;
    • capturing the approximation of birds at a distance of 15 m;
    • reasonable value.
  5. The radius of the device is from 100 to 600 m. Models equipped with light sources and motion sensors have a more pronounced effect.
  6. The farther there is a moving object from the device, the weaker the intensity of the ultrasound, which makes the repeller, therefore, on large open spaces, its action will not always be effective.
  7. Ultrasonic dischargers of pigeons and other birds, if desired and tailed to electrical engineering, can be collected by the scheme itself, which can be easily found on the Internet. It turns out cheaper than industrial analog, but quite troublesome. Nevertheless, those who want to create such a rebel also quite a lot.

Bioacoustic devices


  1. Bioacoustic devices are also designed for bird hearing, only in this case they will imitate sounds, frightening birds: the voices of birds predators and others. Sounds are reproduced through special dynamics protected from moisture.
  2. Such devices are useful for scaring pigeons on residential buildings, grape plantings, historical facilities, warehouses, enterprises, airports, near outdoor pools, livestock-growing and fisheries.
  3. The advantages of the devices of this type can be attributed to:
    • reliability of the device;
    • resistance to precipitation and environmental indicators;
    • high work efficiency at large distances.
  4. Complicates the operation of the device, the need to configure its operation is to record, the time of its operation and the sequence of the published sounds.

Laser devices


  1. Laser devices have light radiation. The specifics of working with this device implies regular manual human intervention in its work. The main purpose of such a device is to scare the pigeons on large open spaces, for example, at the airport.
  2. The hitting of undesirable light on the retina of the bird's eye leads to its temporary blindness, disorientation in space and to leaving the protected area.
  3. Benefits of the laser repeller:
    • coverage of large territories;
    • lack of addiction to light irritant.
  4. The disadvantage of the device is that the device is less effective in the bright time of the day due to the lack of light contrast.

Gas gun


  1. One of the new devices for scaring birds is a gas gun. This is a safe but efficient means for scaring birds and wild animals. A gas gun imitates a shot that unconditionally makes birds fly away.
  2. This device works autonomously and almost continuously on liquefied gas. The sound reproduction frequency can be adjusted from 1 to 30 minutes between shots. The volume of the shot is also adjustable using a telescopic tube. The whole design is galvanized and is not afraid of the effects of weather. The average period of use of such a device is 6 to 8 years. Some models operate on solar energy, reinforced motion sensors, light flares, double cotton.
  3. A gas gun is a very effective means to protect large areas from birds and animal visits that harm the farm.

How to choose a bird scarecher


If you decide to buy a repeller for pigeons or other birds, then you need to make an optimal choice in favor of the most efficient device for your case. To do this, use simple advice:

  1. To protect a small area near the house or cottage, an ultrasonic device is well suited. In addition, this is one of the budget options themselves. To use the device in open areas, you need to pay attention to its climatic characteristics.
  2. Large spaces will better protect bioacoustic instruments. The main thing is not to forget to regulate them on time.
  3. In places where there is a large cluster of people, it is better to use ultrasound dischargers, as they do not make noise interfering with a person.
  4. When using a simple repeller for the pigeons made by your own hands, you can achieve a greater effect with the help of combining different ways, such as sounds, rotational motions and gloss.

When it comes to the purity of your home, the yard and the household site, as well as the preservation of the harvest, the love for feather creatures is moving into the background. Using humane methods of scaring the pigeons and other birds from the objects of your farm, you will coast your nerves, strength and time from unwanted waste and avoid negative emotions.

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4 replies to the pigeons scriber do it yourself

  1. Yuri.:

    Pigeons, maybe beautiful creatures, but the results of their livelihoods are simply impressive. I had to even buy a Sititek Pegasus Bird Scarer so that the ultrasound would drive them away from our territory.

  2. Vasya:

    this is all good, but where is the scheme and instruction how to make a disgrupter with your own hands? Or was it just a shuffle to this site? : - //

  3. Nazar:

    Yuri, and your Sititek repeller is designed only to scare away pigeons or and other birds react to it?

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