Making the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands

April 25. Repair and construction work Views 1392. Comments To write the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands No

Before choosing one or another ceiling for the kitchen, you need to know the features of this room. First of all, there is a non-permanent humidity here. It fluctuates in a wide range. So, if you cook on three burners with an open lid, then the kitchen can delay the ferry. When steam is ventilated, the humidity will decrease and, therefore, the room will already be dry. Therefore, the materials for the construction of the ceiling in the kitchen should choose the corresponding, i.e. Those that do not absorb moisture from the air. On the embodiments of the ceiling - further in the article.

Basic moments


If we talk about the specific examples of the selection of materials for cladding the ceilings in the kitchen room, then you should not give preference to wooden crates and MDF panels. After all, the use of oven and burners obviously increases the temperature in the kitchen. While the ventilation reduces it. Therefore, in the kitchen there is a oscillation of both humidity and temperature, and in a rather big range. The greater the thermal expansion of the material, the more sensitive to such drops. This should also be considered when choosing.

It is also important that the ceiling in the kitchen should easily wash. After all, when cooking splashes and fat can easily get on its surface. To make the material easily cleaned, it must have a minimum pore pore. In addition, the material used to build the ceiling should not absorb odors.

Do not forget about fire safety. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon flammable materials. Of course, the occasions of the ceiling is quite rare, but still it is better to "reinforce". In addition to the above, it is necessary to consider the likelihood of flooding of the kitchen room. After all, no one is immune from the fact that the neighbors from above will break through the pipe or crane.

Materials for the construction of the ceiling


What is the best ceiling in the kitchen? This question is worried about many owners who started repairs in the apartment. To make it easier to make a choice, then give possible options.

So, the shelves in the kitchen can be separated by plaster. This material is not terrible fluctuations in humidity and temperature. At the same time, the plaster is not afraid of a fire. But at the same time, such a coating absorbs smells well, which is undesirable for the kitchen. In addition, there are difficulties with wet cleaning. In addition to the smells, the plaster is capable of absorbing fat. Nevertheless, these problems are solved quite simply. To do this, it is enough to apply a layer of paint and putty. Of the paints, it is better to give preference to water-emulsion mixtures on silicone or acrylic basis. After that, the surface of the ceiling will be good and not to absorb smells. But the problem can create flooding from above. Because of this, divorces may appear on the ceiling. From flooding, the plastered ceiling is almost impossible to protect the ceiling. In addition, in some cases, for example, due to sudden temperature drops, the plaster will be peeling and falling.

In the kitchen you can make a suspended ceiling. These, in particular, include cassette structures that are mounted on the frame. It should be noted that they occupy a large space under the overlap. Therefore, there is no meaning to use them only if the ceiling height is large enough.

Such a coating in the kitchen room will serve for a very long time. Materials that are used as a cell filler are not terrible corrosion. In standard panels, mineral fibers or gypsum on a tissue basis are used. The temperature differences and humidity of these materials are not terrible. Panels do not need to be fixed, because They keep at the expense of their own weight. In addition, there are many more positive parties in this type of cover. For example, a fire is not afraid of such ceilings. If the kitchen fill the neighbors on top, then it will be enough to replace several panels. Based on the small price of the material, its replacement "will not hit" on the pocket. But the ceilings of this type can settle fat, splashes and soot, which is not uncommon for the kitchen. In general, with gypsum panels, pollution is rather difficult to wash. The same goes for panels based on mineral fibers.


Another option for the ceiling in the kitchen are rush and cassette metal ceilings. They are going on a rigid frame. A plus of the cutting ceiling can be called that it can be mounted almost directly to the overlap. The installed ceiling will reduce the height of the room only 35 mm. Both galvanizing and aluminum, no moisture is afraid. The expansion of metals with a temperature difference is minor. Therefore, fluctuations in temperature modes in the kitchen room should not bring problems. In addition, such surfaces due to the absence of pores are poorly dirty. In this case, they are easy enough. Obviously, metal surfaces are not afraid of a fire. They are also not afraid of flooding. If moisture falls on this surface, it will only need to dry it on top of it and wipe the remaining divorces.

A rather popular solution for the ceiling in the kitchen is the PVC panels. Such ceilings are cheap and uncomplicated in installation. They are not afraid of moisture drops. But temperature regime fluctuations with a large length of the slats can lead to what they deform. But this problem is quite solved, for this panel, it is necessary to securely with kleimers. Thanks to this fastener, the ceiling design will not be broken in case of deformation of individual panels. In addition, such a ceiling is not afraid of splashes of fat and soot. It can be disappeared without difficulty. Under the influence of high temperatures, the panel melted. But the burning does not last long. It does not distinguish harmful substances. In addition, it should not damage such a surface and flooding the kitchen on top. Water during flooding will only leak locally, for example, in the corners. Between the plates of the joints are quite dense. Due to this, only a small amount of moisture is passed.


A good option is still stretch ceilings for the kitchen. They are good because they can be mounted literally during the clock pair. At the same time, such covers are fairly simple in service. When laying a stretch ceiling, it is recommended to adhere to several rules. So, you should knock off the level on which the ceiling will be stretched. This is perhaps the most difficult stage. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the baguettes. Baguet is a mount on which the main load of the ceiling will have. Therefore, such details should be attached particularly carefully.

It is also important to make sure that the screws and butterflies are tightly adjacent to the wall. If this is not done, then the baguette will move away from the surface and will lead. The most time-consuming process is perhaps the stretch. This is exactly what will need to do after training baguettes. To do this, you will need a thermal gun. With this tool, the canvas need to warm up to about 80 degrees. This should lead to the fact that the canvas evenly and gradually dealt over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. When the canvas is stretched, it needs to be consolidated in fasteners of baguettes. During operation, the heat gun must be at such a distance to maintain the plasticity of the material and at the same time do not melt it. Sometimes the canvas sweeps in some places, because of which the surface becomes not so smooth.

The ceiling of polystyrene foam tiles. If you cannot afford dear materials, the surface can be saved inexpensive polystyrene tiles. It's easy to work with this material. To do this, first defines the center of the plane. To do this, it is enough to draw perpendicular lines from the middle of the surface. After that glue is applied to the tile. Then the plate is applied to the markup in the center of the vertex. Next, the tile will need to press to the surface. When the first four tiles are glued, the rest of the plates "fit" under them.

Plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen


This is an excellent material that can be given different forms or simply use to align the surface. There are deficiencies at drywall, but they are minor, if you compare with its advantages.

Order order:

  1. Before installing installation, it is necessary to carefully prepare. So, on the working surface there should be no dust and dirt. Therefore, they need to get rid of them. And as early as possible. Otherwise, in the end, you will not pick up to zero level.
  2. If the ceiling is replaced, then before making a new one, you need to remove the old coating. During this process between concrete slabs, cracks can be detected, which will need to be seen.
  3. It is equally important to measure the starting level. After all, it is he who will touch the ceiling plane. For this problem, rail guides are used or aluminum. When it is completed with this, you can roll the rails and the ceiling coating. Reiki must accommodate evenly throughout the surface of the ceiling. To achieve this, it is usually beginning with extreme plates, and then go towards the wall to the wall.
  4. Anyway, to continue the work, you need to fix facing material for something. For this purpose on the ceiling mounted frame. This is done quite simply - along the perimeter of the room first fixes the metal guide in the form of the letter P. After which the longitudinal, docking and transverse profiles are fixed on the suspension, and their ends are inserted into the guides.
  5. As for profiles, they are recommended to be installed in increasing about 50-55 cm. The middle of the standard sheets of drywall is fixed to the guide, and the edges need to be placed so that they fit into the center of the extreme guides. It is easier than it may seem. The main thing, act neatly. Sheets are fixed on the self-tapping screw. The type of fasteners is chosen depending on the material of the guides.
  6. After installing the plasterboard, the joints should be sickled, and when they are dried, then wield. As a result, the ceiling will be ready to paint.
  7. It is necessary to do everything possible to protect the kitchen from the flooding neighbors from above. For this purpose, the ceiling is hydroizing. It will not be superfluous to insulate the surface.

A little about lighting


Lighting is an important issue for the kitchen. It concerns the entire premises, and therefore the ceiling. Lighting can be called part of the ceiling design in the kitchen. Therefore, below we give some recommendations on this.

  • The main source of light is usually located above the table, followed by food. Here you can hang a chandelier or install LED panels.
  • In several seats, the kitchen will need local lighting. For example, it will need to be done in the working area, as well as over the chest and sink.
  • The light source is usually selected depending on the height of the ceiling. If the suspension design is used, then the sophytes will look good in it.

Ceiling in the kitchen: video

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