How to make the shelves in the dressing room? Step-by-step instruction

February 11th Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 14566 Comments to write How to make a shelf in the dressing room? Step-by-step instruction No

Dressing Room has long ceased to be a whim and privilege of the rich owners of enormous houses. Today it is not just a fad, but also practical, comfortable accommodation of all things.

What will the wardrobe department?


The main feature of the special arrangement of the premises - the freedom to choose the external and internal design. Note dignity dressing:

  • space savings
  • easy access to any thing
  • the absence of wasting time on long searches
  • not all clutter closets and utility rooms
  • proper care of things, thereby increasing the duration of their use.


How to arrange a dressing room?

Regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole house, it is possible to allocate a separate room or part of it to distinguish, to equip a room for storage of all things neat.


Watch this video, which clearly shows an example of registration of a dressing room in a small apartment.

Shape and area pick up on their own, given the size of available free space, number of family members, personal preferences, a number of things.

Important! Be sure to read the pre-expert advice to new premises has really become functional helper and helped in the future to save time.


Recommendations for the Development

  • The classical form - in the form of a letter T or U, but, if space allows, and the stylistic direction of the interior will not go against the chosen design of the original idea - no doubt the right choice. dressing-in-the-bedroom-e1318923871603
  • Ideal location - between the bathroom and bedroom. If dressing room will occupy a separate room - Think out on both sides. 0c90f778
  • Delimiting area, guided by the average size of 6-8 m2 dressing.
  • Use different forms of attachment and deployment of things - hooks, boxes, racks, shelves for dressing, placing them as rationally. 449522526
  • Pay special attention to the materials from which they are made. The main criteria - strength and ability to withstand the expected load.

    V.j. but! Most of the space it will occupyshelves, they have the same and the main load.Therefore, watch their location, shape parameters.


Sequence decoration dressing room

Although the arrangement of dressing room is no big deal, and it is easy to arrange on their own, should still take into account some of the nuances and alternately of progress.


The whole process is divided into several successive stages:

  1. Schematic design.
  2. The choice of material.
  3. Preparation tools and sawing.
  4. Marking.
  5. Mounting of all elements.

schematic design

Before you make your own project, be sure to look closely at the photo of ready solutions and dressing scheme.




Watch a video from which you can extract some interesting ideas for the design of their wardrobe.

Once taken into account all the principles of design and construction capabilities correlated with the size of your room, start planning a layout parameters.


Please note the following advice on size:

  1. Depth fixed shelves plan in the range of 40-50 cm. At a deeper placement, things will not get very convenient.
  2. The distance between the adjustment flanges:
    • for clothing - 30-40 cm
    • for other subjects - the height of things + 10 cm.
  3. The passage between the rows of shelves - 80 cm.
  4. One of the most complex design issues is how to make an angular regiment. To save space and create an attractive external design design, make the shelves in the form of a semicircle or another geometric shape. garderob_ideya9.

Important! When decoring the retractable shelves, reduce the height between the shelves, and plan a greater depth. Such distribution will help save space, and the placed things will remain easily accessible and neatly folded. 44_full_enl

What can the shelf make?


One of the first questions that occurs is the material for construction. The choice is quite wide enough, for every taste and opportunity. The most practical will be one of the following:

  • plastic
  • wood
  • plywood
  • Chipboard.


Laminated chipboard uses the greatest demand. The design of this material is quite attractive, the valid load is high. At the same time, the price of chipboard is quite affordable.

Important! By asking how to make the shelf itself, keep in mind that the DSP sawing is better to trust the specialists, as it requires the skills to work with the material and the tool or will first get acquainted with technology and clearly follow the instructions. 1947_1_max

Wooden board from inexpensive, but durable rocks is also an excellent option for dressing room. Before making a wooden shelf, select the material correctly, guided by the following criteria:

  1. Wood breed - the shelves are better than a tree or pine tree.
  2. The type of material is a planed or unharmed board.
  3. Quality - not necessarily "ECSTER" class, it is quite suitable for the second grade.
  4. Humidity - necessarily well dried to eliminate the deformation in the future.
  5. Clean surface. Given the features of application, be sure to select only dry, clean boards.
  6. Board size. Convenient parameters - 2 * 20 * 2500 mm, but you can optionally choose the material of other sizes. NXWPX75II5G.

Each material has its advantages, so it is unambiguous to say that only one version of the best can not be. Make a choice, considering your preferences, financial capabilities and the overall style of the room.

Important! More economical variants of materials will be quite suitable for the wardrobe arrangement, since it relates more to the category of utility rooms for which the main criterion is practicality.


Preparation of tools and sawing

In order to make the shelves in the dressing room with their own hands, prepare the tools, focusing on the next list:

  • circular Saw
  • perforator
  • milling manual machine
  • screwdriver or cross screwdriver
  • hammer
  • pencil
  • roulette
  • triangle ruler
  • putty for wood
  • varnish or other protective solution
  • tassel for applying varnish
  • emery paper No. 40, 80, 120-150
  • self-tapping screws of various lengths or euro screws
  • furniture corners
  • guides and roller fasteners (if you plan retractable shelves)
  • pads on the hats of selflessness. derevyannaya-Polka-Svoimi-Rukami-8

How to make a wood shelf?

To properly prepare the boards and make cutting parts, do the following:

  1. Apply cutting on board. sDELAT_STELLAZH_SVOIMI_RUKAMI
  2. Use for this pencil, triangular line and leaf to save the accuracy of the lines. stellazhi_dlja_Kuhni.
  3. Put the board on a flat surface.
  4. Split strictly according to the drawn lines. derevyannaya-Polka-Svoimi-Rukami-9
  5. For curly elements, use a milling machine or jig. eC9920.
  6. Sand sequentially coarse, and then fine-grained emery paper edges. 325

    Important! If an unstroked board is based on the bitch and pass the entire surface of the sandpaper. Deepends to smear the putty.

  8. Wait for drying.
  9. Apply another layer of varnish.
  10. Wait for complete drying, then proceed to the attachment. SJ6

Wardrobe marking

  1. Before assembling design, make the placement of the place of attachment on all shelves for the dressing room. 14D78F2F26E39006100B52DD597304C4.
  2. Clearly withstand the parameters specified in the scheme.
  3. Marks apply a pencil after measuring a ruler or tape measure. dSC_0472.

Fastening shelves

The process of fastening and stationary shelves, and non-complicated retractable:

  1. Drill holes in the mounting places marked earlier. 50867624
  2. Check the accuracy of the horizontal.
  3. Insert a dowel if you perform the mount directly to the wall. If the wooden base is not required.
  4. Secure furniture corners. aBYOVO7.
  5. Use for fastening the self-tapping screw or euro screws for furniture. konf650.
  6. Attach the shelf with short screws to the corners.

    Important! If you use the retractable shelves, then fasten the guides on the base by self-pressing, and the roller mechanism of the appropriate size on the shelves themselves.

  7. Put on the Hats special linings, selected in the tone shelf, or wipe the putty. 582_Zoom


Review the applied video for the manufacture of the original shelf on the wall for books. It is clearly represented by all consistent processes, from the processing of material to fastening. After viewing it, you hardly have unresolved questions. The principle of operation in the process of creating a dressing room is no different.


The whole process of arrangement of the dressing room is absolutely not complicated and quite affordable for independent design. Time spent and easy work will be sure to please your result, regardless of how difficult the project you created. The main requirement when planning and assembling is attentiveness and accuracy.

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