How to make a pond in the country

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Perhaps, few people will refuse to rest on the shore of the reservoir. Especially if it is located on a personal site. But many are not solved on the construction of such a hydraulic structure, thinking that it is not for them. In fact, a small pond in the country can well do each. The most important thing is that he harmoniously fit into the landscape of the plot. If everything is done correctly, then such a reservoir will not be a "problem" zone and will not require a lot of time to care. Learn more about how to make a pond in the country, let's tell later.

Choosing a style solution


First of all, it is worth choosing the style of the execution of the future pond and pick up a suitable place to accommodate it. To do this, take advantage of some rules and recommendations that we now consider in more detail:

  1. When choosing a style for the future pond, you should take the architecture of the house and the breakdown of the garden.
  2. In addition to the bowl of the reservoir, it is worth equipping a small decorative waterfall or a stream. This will add additional attractiveness to your site.
  3. Do not forget about the design of the coastline.
  4. The breakdown of the tracks should be made in the same style as the rest of the garden plot.
  5. The pond having a geometrically correct form is always appropriate on the site of your garden. Especially if it is located next to the gazebo or terrace of the country house. Here you can conveniently sit down to admire water stroke.
  6. The reservoir can be issued in Japanese style. This requires stones of different sizes, boys. Avoid landing on the grass of different colors.
  7. You can still equip the Chinese style pond, which is brighter and lush. Do not forget to plant a tree with motley foliage next to the pond and set the curved bridge through the pond.
  8. In addition, ponds in the style of Natur Garden are quite popular. It implies landing on the site of plants characteristic only for this region. This, obviously, excludes landing of all exotic cultures. Such a reservoir becomes the most natural and harmoniously fits into any country area.

Selection of the shape and dimensions of the reservoir


As for the form of a reservoir, it should be chosen, oriented, first of all, on the terrain intended for further placement of the pond. So, for example, a rectangular bars of a square form looks next to the house. He emphasizes the contours of the next building and is well combined with the courtyard. Especially good in this case, he will look if the rectangular flowerbeds are broken near or smooth tracks are laid.

You can still use the following option: make a broken geometric pond, lay a terrace track of the track, and one of them is transferred in the form of a bridge over the pond. Such a bridge is recommended to be performed as a concrete trail. An even more original option is to create it in the form of individual square plates, which are supplied so that it seems that they hide over the water. It can be equipped on the site not one pond, but a whole cascade of small water reservoirs. In this case, the water will flow from one bowl to another with miniature waterfalls.

Pond on the site is quite possible and round shape. Such reservoirs can adequately decorate the lawn or an open lawn. In addition, such a pond will look good next to the planted group of trees. It will also be able to supplement the overall composition of the garden made in the classic style. By the way, the pond round shape of a small size is much simpler than the reservoirs of another configuration. To do this, you can use such remedies such as plastic containers, concrete rings, automotive tires and wooden ears.

How to choose a place for a pond


The importance of the selection of the place for the pond should not be underestimated. After all, the service life of the erected reservoir depends. At the same time, water in it will not bloom under the action of direct sunlight, from which green algae can begin to grow. In general, it is impossible to place a pond on the plot, where the sunny light will constantly fall during it. So that the water is not blooming, for some period, the afternoon must be in the shade. This will slow down the reproduction of green algae.

Place the water in a place where there is always a shadow is also wrong. This will lead to a delay in the development of algae, which you planted as a decorative decoration. It is not recommended to place a water under shady trees. Otherwise, foliage will fall into water and thus pollute it. Thus, it is very important to be able to choose something mean. It is enough for the country bars lit by the Sun only for 5 hours a day. It is desirable that it be discovered from the south-west.



How to build a pond at the cottage? To create it, you can use different materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps the easiest way to be purchased in the store ready-made capacity for water bodies. Such devices are sufficiently stable and durable. Nevertheless, they most often have small dimensions. Therefore, with the help of them it is impossible to make a pond quite large. In addition, such tanks are quite expensive. These are the two major drawbacks.

Of course, it is possible to use a bath or pallets as a base for a pond, but such water bodies, as a rule, do not boast of size. Therefore, it is recommended to simply make a pond in the country with your own hands using PVC film. The advantages of this option can be called a low value of the material and the ability to change the shape and size of the reservoir. The lack is obvious - such a pond is easy to damage. Film coatings are very easy to rush. In general, the service life of this material is small.

Much longer will serve as a water, if the material for the base is used to use reinforced concrete. In such a dacha pond, it will be possible to even walk on the bottom without fear. Design from this not collapse. In addition, this design allows you to install various sculptures on the fate of the reservoir. Obviously, work on the construction of such a pond will cost quite expensive. In particular, it is not necessary to do without special equipment and equipment. In addition, if you want to remove with reservoir, then it will go much more time than with other options.

A good option is to use as a material to arrange a dacha pond butyl rubber rubber. Only this is also a fairly expensive option. Without additional money, do not do here. But these costs justify themselves. After all, as a result, a design with excellent characteristics is obtained. Such a pipe can withstand a fairly load. In addition, the material itself allows the reservoirs of almost any form.

How to choose the size of the pond


It is read that the best option will be the size of the reservoir, which takes about 2-4% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site. But, if the dimensions are too big, then not everyone is ready to highlight as many places for the pond. Therefore, it is easiest to make it a small size. In addition, the smaller the pond, the smaller the materials and labor costs are necessary for its construction.

Consider, when choosing the sizes of the future reservoir, not only the garden area should be taken into account, but also your physical capabilities. In addition, it must be harmonized and combined with other elements of the selected area.

Pond with fish

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Such a pond has something in common with the aquarium. The main difference is that the fish in this case live in a place close to their natural habitat. For liverity in such a reservoir, it is interesting to observe, just pleasing to the eyes. If you purchase them in the store, do not forget to clarify the content conditions for the seller.

The complexity of the device of such a pond is that there will have to solve several difficult tasks. First of all, it should be borne in mind that for the normal development of plants and fish in the pond, a certain temperature should be maintained. So, in summer, water should have a temperature of about 19-24 degrees. In winter, it should not fall below +5 degrees Celsius.

In addition, water acidity is important for living inhabitants. For normal life, it is enough to keep pH at 7-8.5. If this figure decreases sharply, then for livestock in the pond, it will be a serious stress. Acidness is usually changing due to the presence of carbon dioxide in water, which leads to the decay of acids. In addition, the stress for fish and plants can be a change of large part of the water, too strong heating, excessive lighting and bad aeration. The acidic medium adversely affects the activity of the bacteria in the filtering system, which processes the products of the vital activity of the water inhabitants. Because of this, the reservoir accumulates toxins from which fish with a weak organism may die.

Next to the pond can be planted with high vegetation, which will give him a more natural look. Here they will look good such floating plants like pita, lilies and lotuses. Most natural reservoirs have a row. You can raise it with your own, having bought seeds, but it often appears itself, even if no one specifically suggested. This plant is undoubtedly useful in that it cleans water, but at the same time it loves to grow and capture the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe pond.

At any time of the year oxygen should flow in the reservoir. To do this, in the winter, you can make a hole. So that they do not quickly froze, and at the same time the air exchange was not disturbed, they are recommended to spray straw. If the pond is small, then a sufficient oxygen tide will be able to provide only one hole. If you do not want for some reason to break it with the help of a shovel, you can put on ice a pan with hot water poured into it. Under the action of heat ice melts and get a smooth well.

Design of dacha prudy

Pond at the cottage: photo


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The decorative finish of the pond will always benefit its appearance. For example, you can equip underwater illumination, which is even more attractive to reservoir, especially in the dark. The type of such a pond may be awesome anyone. For the installation of the backlight, there will be special mini-spotlights. Their cost is usually relatively low.

Many decorate their home decorative ponds at the dacha fountains. This requires the installation of special pumps that are underwater or supervised. They are distinguished by the height of the jet of water.

No less effectively look like aerial lighting. For this purpose, halogen and LED light bulbs are purchased. They are considered to be economical light sources themselves.

How to automate the pond


To ensure the optimal medium in the reservoir, you can use special flow water heaters equipped with a temperature sensor. Such devices begin to work only when the water temperature drops below a certain value. This is due to the signal of the signal to the control panel, the operation of water heaters. They, in turn, are able to heat the water per day by 1-3 degrees. It is enough in order not to cause the temperature climb of stress in a lively living in the pond.

Thanks to the installation of some devices, you can get rid of the need to specially do forbid. So, you can put a compressor with a sprayer. The device itself, as a rule, is placed in the room, and the air in the reservoir is served through a sprayer. From it, bubbles are raised to the surface that do not give to form pieces of ice. You can still use a special water heater, which, when heated, heats the ice around him.

To saturate water with oxygen, it is recommended to plant a plant in a pedigree, which produce it. These include the shrovers, rogoltnik and Elode Canadian.

To maintain the purity of water in the reservoir, you can install a special cleansing filter equipped with a pump. For each type of pollutant, there are appropriate cleaning stages. For example, the mud filter is designed to purify water from large garbage. There are also the so-called biofilters that are equipped with a lamp of ultraviolet light. They are able to clean water from harmful bacteria, which, in turn, helps to prevent the disease of the fish.

Clear pond can still be cleaned with a special vacuum cleaner that dirty water is collected from the bottom and surface. After hitting the apparatus, the liquid is pretty filtered and exits purified through the hose located on the other side.

Another well-known problem of maintaining his own pond is flowering water. Some solve it with the help of special means to eliminate and prevent the growth of algae, called algicides. It should be said that they can be dangerous for the inhabitants of the pond, including fish. Therefore, it is not worth using them even in the most extreme case. To reduce water heating, it is better to create a shadow or planted on the surface of a plant with large leaves, which will cover the surface of water from direct sunlight.

Thoughtful owners can provide automatic fish feeding in a pond with special feeders. Such adaptations today exist a variety of size and with different components. The latter is needed in order to provide different types of fish with the appropriate feed.

Pond in the country: video

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