Schottle from the balloon do it yourself

May 19. Useful advice Views 2689. Comments to the recording of smoking cylinder with their own hands No

Many people do not even recognize that from some of the remedies, you can create a truly high-quality and indispensable thing. In this article we will consider a long-known way to create a smokehouse from an unnecessary gas cylinder. It is worth it to immediately say that a small balloon is almost the perfect billet that a few steps to create a full-fledged smokehouse. In the presence of some resources and fantasies there is an opportunity to make a truly original brand.

Create a full-fledged smokehouse of many people with many people motivate photos from the Internet, which depict similar crafts that look simply incomparably. It is worth noting that in many business stores you can also see similar smokers. Most often, they are not created on the basis of an unnecessary gas cylinder.

It is also worth saying that, first of all, such smokers attract their appearance. They can have different patterns or whole compositions created on the basis of fine fittings. Of course, this is all optional, but at least a little decorate the device is still needed.


Features of the use of cylinder-based smoke

It is most important to understand that creating a metal smoke from scratch - the task is very complex, and with this most often cope only in enterprises where similar products are produced. In our case, it is also not to do without some devices and resources, however, the presence of a balloon is already 50% of success.

As the main resource for creating smokehouse, the AG-50 cylinder is best suited, which has a sufficient width, as well as the optimal length.

Before all the works associated with such hazardous things, you need to make sure that the cylinder is empty and does not represent any danger. If it is filled with gas or there is at least small residues of any substances, there is a probability of an explosion. It is especially dangerous if the cylinder has not been used for several years, and he himself lay in the garage or basement for a long time.


The initial stage of creating a cylinder smokehouse

At the very beginning, we need to arm a large key and a hammer to get rid of the tap of the balloon.

After that, the Bulgarian is needed, with the help of which we cut the balloon into 2 parts. It should be noted that the side parts of the cylinder must remain in place, so cutting part of the design is not so simple. You can also apply different cutters for metal. In some cases, this will allow you to slightly speed up the process.

Next, it is important to qualitatively treat all the sharp edges that could appear after cutting the metal. It is best in this case that the file is suitable.

It should also be focused on the fact that the carved part of the balloon is not necessary to throw away, as it will come in handy in the next stage of work.


Creating a lid for future smokehouse

Definitely, in this process we will need to create a lid for smokehouse. In this case, we have already mentioned earlier, we will use the cut part of the cylinder. Now we need to arm a drill, with which you need to drill several holes under the curtains. Of course, all this is done only after the corresponding measurements. As for the curtain themselves, the most conventional fastening means used when installing doors can be used.

It is necessary to make sure that the lid of the future smoking is closed without any problems and opens. You should also trace so that there are no large gaps and cracks.

You should not forget that we will need to open the lid during cooking, so the metal will be very hot. Obviously, you need to adapt the handle that would have deprived many problems. As a handle, you can use various wood or rubber devices. Goods of this kind are present in most construction stores. To mount the handle, you will need to drill holes and use bolts with nuts.


Creating a leg for smoke

Before creating support for smokehouse, you need to decide which height should be installation. At the heart of the design that performs the role of legs, metal corners can be used.

In this case, we need welding, with which the reference structure is created. Two corners are welded along the side parts of the cylinder. The height of the main reference corners depends only on the desire of the owners. 4 corners will be installed perpendicular to the cylinder. Below should also connect metal elements all the same corners. If all parts of the support structure are connected to high quality, then the stability of the smoke can be guaranteed.

It should be noted once again that the weight of the cylinder with preparing products may be essential, so the dimensions of the metal corners must comply with this.


The remaining stages of creating smokehouse

If necessary, a large hole can be made from the side of the gas cylinder, on the basis of which a peculiar exhaust system is created using a pipe. It should be noted that the fastening of the pipe occurs through the use of welding. The height of the extract does not matter much.

Another important point of the process is to create holes at the bottom of the cylinder. Through them will wake up the blown coals located in the smokehouse. The diameter of the holes should not exceed 8 mm.

At the very end of such work follows painting design. In this case, it is best to use the enamel of dark flowers. Despite the fact that the owner can care for smoking, gradually the metal design will be covered with a layer of soot. Ultimately, smoking will be completely black. Of course, no one bothers regularly to paint the surface.

In most cases, smoking and without painting looks quite attractive. Many owners wish to make a metal design with a real decoration of the country area. In this case, on the basis of smokers can create colorful patterns of either a composition of metal fittings.

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