Minvata Roof Warming Technology

December 24. Roof Views 4493. Comments To record technology insulation of the roof of Minvata No

Almost 30% of heat leaves through a poorly insulated ceiling. For this reason, it is necessary to pay close attention to the roof thermal insulation. Among the set of materials, many people prefer mineral wool.


The main advantages of mineral wool insulation

In addition to magnificent thermal insulation qualities, the following properties are characteristic for this material:

  • low weight;
  • incompetence of rotting;
  • fire safety;
  • easy laying;
  • minimum amount of waste;
  • long service life.

The low cost of insulation of the roof of the Minvata is also a factor that led to an increase in demand for this technology.

Minvata's roof insulation technology provides three ways:

  • her laying on the ceiling overlap;
  • thermal insulation of the inside of the ceiling;
  • montage of minvati into the rafter part of the roof.


Mounting mineral wool on ceiling overlap

This method is to lay the heat-insulating material on the inside floor. Moreover, it can be produced regardless of the type of overlapping (reinforced concrete or wooden beams). Such insulation of the roof of the Minvata involves consistent styling:

  • vaporizolation;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing.

A vapor barrier is a kind of barrier. It does not allow pair particles in the Minvatu, which will significantly reduce the thermal insulation effect. The mineral wool is further fitted. The optimal thickness of the layer is 10 cm. Waterproofing material completes the process of insulation of the ceiling overlap. He protects not so much from moisture (in the attic it should not be), how much from drafts.


Stages of thermal insulation Minvata ceiling

The insulation of the ceiling from the inside provides for the filling of the insulation of the entire space between the beams. The fixation of mineral wool is carried out as follows:

  • nails are driven in the beams (at a distance of 35-40 cm each other);
  • minvata is stacked;
  • the wire is stretched between nails;
  • metal profiles are mounted;
  • the waterproofing film is attached;
  • plasterboard sheets are installed.


Two ways of interconnection technology insulation

The most common and effective is the intertropic warming of the roof of Minvata with their own hands. This process consists of such steps:

  • installation of waterproofing material;
  • laying insulation;
  • creating a vapor insulating layer.

Diffusion membrane is used as a waterproofing material. It is more reliable and durable than the usual polyethylene film. With it, it creates a minimum gap between the insulation and the membrane.

Two air layers are formed over mineral wool slabs. The first - between the membrane and insulation; The second is between insulation and roofing material. For the purpose of free access of air flow, these interlayers are made open. The protection of the membrane from temperature differences is achieved by fastening it without tension. 2-centimeter membrane sagging is allowed. At the same time, there should also be a minimum gap of 2 cm between insulation and waterproofing.

Normal air circulation in the underfloor space is achieved due to the fact that the membrane is not laid near the skate. It should be provided for the arrangement of the skate with small exhaust pipes. This will provide sufficient air circulation when ordinary holes are filled with snow.


Insulation in two layers will improve the thermal insulation properties of the house

The full thermal insulation effect is achieved when laying two layers of minvati. This work consists of:

  • laying the first layer of mineral wool slabs in the interconnection space;
  • fastening wooden bars across rafted;
  • inserts of the second layer of insulation in the created frame.

The new doome can be created both at the top of the rafter legs and in the lower one. A greater effect is achieved when the frame is shut-off on top of the rafted. This method facilitates the process, making it faster. But there is one nuance. Work should be carried out only in sunny weather.

After installing the second layer of the insulation, the diffusion membrane is fastened. For this purpose, wooden bars are used, the height of which exceeds 5 cm. The gap is left to circulate airflows. The bars are installed a doom and roof. The laying of the vapor insulation membrane is carried out on the entire roof area with the allen through the horse. Do not create ventilation breaks.

If rainy weather prevails in the area, the mounting of mineral wool slabs is carried out to the bottom of the rafter. Installation of mineral wool slabs is carried out in a similar manner:

  • on top of the rafter, a doomlet of wooden bars is created;
  • the heat insulation material is inserted into the created space;
  • parosolation is attached to him. Depending on the type, its reliable fixation is made using brackets or wooden bars.

If a foil vapor insulation material is used, then it is installed inside the attic and fasten the garlic with a gap more than 2 cm. In the absence of a gap, infrared rays will not reflect the foil. And this will lead to a decrease in the heat insulating effect.

Here you can see the video insulation of the roof of Minvata.

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