How to insulate the pile foundation

September 8. Foundation Views 2602. Comments to record how to insulate the pile foundation No

During the establishment of the foundation, the most important point is the process of insulation. This depends on a lot, ranging from the housing microclimate and ending with other moments associated with the integrity of building structures. In any case, it is almost impossible to do without insulation. To pick up the best means of insulation of the pile foundation, some important information should be known.


Existing Watery Foundation


Technological solutions associated with the insulation of the foundation there is a lot. It is important to choose exactly the one that is suitable in a specific situation and will not require serious cash flow. Often, the following methods of insulation of the pile foundation are used:

  • radiation of clamzit in the sinus of the beam painter;
  • fucking painting of extruded polystyrene foam;
  • combining the above technologies.


All these items relate to traditional technologies that are used incredibly often. The positive aspects of these methods consist in the overall simplicity of the insulation process. Developed technologies have been successfully used already dozens of years. At the same time, all the materials needed to arrange the warming can be found in any construction store.

Unfortunately, there are also negative sides. First of all, they relate to limit the universality of the application of these technologies. Often, the above methods will help to easily insulate the foundation, but in non-standard conditions everything can change dramatically. Also not impress you and the appearance of the foundation, which will look not entirely presentable.

The insulation of the pile woodworking foundation can also be produced by alternative methods that are much less likely to previously. These include:

  • installation of heat heap base, which is formed on warm masonry technology;
  • arrangement of a decorative base from a variety of heat resistant materials (hollow brick, foam blocks);
  • internal insulation of the base (produced by the side of the underground).


Most often, alternative methods of insulation are applied only in cases where the residential structure has a non-standard base with a complex profile. Definitely, among the negative sides, there should be a colossal complexity of the process. Here this aspect is much more serious than in classical methods of insulation. In any case, you do not have to choose here.


Outdoor insulation of the pile foundation

The base with the monolithic framework provides only the outer insulation of the dwelling. Side faces in this case play the role of the base of the house. Here are the main manipulations of the process of arranging outdoor insulation:

  • the layer of the bituminous insulator covers the side faces of the woodster (it helps protect the base from moisture);
  • sheets of polystyrene foams are glued directly on the bitumen mass (before rebounding the last);
  • installation foam close the seams between the sheets. However, this is not always appropriate, especially when using fasteners. Often, such materials have elements of the "cast" compound, which greatly simplifies the process;
  • the reinforcing mesh is applied on top of the heat insulator. The grid itself is covered with a layer of facade plaster;
  • after all the works, the facade is impregnated with a hydraulator and apply a layer of paint of the desired color.


Before heating the pile foundation in this way, it should be closed to an alternative version. The following option is based on the construction of a tape tape base. Often it is condensed by the Ballery Rolls of the foundation of the dwelling. In addition, in this case, you can use all the same materials that will be as efficient in any situation. However, in this case, the "warm laying", which will cost the owners much more expensive than the remaining methods of insulation.

The "warm masonry" also implies the use of a variety of bulk materials that are located between transverse plug-in ribbons. At the same time, other insulation materials can be used (mineral wool, foam).

  Wood-house insulation

Wuino helical foundation and insulation process


Already quite a long time, Syano screw foundations are popular. Thanks to this technology, the foundation is erected very quickly, and its quality is really worthy of only the best reviews.

The insulation of the pile-screw foundation can be made only if the process is held on the basis of the Balochka Router. Also around the perimeter of the base will need to build a ribbon base, and already in the inner part of the design, the clamzit or the soil, selected during the construction of the dwelling.

Before the above actions, it is necessary to hold a number of serious events that make it ultimately obtaining a phenomenal result.

  • At the very beginning, careful waterproofing of most parts of the foundation is carried out. All overlap beams that are above piles should be treated with a bitumen layer. You can also use a liquid insulator, but its cost will be significantly more expensive than bitumen.
  • Next occurs the waterproofing of vertical sites of the foundation (internal and outer sides of the frame). Here, the actions are almost similar to those that were presented in the past paragraph. After impregnation of overlaps, the bitumen should look at the waters waterproofing. At the very beginning, these elements of the foundation are wrapped with a polymer swarth, and then ward up with rubberoid, or simply covered with bitumen.
  • Now it is necessary to ensure the formation of a bulk pillow. In this process, you should fill the entire emptiness present between the zero and lower levels of the foundation. To save money, often emptiness is filled with ordinary building sand, which you need as closely to the ramp. Only at the level of 30 cm from the lower edge of the frame, it is necessary to shine a layer of clay. In such conditions, you can count on the maximum reliability and durability of the foundation and insulation.


Other aspects of the arrangement of the warming of the pile foundation


Despite the fact that over the past decades a lot of materials appeared, which are excellent insulation for the foundation, often people make a choice in favor of classical agents. First of all, it is dictated by a small price and durability. The most popular material is foam. It is easy to equip the perimeter of the foundation using a special adhesive base for attachment.

However, it is also worth understanding that not always the foam or some other materials may approach a specific situation. This is especially true of the terrain where the soil is rather wet. In such cases, waterproof insulation should be applied, which are able to withstand high humidity of the soil for long years and counteract the loss of structural strength.

There are many videos where you can see the insulation of the pile foundation. In most cases, foundation structures can be easily insulated, but often the structure has not completely standard elements. Then all the necessary processes are somewhat more complicated.

Each technology of insulation of the pile foundation has its own positive and negative sides. Negative, first of all, the question of the price includes. To date, the use of most insulation methods means the waste of colossal agents. With the help of some materials, you can save a significant part of the money, but then there may be problems with the durability and quality of insulation.

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