How to install window waterfront

March 10. Useful advice, Construction Views 6127. Comments to record how to install window waterfront No

The installation of modern plastic windows involves the installation of not only the window block and double-glazed windows, but also the windowsill, mosquito net and waterfronts. The latter is the protection of the walls from rain, melt water and dirt and removes streams away from the decorative finish of the facade. Waterproof is a rectangular shield, reinforced along the window and covering the horizontal part of the outer wall.

What kind of waterproof choose?

From various materials can be made of window water. The price per meter is no different in the same width. The choice depends on personal preferences and requirements for the exterior of the building. Waterproofs are made from the following materials.

  1. Galvanized waterproofs are made of sheet steel coated with zinc layer for corrosion protection. As an additional protection, primer and protective varnish are used.
  2. The technology of industrial production of aluminum waterproof provides for degreasing sheet metal, the thickness of which is from 1 mm or more. After that, the billet is burning, covered with a polymeric dye and protective varnish, which includes synthetic resins. As a result, both the necessary degree of hardness protected from atmospheric influences are obtained. Color gamut of sings consists of white, beige, gray and brown shades.
  3. Plastic waterproofs are distinguished by a long service life. Polyvinyl chloride, from which they are manufactured, is characterized by chemical resistance to acids contained in the air. This is an excellent soundproofer, drowning the noise of falling raindrops. It is also important, the plastic outdoor water purifier is well combined with the window frame and plastic plugs installed on the slope, as it is made of the same material.

Choosing waterproof, it is necessary to carefully examine the options presented in the trading network, to focus on the following:

  • The facial side of the waterproof should be protected by a polyethylene film;
  • Face sides must be closed with plugs;
  • The product should be a label indicating the manufacturer, material and water-sized;
  • Be sure to have several layers of protective paintwork.

Waterproof with polymer coating

The most common is a waterproof system with a polymer protective coating. The following types of polymers are distinguished to cover waterproofs.

  1. Polyester - durable, resistant to temperature changes. Material retaining its color in any influences. It does not rock when the foundations are bent.
  2. PVDF - chemically resistant coating, distinguished by high quality and aesthetically attractive appearance.
  3. Pural - coating, resistant to chemical exposure, similar in composition with polyurethane.
  4. Plaserisol (PVC) is a good material to protect the metal base of water reservoirs from corrosion.
  5. PEMA (matte polyester) - has a high resistance to corrosion.

Variety of window colors

Production of sings with their own hands

For a cottage house or shopping construction, windows are also needed, but it is not necessary to install expensive, manufactured in factory conditions: you can do everything with your own hands. For this, the following operations are performed:

  1. The galvanized metal sheet should be prepared in advance. Dimensions of parts - depending on the width of the windows and the thickness of the outer part of the wall (the one outside the window). At the same time, those sections of the sheet should not be used, where the zinc layer is disturbed or mold is present.
  2. Billets can be chopped with some reserve, which can be subsequently trimmed with metal scissors.
  3. On the smooth table, with the help of a conversion of the workpiece, a characteristic form is given, which should include fastening bending and "drip". To do this, a sheet bending machine can be used.

Waterfront installation scheme

Installation of waterfront

In order to accomplish the installation work, you need to stock up with the necessary tools and materials. Read:

  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • silicone;
  • Waterproof sizes with side plugs.

Installation of window lowers

The order of work is next.

Filling Molding

  1. With the front surface of water reservoirs, remove the protective film.
  2. Measurements are made and, if necessary, a "fit" of water reservoirs is performed: the cutting of the material can be performed by an electroll bison.
  3. The plugs are lubricated with silicone and are installed on the ends of waterproof.
  4. It is installed water-lifting in a special groove of the window frame or folding (fixed in this case by self-draws).
  5. With the help of the level, the angle of the decomposition of waterfront is checked: it should be more than 90 degrees.
  6. If necessary, the alignment is performed (troubleshooting), for which the lining from wooden wedges is used.
  7. The edges of waterproof are made depending on the state of slopes. If they are not plastered - edges of waterproofs, closed with plugs, pressed against them closely. If the slopes are aligned with plaster - edges of waterproof bend up.
  8. The space under water purifier is filled with mounting foam.
  9. The slots between the window frame and near the slopes are closed with silicone sealant.

Sealing Motion

In the conclusion of the article - a training video that demonstrates the process of preparing and installing waterfront.

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