Waterproofing brick wall with their own hands

August 17. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 2645. Comments to record waterproofing brick wall with your own hands No

Brick wall structures under the influence of external factors are gradually collapsed, then problems in the premises begin. The walls near the foundation and the attic especially need additional protection, due to the effects of precipitation, the moisture begins to go inside the building. This leads to the appearance of mold and fungus, which negatively affect the state of construction and human health.

The main way of protection in such cases remains a device for waterproofing brick walls. There are many methods of its implementation using various materials, so it is worth considering them in detail.

The importance of protection


Brick refers to porous materials, so in wet conditions it is saturated with water and the process of destruction of the structure begins. And the effect of waterproofing is directed to protect the elements of the structure from moisture. Waterproofing works are required for the walls of basement, semi-linations and basement. In this case, the process is carried out after the construction of the design, before backing up and finishing.

For the effectiveness of the result, the waterproofing of brick walls is carried out both inside and outside. At the same time, only an integrated approach helps to fight with the destruction of the material and the design subsequently. The composition of the work may differ depending on the type of protection selected. As a rule, the outer waterproofing is performed using the applied technologies, internal - coating materials.

The peculiarity of working with brick walls is preliminary preparation, that is, the surface must be smooth for a dense fit of the waterproofing layer. Alignment is carried out by plaster with a lime-cement solution or ready-made mixtures. Waterproofing of brick walls with their own hands is carried out quite simply and quickly thanks to modern materials and recommendations of specialists.

Existing options


For the inner walls, 2 types of waterproofing are used:

  • penetrating action;
  • scoop.

Outdoor protection can be provided:

  • coating waterproofing;
  • filled materials.

Solution in favor of penetrating compositions

Among the specialists are popular with penetrating waterproofing thanks to the design of additional properties. In this case, when finishing a brick wall into the solution, modifiers penetrating the capillaries into the material are added.

The advantages of this method include:

  • the low price of materials, respectively, is a favorable option for waterproofing brick walls;
  • ensuring protection not only the surface, but also the inner part of the design to the depth of impregnation;
  • high indicators of film level or bitumen;
  • maximum penetration of bulk material;
  • a fairly wide range of suggested materials on the market.

Despite the high characteristics, specialists do not recommend using the means of penetrating waterproofing for the processing of foundations and outer walls. To obtain the maximum effect, it is important to combine existing methods and not rely on one type of isolation.


The work consists of stages:

  • preparatory, which implies the purification of the surface of the brick walls from the residues of the solution and various contaminants;
  • processing by primer compositions to fill the material, then its protection against fungus and mold increases;
  • re-moisturizing the surface due to the characteristics of the brick;
  • waterproofing with a brush or spatula. Slowness and laying of the solution should be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. The fact is that each type corresponds to its technological process, therefore, as a result, the thickness of the applied layer of the mixture may differ;
  • subsequent finish. This item involves plastered surfaces, but there are disputes on this topic among specialists. Some are inclined to the belief that waterproofing should be a protective layer for the wall, accordingly to apply to the finish. Otherwise, condensate may occur with negative consequences in the form of mold and fungus.

The first composition for penetrating waterproofing was developed by the Danish company VANDEX in the 50s in the years, later from the Russian analogues became known: aquatron, a squid and coral. Due to the deep penetration and the competent selection of composition, even in the presence of mechanical damage, the properties of the treated surface do not deteriorate.

Foolish waterproofing


This species involves the use of dry mixtures with the addition of chemical additives, which, after dissolution, form a mass of pasty consistency. When choosing a mixture, it is recommended to navigate the following indicators:

  • ease of work;
  • waterproof for clamping and gap;
  • vapor permeability;
  • crack resistance;
  • practicality and durability of the finished layer.

The work consists of stages:

  • preparation of the surface. It includes not only purification from dust and dirt, but also restoring seams if necessary;
  • shuttering of walls;
  • applying a solution with a rigid brush, to obtain a smooth surface, conduct a roller burning;
  • subsequent decoration with facing material.

The coating waterproofing is ideal for processing brick walls of basements and other land and underground structures both inside and outside. Suggestions from German manufacturers have unique properties and proven quality. For example, Aquafin system is designed for a wide range of works. The process of curing the applied layer occurs just a day, then it is already possible to carry out cladding. A week later, the wall will be ready for maximum water loads.

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks on the design, polymer mineral waterproofing is used, which contains in the composition of the elasticizer. Due to such an additive, the hardened layer remains elastic, such mixtures are called a rubber concrete. A solution is also applied to a rigid brush to a wet surface, it is subsequently a seamless coating, evenly overlapping cracks.

Calling insulation


This type of protection implies the use of rolled materials that are attached to the surface with thermal heating. Working with brick walls is as follows:

  • plaster surface for dense fitting isolation;
  • primer with bitumen mastic, providing a reliable clutch of materials;
  • cutting bands of the required length;
  • heating bands with propane burner before the appearance of bubbles;
  • printing isolation on the base.

In this way, waterproofing of brick walls of different rooms is underway. It is important to fix the bands without voids, because subsequently the material will fall behind the wall. Therefore, waterproofing during laying is smoothed with hands or roller, the problem areas are then cut and make individual overlays. Each strip must be glued to the brand, the occasion should be 10-15 cm. Do not forget about personal protective equipment, because the work is carried out with hot materials.

Horizontal waterproofing

A separate type of protection is distinguished by horizontal waterproofing, which does not allow the passage of water into the design. It is a layer along the horizontal surface of the element. For its implementation, various materials are used. For example, when designing non-residential and technical premises, rolled products are used, and the apartments prefer different compositions for impregnation and coating of walls.

Horizontal waterproofing of brick walls with asphalt or cement mortar is considered a common option. Then the masonry takes the design mark, then sealing additives are added to the mixture and the layer of the solution is 20-30 mm, asphalt - 20 mm. In this case, the first row of bricks are laid on a layer of solution.

Waterproofing from rolled materials is carried out according to the mark in the project, it is important to pre-align the surfaces. From above, the canvas are covered with bitumen mastics, then - continue the masonry. On Kosoyrats, horizontal waterproofing is carried out by ledge in one distance from the ground level. It is this type of waterproofing that does not give the design, therefore it is ideal as protection against groundwater.

It is important to understand that the universal waterproofing technology does not exist, so when choosing it is worth navigating on the recommendation of specialists. For the efficient and long service of the created protection, only high-quality materials should be used and periodically take preventive measures.

For example, you can view video waterproofing of various surfaces:

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