Surface pumps for water

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Water supply makes our life comfortable. We do not want to live without amenities. We want to use the washing machine, take a shower, and sometimes admire your own fountain in the yard. With many of these tasks help cope with small tricks, specially invented in order to simplify life.

Surface Pumps for Water: Classification and Purpose

We are faced with the task - get pure water. What we have? What nearby sources will be suitable for us? Considered both wells and reservoirs and ordinary wells, without which no private ownership costs. And on the very name it is easy to guess that the unit is placed outside the water source.


Without surface pumps, it is impossible to do the owners of large sites that are engaged in growing vegetable crops. For gardeners, this is an extremely necessary assistant, which is to talk about large agricultural territories. Owners of large country estates are sometimes difficult to customize the water supply system: a lot of water is leaving for filling the pool, arrangement of a majestic fountain, which is a central landscape design figure.

Types of surface pumps

1. Vortex.
2. Centrifugal.

The vortex pumps are used when the head of the same well is unsatisfactory, that is, weak. Such a device provides an increase in the operating pressure of 4-7 times. This is not the only advantage, because the aggregates are simple in the design, and the prices for them do not bite. Among the shortcomings, a very small efficiency (about 45%) and the impossibility of swinging any liquid, which contains abrasive particles. This is fraught with too fast device wear.

vortex Nasos

Centrifugal is one of the types of surface pumps for pumping water directly from the original source. It is also called self-priming. What are the advantages of the unit? The efficiency coefficient is significantly higher, excellent maintainability, good reliability indicators guarantee a long expiration date. All these benefits are poured into one (for some not decisive) minus - cost.


Centrifugal pumps have another, but important dignity - the ability to pump any liquid medium, and not just water than the vortex aggregates cannot boast.

How does the surface pump work?

The principle of its action is simple: it is based on the suction of water from the source. There is a condition: since the surface is superficial, it does not concern the surface of the fluid itself, so there is a certain boundary value. The device stops suction, if it turns out to be at a distance of more than 8 m from the source.

If it is a banal task of pumping water from the well, the pump is placed in the room, attaching a hose to it, the free end of which is lowered down. If you do not scroll through such fraction, the surface pump is not suitable here.

Popular manufacturers of surface pumps - how to choose

1. Choosing among foreign manufacturers, pay attention to the high-quality pumping equipment GRUDFOS from Denmark. A feature is that the impeller's impeller is made of stainless steel. Based on this, rust and other concomitant corrosion problems of the pump will not touch. Also should please the low noise level.

2. For quality, the Italian company Pedrollo is not inferior to them. Attention attracts the price of surface pumps for water, because for many it is a fundamental factor. All the same Italian manufacturers do not forget about the design and compactness of their goods. The latest models are almost silent, equipped with a new hydraulic system, casing material - cast iron.

3. Al-CO surface pumps from Germany for more than 75 years provide the right water supply work in their homeland and in many other European countries. And at least you won't call them leaders, not to complain about what. All products are reliable, have good power indicators.

4. The young Italian company Awelco is famous for its high-power units. Despite this, prices are quite accessible. Most models are specifically designed to absorb polluted water, therefore, they are characterized by good bandwidth.

5. Domestic manufacturers also hold the bar, not lagging behind their foreign competitors, the example of this is Jeelex. She produces a series of pumps and pumps-machines Jumbo. The models line are quite diverse - from the material manufacturing material (steel, cast iron, polypropylene) and to the technical characteristics. When choosing, the determinants are the maximum flow rate (l / min) and pressure (M).

6. Surface pump whirlwind also comes from Russia. This is just an example of an excellent ratio "Price - Quality". With a height of water lifting 50 m, the pump without difficulty provides the supply of 70 liters of water. The maximum depth also pleases - 9 m. Not more than 20 inclusions are allowed within an hour, which is more than enough for household needs. The device is practical, universal and affordable.


Regardless of the manufacturer, pay attention to such characteristics as the power of the apparatus and water supply (the amount of suction fluid per minute). Not bad when choosing guided reviews about water surface pumps. It is better if it will be your acquaintances, relatives and specialists. The low-power unit (about 0.4 kW) will cost no more than 4 thousand rubles. And between these two parameters of direct proportionality is not observed: the more powerful the pump, the cost even more. For example, the Italian pump Pedrollo Pluriget 5/200 with a capacity of 1.8 kW will be difficult to find 25 thousand rubles cheaper.

Attention, dirty water!

Oddly enough, surface pumps for dirty water also exist. It is impossible to call them a fundamentally new subspecies with an absolutely different way of functioning. Only pumping and recycling of polluted water is added to their duties. Especially for these tasks designed drainage pumps, but the surface is also able to perform it.


Surface pumps for contaminated waters are recommended to use in special cases, and not regularly. For example, a variant of pumping water from basement is possible due to a flood or holes in the pipe. In such cases, the liquid is unlikely to be homogeneous. It is likely that there will be leaves, garbage, paper, polyethylene. All this is not a standard raw material for processing and pumping, so fails to work in the device - less, which can happen. Having such a large number of surface pumps, which offers us a modern market, it is worth paying more attention to whether the purchased aggregate corresponds to a number of tasks that he will have to perform.

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