How to choose a floor tile

September 9. Building materials Views 1231 Comments to write How to choose a floor tile No

Floor tiles - a unique construction material that combines the characteristics of the mass. That it complies with the environmental standards and rules, it is fireproof, it does not emit harmful substances when heated, non-conductive and does not fade in the sun.


As a result of the high temperature treatment, tile gets partially glassy structure, thereby gaining dimensional stability. The thicker ceramic floor tiles, the higher its strength.


Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic tiles


  1. It is resistant to moisture.
  2. It has a wide variety of textures, shapes and colors.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. It has affordable price.
  5. Resistance to temperature changes.
  6. Wear resistance, etc.


  1. It does not store heat.
  2. When installing involves greater material consumption and cutting.

classification of tiles


1. By appointment:

  • curb;
  • outdoor;
  • exterior;
  • wall;
  • decorative;
  • tiles for swimming pools;
  • universal.

2. Size and shape:

  • having a complex shape;
  • rectangular;
  • square.

3. In the presence of the glaze:

  • unglazed;
  • glazed.

4. Molding method:

  • extruded;
  • pressed;
  • enamelled;
  • rectified;
  • the dense and porous support;
  • not rectified.

5. In view of the initial clay mixture:

  • montmorillonite;
  • kaolin;
  • granite;
  • monokotturnaya;
  • faience;
  • bicoturture;
  • majolica;
  • clinker.

6. For wear resistance:

  • Grade 1 (for residential premises with small patency);
  • Class 2 (for premises with an average traffic intensity);
  • Grade 3 (can be used in the kitchen and hallway);
  • 4 and 5 class (the most resistant to abrasion).


How to choose a floor tile


  1. By choosing a ceramic tile, you need to consider the packaging. Various pictograms indicate its purpose and basic characteristics.
  2. According to the appearance of the finished product, you can distinguish high-quality tiles from poor quality. The first has clear sizes, a smooth surface and corners. At the same time, it should be evenly painted, and on the rear and front side there must be no whitewash defects and drums.
  3. As for water absorption, it depends on the porosity of the tile. What it is less, the higher the frost resistance, the strength to bending and resistance to temperature differences.
  4. The dimensions of the floor ceramic tiles are selected individually. As a rule, it is produced in the form of a large square.
  5. Today, many factories for the production of tiles allow you to choose the most appropriate products in terms of cost. However, the largest ceramic tiles of Spain and Italy use the greatest trust in the consumer. It is she who combines such indicators as price-quality and implies a wide range of design solutions.
  6. As for the laying of ceramic floor tiles, it is originally necessary to choose the method. Classic is the installation with seams, seamless - create a continuous surface. In addition, the cafeter of different sizes you can lay out a geometric pattern in any direction.
  7. When choosing a tile color, it is necessary to be guided not only by fashion, but certain knowledge. So for a small room, it is recommended to choose light products, blue glaze in artificial lighting will seem green, glossy dark tile leaves tracks of dry water, and on a chromatic and grainy structure, any contamination is easily lost. Ceramic floor tiles under the tree will hide almost all flaws and perfectly fit into the interior of the corridor and the hall.
  8. For the bathroom of residential premises it is desirable to make a choice in favor of a tile with increased chemical characteristics. In the kitchen it is recommended to use a tile with excellent strength, low porosity and 3 abrasion class. For the corridor, you should give preference to ceramic granite or unlawed products.

The floor in the public space is better to lay out tiles with a high level of wear-resistant, hardness, resistance to mechanical and chemical exposure.


To cover the floor of industrial enterprises, it is recommended to choose a low porosity tile, because only it has good mechanical characteristics and greater thickness.

In the shops where the danger is present to slip away, it is recommended to install products with a corrugated surface and special spikes.

For the arrangement of airports, veranda, metro stations, parks, train stations and pedestrian crossings, it is necessary to use frost-resistant tiles with the right class of wear resistance.


By choosing the floor ceramic tile, the price of which varies depending on the manufacturer, pay special attention to its variety. The latter is determined by the presence, quantity and quality of marriage.

So the tile of the highest or first grade is the most qualitative having an ideal surface. The tile of the second grade may include minor defects (it allows for the presence of one sand on the surface). Third grade products have several of them.

Deciding with the choice, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe faced surface and purchase the desired material by 10-15% more.

Outdoor ceramic tile Photo:






How to choose Floor Ceramic Tile Video:

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