Floor screed technology

March 31. Repair and construction work Views 1057. Comments to record technology screed tie in the apartment No

Repair in the house cannot be submitted without high-quality flooring. The key way to create a solid foundation for the floor is a screed. It can be placed almost on each surface, including even concrete slabs. In addition, it is lined up both smoothly and under some bias, if required during repairs. Most often, the concrete screed of the floor in the apartment consists of the following fillers - sand, cement, small rubble, ceramzit, gravel. When preparing this kind of basics, it is important in the correct proportions to make a mixture, and then it is highly putting it, align and dry it. Only after that we can assume that the base for the floor is reliable and safe. Below we will analyze a little more, how to make a floor tie in the apartment.

Types of floor grounds


Distinguish between several types of screeds:

  • So, concrete bases are considered the most popular. They are commonly used for the initial alignment of the floor in the presence of large drops and irregularities.
  • There are also self-leveling ties. Usually they are used under the finish coating. Such ties are made from finished special mixtures.
  • In addition, there are dry ties that are used to align the floor with 30-120 mm drops. Such bases can be performed in two ways. The first one is to align the lags by plywood or chipboard. The second option is to align with special plasterboard sheets.

The dry band screed in the apartment consists of two layers. The first one is clay sand or ready dry mix. The second layer is the layers of gypsum fat, which are fastened with glue and screws. It turns out a fairly smooth base, which is characterized by high heat and sound insulation.

Floor screed exercise technology

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Preparatory work in many ways depend on the type of base on which the screed will be laid. So, in some cases, preliminary preparation will be required before stacking. Including it is necessary to inspect the surface for the presence of detacies. Detected defects will need to be cleaned and smeared with cement mortar. These works are relevant if the base is old concrete, wooden floor, naked soil or overlap plate. If chips will be detected on the concrete base, potholes and drops, they will need to be aligned with the help of a milling and grinding machine. In the process of this work, construction dust is formed, which should be removed. In addition, do not forget to use personal protective equipment (gloves, glasses, etc.). Then all over the perimeter of the room is made of a horizontal level.


Further work order:

  1. After preparing the base, it will be necessary to put a light on the surface in order to measure the curvature of the surface.
  2. More painstaking work will be required if the screed is placed on a naked soil. In this case, it is necessary to catch the soil and arrange a sand pillow before laying the screed. If not to do this, then the base can be asked what the cracks appear on the surface of the tie.
  3. The sandy pillow, like the ground, is similar to the ramp. Mandatory must be laid a layer of waterproofing. Without it, moisture from concrete will be leaked to the base.
  4. Upon completion of these works, you can already put lighthouses, and already consolidate the guides. To do this, you can use firming materials. In particular, tubes, rails, broken brick and concrete mixture are suitable. In no case cannot be made of wood. After all, it is known that the wooden surface without difficulty absorbs moisture even from the air. Because of this property, the screed may turn out to be uneven. Better under the beacons put pieces of cement.
  5. Self-tapping screws are usually used to set profiles that are inserted into pre-cooked holes. The mounting floor is usually screwed through a metal profile.
  6. After that, with the help of tags, the height of the profile above the floor is adjusted. Next, the slope should be measured and twisted the desired dowel. The tilt can be measured using a regular level. After that, several more screws are screwed in such a way that they are at a distance of about 0.5 m from each other.
  7. All lighthouses need to be put so that they are strictly parallel to each other, except the most extreme, which should be 200 mm from the walls. One way or another, there should be a distance of 300-400 mm less than the length of the rule.
  8. It should be noted that lighthouses made from metal pipes are very reliable. They should be fixed on a dense gypsum solution. At the same time, they must be located in parallel to each other.
  9. Before performing the laying of the mixture, you should check in several places the horizontal guides by means of a long level. The calculation of the lighting installation is quite simple. The distance between the guides directly depends on your experience, i.e. The more experience, the more you can do between them the distance. There is only a limit on the maximum distance, which should be no longer than the length of the construction level.
  10. When it is done, you can enjoy waterproofing and reinforcing floor screed in the apartment. The price of this work is relatively low.
  11. If your apartment is located on the floor above the first, it is recommended to additionally carry out the floorproofing of the floor. For this purpose, in particular, you can use runneroid. A universal mastic is usually used as a solution. The main requirement for a solution is that it is strong enough and at the same time viscous to provide excellent adhesion with the base.
  12. After applying the primer, it should not be continued until the floor is dry. Usually for this requires at least a pair of hours. A situation is possible when the base surface absorbs too much moisture. In this case, you will have to apply a second layer of primer.
  13. It must be a layer of waterproofing. For this, the usual polyethylene is most often used. The quality of waterproofing the screed in shower and bathrooms is especially important.
  14. Concrete screed also need to be reinforced. For this purpose, there will be a road grid with cell sizes 10-15 cm. If the concrete floor will experience a strong load in the future, then the grid is better not to use, but instead of it the reinforcement frame. The same rule concerns the slab foundation.
  15. It is necessary to prepare fittings with 9-15 mm rods in advance. After that, the rods will need to tie. This can be done manually or with a special pistol. In order to make a reliable and durable concrete floor, it is necessary to add steel fiber at the fill stage. It allows you to strengthen the design.

Self-leveling screed


This type of base is used in the case when it is necessary to obtain "impeccably" smooth floor surface. This will be needed, for example, for subsequent laying of seamless floors, parquet, polyvinyl chloride coatings, linoleum. Today you can find a fairly large selection of such materials. The cost of the floor screed in the apartment also varies. In the process of work, when a dry solution is sampled, a mass is obtained that spreads well on a flat surface. It is precisely it is most often used to align different bases.


Next, consider the procedure for working with this type of screed:

  1. First, the surface is prepared, which includes the removal of garbage and dust. If this stage is not bad, then all the dirt after the fill may simply be on the surface.
  2. When the surface is prepared, you can proceed to priming the floor base. If the surface strongly absorbs moisture, then it is desirable to apply two layers of primer.
  3. Next, you can proceed to the preparation of the solution. This should be done, adhering to instructions from the manufacturer. The mixture should dial enough oxygen. For this purpose, it is stirred for a few minutes. In order not to do it manually, you can use a stirrer drill included on low revs.
  4. When the mass is ready, it can be poured onto the base, starting from the wall opposite to the entrance. The applied layer must be smooth, which can be controlled by the level.
  5. It is best to pour a solution with minor portions. The uniformity of the layer in all areas is still achieved with the help of a metal lattice. Mass can be aligned with the distribution roller.
  6. When the application of the solution is completed, you need to wait until the mixture dries. Drying time depends on the thickness of the layer and on the room temperature. Under normal roomms for complete drying, approximately 12 hours is required.
  7. There are two important requirements for a screed layer: it must be solid and at the same time should not absorb moisture. To achieve this, you need to adhere to several recommendations during drying. So, during this period, straight sun rays should not fall on the applied layer. In addition, you should "save" a drying layer from sudden temperature drops, drafts. You can not allow ingestion of moisture.

Screed floor on concrete surface


As a tie material, usually use ordinary concrete. In this case, its brand should be at least M400. Other restrictions on the choice of material for a screed, in fact, no. A screed, which is placed on crushed stone, usually has a thickness of no more than 16 mm.

Procedure for work:

  1. If there is already an old screed on the floor, then first you need to check its quality. With a fairly strong screed, you can pour a new layer on top of it. If the previous base is in poor condition, then you must first remove it. This can be done with the help of a conventional perforator.
  2. After that, it follows the entire apartment to check the floor level to find out the height difference in different rooms. If it turns out that defects are minor, then for alignment you can take not expensive materials. The highest point is usually determined by water or laser level. The value of the highest point directly affects the thickness of the floor screed in the apartment.
  3. After that, you need to install guides, called beacons, according to which they pour and align the floors.
  4. It is important to achieve that the screed does not crumble after the floor device. To do this, it is necessary on the right altitude (at least 5-7 mm) to secure the guides (lighthouses). In this case, the beacons must be installed strictly horizontally, which can be monitored by the usual construction level.
  5. Any deviations are eliminated using a suitable thickness linings. They are usually placed under the guides. It is important that the lining be made from the material resistant to moisture. No less important is the pitch between the guides, which should not be greater than the level length.
  6. When preparing a screed solution, it is important to observe the ratio of cement and sand, which must be 1: 3. At the same time, the sand needs to be specifically cleaned and process. River sand is better not to use due to the presence of impurities in it.

Floor screed in the apartment: video

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