How to make a lining

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The lining is a decorative finishing material. It received its name from wooden plates, which in the past were used to cover the transport wagons. Today, this name is specially treated wood. A tree among other materials for construction takes a worthy place due to its universal qualities, environmental safety and ease of processing.

Features of the use of clapboard

The lining is used both for interior decoration and for external. Raw materials for the manufacture of this material are different types of wood, the choice of which is determined by the target application of the finish. For example, the wood of alder or lindens is resistant to the effects of moisture and high temperature, so the lining from this material can be applied to cover the bath. For premises with a low humidity, a finishing material from pine or ate is suitable.

The lining has such advantages:

  • durability;
  • resistance to the process of rotting;
  • ease of handling;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties of material;
  • attractive appearance.


The necessary tools for the job

Such boards can be quite possible to make independently, while they will not give up in their characteristics similar material acquired in the store. Before making the lining, you need to prepare the required set of tools. The main tool for manufacture in this case is the machine. Consider in more detail the requirements that he must respond:

  1. According to external signs, the machine resembles a small table with an iron countertop. In the middle of the instrument there are two metal rollers, there is a motor under them. It should have sufficient capacity - no less than 1.1 kW. The main functions that this equipment must perform is the ability to fug and cut. The width of the fugoval shaft must be at least 15-20 cm.
  2. With the help of the machine, profile and flat planing are performed. Depending on the location of the springs, the tool is able to align the board or create a profile.
  3. The machine can perform several types of work: cut down, nests, sheets, eyelets, and drill holes, milling and profiling parts.


For security reasons and to obtain a qualitative result in the process of working with the machine should be followed by several rules:

  • there should be no malfunction of the fencing of cutting tools;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the plug-in knives are securely secured;
  • also cannot be left from the machine until it stops completely;
  • in addition, the maintenance of the engine cooling system should be checked.

Important! To work with the tree, it is not recommended to use a machine having an aluminum table and a ruler, since this material leaves black stripes on wood, which will noticeably spoil the attractiveness of the future lining. As a result, at the end of the processing there is a need to paint the finished product in order to improve its appearance. But if it is possible to use only an aluminum tool, you can find a way out. On the saw can be put on a special casing that will not allow the tree to be stained. An organic glass should be put on the table, and the line is replaced with a metal angle with a width of 4 cm. These events will help keep the appearance of the product.

At the next step, you need to prepare the material from which the lining will be manufactured. The recommended boards thickness is 20 mm, and the width is 100 mm. Determining the number of boards, it should be processed from the area, which should be trimmed with clapboard. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the boards are dry.

How to make lining with your own hands

The process of manufacturing boards will not be much difficulty even for beginner masters, but it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and sequence of work. Consider the detailed all stages of the workflow:

  1. The first stage in the manufacture of the lining is the sawing of the boards. To do this, it is necessary to draw on the board the estimated direct line on which sawing will be made. So that the line is clearly visible, draw it better than a color pencil.
  2. Next, you should put the board on the machine. The sawing process occurs as follows. It is necessary to move the body to the end of the boards at the level of the belt and pushing it forward, in the direction of the saw.
  3. During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the line in which the sawing is carried out was even. The quality of the finished material depends on this.
  4. At the end of the scapilization of one side of the board, rebuild the machine, and after cutting the other side. To do this, set the ruler to the desired width. Similarly, the souping of the second side is made.
  5. In the second stage, fugging is performed. The purpose of this procedure is to give the smoothness boards and a flat surface. To do this, you must rebuild the machine again. Start planing should also be on the one hand. It happens that in the planing process, the board turns into a spiral. In this case, it should be thrown out, since it is no longer suitable for work.
  6. Performing planing, you need to count the number of times that you told on the table board. This is necessary to achieve the same thickness of all products. Each next board needs to be processed a similar number of times.
  7. The final stage of manufacture involves drinking into the grooves. It is performed using a cutter, but if it is not available, the procedure can be performed using another tool. In this case, the sawing circle of a small size will be required, which is installed form.
  8. Next, set the desired groove depth. After that, we proceed to work and on both sides of the board drinking the grooves.
  9. So that they have the same distance from the stream surface, you need to watch the board during the entire workflow.


Production of lining with a manual milling

Consider another option how to make wooden lining with the use of a manual milling. For this you need

prepare the tool itself and the planed board. The surface of the board should not have any roughness or other flaws. The width of the ridge on the millingrerer is adjusted by applying the washer. The further procedure looks like:

  1. At the initial stage of the mill, the mill must be set up so that the thickness of the filtered face is at least 4 mm.
  2. Next, with the help of a panel cutter, the upper balance is removed.
  3. During operation, a milling sequence should be changed, first using a scribble mill, and then the end. This will help avoid injury. Processing one side has been completed on this.
  4. The processing of the second party should also be performed using a panel cutter.
  5. After that, you need to choose the size of the groove, set the groove mill and handle the comb. This is done on this.


Production of Redeek

The material remaining from the workflow can be used for the manufacture of rails that will be required when assembling for connecting the lining. This will solve the question of how to make a clamp for lining. The length of the rivers can be any, since the joints of the joints will not be visible. The thickness of them should be less than the size of the grooves. The manufacturing procedure assumes only the sawing of the material, you do not need to strict.

Clapboard processing

To protect the lining from the negative impact of moisture, the sun, fungus, mold, its surface should be processed using special compositions. They form a protective coating, thanks to which the material will save its properties significantly longer. Protective formulations are divided into two types.

  • the first includes funds that have an exclusively protective function;
  • the second type includes solutions that, along with a protective purpose, and decorative task are performed.

The processing of lining with protective equipment is carried out in several stages:

  1. First of all, the material should be cleaned, then primer is applied on the lining. At the same time choose a means for primer need to consider the tree of wood.
  2. At the next stage, wood is treated with antiseptic composition and in conclusion are covered with paint or varnish. This processing will contribute to the safety of the lining and will significantly extend its life.

lining wall.


The lining is a practical finish material with a number of positive qualities. One of them is simplicity of manufacture. In order to make the lining on its own, special knowledge and skills are required. The technological process involves the use of only machine and ordinary boards, which can be turned into a durable, environmentally friendly and aesthetically attractive finishing material.

Find out how the manual milling can make the lining on video phrase:

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