How to choose a diamond grinding tool

February 13. Instruments Views 2587. Comments to write how to choose a diamond grinding tool No

If you are not a perfectionist, and a very small irregularity of the concrete floor in the garage does not confuse you, then there are no problems as such. If the surface is imperfect, and it is noticeable, then it's time to cause ambulance agencies. Or try to do everything yourself, for these purposes and the special tool is.

Grinding tool - with diamond, but not all

The number of varieties of grinding machines confuses any. They differ in power, dimensions, maximum size of the diameter of the circle, graininess, etc. Each of them is intended for a certain type of work. Choosing a tool, I want to find a wagon.


Diamond grinding tool attracts with its name. And this is not his main plus. To make sure that you will finally consider their main advantages and scope.

Application area

1. Reconstruction of municipal, industrial buildings.
2. Construction of bridges and roads.
3. Stroy industry: from the ridges of floors and before processing the crystal details of the interior.
4. Jewelry - work with precious stones.

Advantages of tool

There is, where to raise: diamond grinding circles will also be cope with the cast iron, and with any other solid alloy, it will process both ceramics or marble and glass or porcelain. Quickly and efficiently: minimum time and strengths, large areas with noticeable irregularities. It would seem that someone bumps prevent, but they will not argue with the standards.

diamond Circles

Due to the fact that in the tool segments use a real diamond, competitors for performance and performance of work not to find. The speed compared to other abrasives is also impressive. No less important plus is the lack of dust, and although it is, but it does not have to clean it. All waste is absorbed thanks to the built-in vacuum cleaner - one more convenience when grinding surfaces.

The latter advantage is not at all know-how. The vacuum cleaners are embedded on some models and pneumatic grinding tools. They are more compact, almost silent, comfortable in hard-to-reach places. They are used for small purposes - clean the welding seam or remove burrs, etc.

Brief overview of diamond grinding tools manufacturers

1. Bosch Diamond Grinding Machine is a professional tool. When carving the stone, the device accelerates the speed of up to 28 thousand revolutions per minute. For convenience, there is a regulator, when working, vibration is insignificant (rubberized bearings all over wine). The housing is shock resistant, power - 600 W.


2. Diamond grinding machines of the French Spit manufacturer are characterized by high power (1800 watts), good quality work. Nevertheless, the weight of the aggregate is impressive (4.1 and 5.5 kg), and the speed of rotation is constant - 10 thousand revolutions per minute.
3. German Cedima manufacturers are also not the first year in the market. The fourth decade in the city of Cellee, the team of specialists is manufactured by a high-quality diamond tool.
4. The Italian company Cuts Diamant is trying to keep leadership internationally on the production of diamond instrument. Manufacturers guarantee high quality cutting and large equipment reliability indicators.

diamond milling mill
5. Being in finding a hand grinding tool, pay attention to the products of domestic manufacturers. They are difficult to call compact, because the aggregates have a weight of about 150 kg. The power of the grinding machine is 5.5 kW. At such mosaic-grinding machines Co-199 are installed both diamond cutters and other abrasives. The machines of the GM series of Splitstone are not less common, the advantage of which is the possibility of working in cramped conditions.

6. Recently, the diamond tool is installed on Spectrum grinding machines, "Schwamborn", "X1", "NTS", "Avalanche about". These are planetary type aggregates. They are used after other machines to get an even smoother surface.

And other "precious" tools

Diamond tools are very popular. Many do not even confuse his rather value. Diamond tubular drills quickly and efficiently make holes in concrete, granite, ceramic tiles and other materials that, because of their fragility, can easily split from the drum force of the usual drill.

Diamond finishing tools are used to stretch wire from a wide variety of metals and their alloys. With it, injection needles are manufactured. Such products are expensive, but also about the quality and reliability of finished products will not argue.

Having all the "for" ...

That is how it is not necessary to weigh all the "against" when choosing a diamond grinding tool. It is impossible to say that this is an indispensable attribute of a domestic workshop or garage. However, if there is an idea to open your business or buy a tool for a job in your free time, then it will even benefit from this.

Do not hurry to trust the sweet speeches of the seller, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the unit. Buying diamond discs, make sure that the size of the diameter is suitable. Do not forget what purpose you buy a tool. In order to nail the nail, they buy one hammer, and not bother half of the building supermarket.

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