How to choose a spray cleaner

September 22. Instruments Views 6146. 1 comment to record how to choose a spray gun

The plains of the ceiling - one of the most time-consuming processes, no one likes to do. Of course, if it is to do with a brush or roller, then a nice little here. Still, progress does not stand still, there are quite a few devices that significantly simplify the life of everyone. One of these devices is the paintopult or, simply speaking, a regular sprayer.

Types of sprayers for blissing

Among all varieties, the simplest manual sprayer is the simplest. If this type of work is not regular for you, the device will suit more than. If you are engaged in a whitewash with the help of kraskopratism, you should choose the unit more powerful. Moreover, their types are abounding - from small devices for home construction and to huge tools used in production sites.

There is another classification if you take the spray type for the criterion:

  • air;
  • airless;
  • combined.

In the first case, we are dealing with a pneumatic sprayer. Its feature is the presence of a compressor or a vacuum cleaner. The principle of operation of the unit is simple: the crying solution stored in a special tank is dissipated evenly on the surface under the influence of compressed air.


Apparatus with airless and combined sputtering are not as effective, but have a number of advantages:

  • high performance;
  • less cost of the tool.

Looking for a budget option for home repairs - boldly take a manual sprayer for blissing. In addition to the obvious advantage, an acceptable cost, the device is more reliable and fairly easy to operate. You will not need to read the instructions three times to figure it out in the way it is used.

How to choose a spray gun for lime?

To begin with, I would like to say that the plains of the ceiling and lime walls are not only an economical option, but also an eco-friendly. However, without additional knowledge (namely, the proportions of the solution) is very easy to spoil all the work, but a little later.

Choosing a sprayer, the main thing is to decide which unit we need - pneumatic, manual or electric. In any case, the severity of the work will be rather big - the ceiling temperatures implies the hands raised up the hands of the wizard, holding the device. If possible, parsing are carried out with a partner.

Connoisseurs are not highly recommended to use for plain ceiling with lime electric type paintopult. Justify this by the fact that the lime destroys the working channels of the valves, and also contributes to the rapid wear of the rubber seal.

If you compare the instruments in price, then the cheapest option is the manual sprayer, the most expensive - pneumatic. According to performance and qualitative criteria, both types of aggregates are not significantly different, so when you choose, only your own budget is guided.


Also when choosing a tool, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • pressure;
  • performance;
  • volume of the tank.

Everything is interconnected here: more tank, therefore, longer the unit will be able to work without stopping, respectively, above performance. The satisfying pressure indicator is 5 bar, the most common volume of the tank is 2 liters.

Poles the ceiling with a sprayer - the host note

With a conventional water sprayer, all housewives have no problems. Thanks to it and flower polita, and in sultry weather is fresh. It would seem that the principle of operation of both the same is the same: all the same, only instead of water - a solution. However, this is a huge delusion.

Solution - everything head!

First prepare the solution:

  1. Mix 1 l of ordinary water with 2-3 kg of lime.
  2. We send 80-100 g of a kernel salt.
  3. Add 200 g of aluminum alums (these are colorless crystals that are perfectly soluble in water). You can also add a bit of olifa. All these ingredients help consolidate lime.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, achieve homogeneity, slowly pouring warm water. The total weight of the solution should at the end of approximately 10 kg.


No matter how easy it seemed to the process of whitewash the sprayer, adhere to safety. No wonder the diverse tools for protection are invented. Therefore, wear rubber gloves, glasses, gauze bandage (and better respirator).

Little tricks

Where to buy a sprayer for whitewash - choose to you, but it is better to take from proven sellers. Do not use a new solution at once in the house, test it on other surfaces. At the same time check the consistency of the solution. It is necessary to strain it, then the efficiency of whitewings will increase, because the device will be clogged.

Start a whitewear from the corners, try to keep the same speed. Then the wall will be ideal - without spots and without missed areas. In addition, it is possible to carry out the whims of not only residential rooms, but also from the house buildings - a barn, cellar.


If the whitewashes are finished, and the solution remains, go to the garden. Surely there is one or two dozen trees, which will also not hurt to beat lime (gardeners will understand). So it turns out to connect useful with useful, because a good deed will not be not noticed, - Soon the permanent residents of the garden will give you a rich harvest.

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One answer to how to choose a spray gun

  1. topa2025.:

    There is a special model of the adraine designed for lime

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