Painting of the facade of the house: Step-by-step instruction

October 24. Repair and construction work Views 1130. 2 comments To the recording of the facade of the house: Step by step instructions

The facade is the facial part of the building. Not only an attractive appearance, but also a reliable protection of the house from the adverse environmental impact depends on its quality. One way to finish is the painting of the facade.

Selecting paint

Facade painting involves compliance with many construction standards. But the main one is the right choice of paint and varnish material. After all, the service life of the trimmed surface is directly dependent.


Facade paint should be resistant to:

  • the effects of ultraviolet rays (not burn out);
  • mechanical loads (small impact and premature abrasion);
  • aggressive external environment (temperature drops, excessive humidity, icing).

When choosing paint, the material should be taken into account from which the facade of the building is made. Brick structures are painted with acrylic, cement or silicate paints. These materials are characterized by excellent vapor permeability.

Painting the facade of a wooden house is carried out by paint, a distinctive feature of which are not only good waterproofing properties. It should also have sufficient fire qualities. The best option for the wooden facade is acrylic paint with a pre-coating of the surface by an antiseptic.

If there are plastered facades, used:

  • material on a cement basis (if the facade is coated with a cement mixture);
  • acrylic paint (for plaster with artificial resin).


Preparatory stage

In order to paint the facades of houses in the photo and in reality, it is not possible to seriously treat the surface preparation. This stage provides:

  • strengthening the foundation;
  • coating the surface of the primer.

Strengthening the foundation

The base should be characterized by normal density and durability. To determine the strength of the surface, use the usual Stationery Scotch. It is glued into several sections of the wall. After 10-15 minutes, the tape should be pulled off from the wall with a sharp movement. If the surface elements are lagging behind, the facade needs to be strengthened.

Naturally, in almost all cases, the strengthening of the surface occurs when staining the facade of an old building. This procedure depends on the type of base:

  1. Plaster. The strengthening of the surface is carried out by sealing the slots and cracks, removing the disposable plaster. If the plaster is only applied, then applying paint is carried out after 7-8 weeks.
  2. Old paint. If the facade was previously painted, then the surface is checked for detachalies and cracking the material. Removes all the detached paint and stripping the surface.
  3. Brick facade. In this case, before painting the surface, the base is processed by a special protective composition. This will significantly increase the construction period.


Similar to the surface

Before the painting facade of the house, a priming of the surface is carried out, thanks to which:

  • the maximum strengthening of the base occurs;
  • the amount of absorbed moisture is reduced;
  • increased paint clutch with a surface;
  • the number of consumable paints and varnishes is reduced.

The facade primer simplifies the following finishing work. On the surface covered with primer, paint will fall smaller and better. To get the best result, the primer and the facade paint of one manufacturer are purchased.

To obtain the most saturated color of the facade, the primer should be similar to the tint of the paintwork. After the priming, the surface must completely dry. This is usually happening for 40-48 hours.


Facade Coloring Technology

For painting facade, you can use various tools, ranging from the tassel and ending with the spray gun. The specific choice of the tool depends on the consistency of the paintwork. In most cases, use rollers with a short pile, thanks to which it is convenient to apply paint. And it will significantly reduce its consumption.

The process of painting itself implies the implementation of the following actions:

  • the paint is poured into a comfortable capacity;
  • the roller must plunge into the paint;
  • the application of paint with roller is carried out by longitudinal movements in one direction;
  • application of the subsequent band is made with the overlap of the previous 2-3 cm;
  • if necessary, the paint layer is applied (only after drying the first layer).

Before use and in the process of carrying out work, paint is necessarily thoroughly mixed. Naturally, the painting of the facade is produced under favorable weather conditions (in the absence of rain and hot sunlight).


There are such nuances of painting facade of the building:

  • work begins with the finishing of the most noticeable sites;
  • in hard-to-reach places it is better to take advantage of the tassel;
  • in the presence of a window opening on the facade to avoid paint, it should be protected by painting tape;
  • first, the upper part of the design is painted with a gradual passage down;
  • to create a glossy surface on a wooden coating, paint uses a darker shade.

Video about painting facade at home:

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2 answers to the painting of the facade of the house: step-by-step instructions

  1. Ivan.:

    Get acquainted with the technology of color and order a contractor can be on

  2. Fedor.:

    Proper preparation of a log house to paint - the key to high-quality paint coverage for its long service life, and hence the protection of the tree from bad weather

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