How to make the installation of the bath of the bath do it yourself?

February 9. Plumbing Views 7505. Comments To record How to make the installation of the bath's drain with your own hands? No

Most people faced such an element of the sewer system as a drain-overflow in the bathroom (or a plumbing siphon). Its main purpose is to adjust the water level in the bath. Due to the plum-overflow prevents the violation of the water type through the edges of the structure.


The main differences of the automatic and semi-automatic mechanism

There are two main types of product data:

  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic.

The semi-automatic plums for the bathroom involves raising the drain plug using a small cable connecting the overflow and drain mechanisms. The opening (closing) of the drain hole is carried out by turning the cover.

Attractive appearance and ease of use are the main positive qualities of semi-automatic perell. The main disadvantage is the deterioration of the functioning of the cable over time. But it is characteristic only for models with a low cost.


The principle of the work of the plum for the bath machine is as follows. To raise the drain cover, only one click on it is enough. The opening mechanism itself (closing) is in the lid. The advantage of using an automatic system is an attractive appearance. The main "minus" of the mechanism - will have to lean greatly to take advantage of the plum plug.

There is still an automatic system with a filling mechanism. Such an automatic is set in the absence of a mixer. Overflow is connected to a tap pipe. In this way, water for filling the bath will be closed using a overflow device.

Plastic - Best Material for Plum

Nowadays, adaptations for draining under the bathroom are made of various materials. The most suitable are products from polypropylene, polyethylene and chrome brass. These materials:

  • do not rust;
  • do not subject corrosion;
  • do not rot;
  • water resistant rich in salts content.


Brass plum-overflow for the bath is the most expensive product. Of course, he will look gorgeous in the room. For the rest of the characteristics, the brass is significantly inferior to plastic. This is especially true for mechanical exposure resistance.

Nuances of fixing work

Now directly to how to make a plum in the bathroom. Its installation does not represent a special complexity. From the tools it is enough to have only a set of screwdrivers and a flashlight. Of the mandatory materials in addition to the plum-overflow, we will need:

  • plastic pipes;
  • silicone sealant;
  • sewer nozzles (usually with a diameter of 50 and 40 mm).

Before proceeding to such work, how to set the plums in the bathroom, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. They consist of:

  • dismantling the old device;
  • cleaning the inner part of the sewage pipe.

Conducting the latest operation is not a big problem when the sewer tube is made of plastic. The cuffs of the new siphon are designed to connect even with a rough nest.

It will be more difficult to replace the drain in the bathroom with the cast-iron pipe, which was connected to the nozzle using a cement solution. To remove the solution without a hammer with a chisel can not do. At the same time:

  • gently work with fragile cast iron;
  • extract all cement crumbs (otherwise they will cause a cloth).


The installation of plum in the bathroom involves the execution of such consecutive actions:

  • installation of the bath;
  • fastening a tee;
  • corner compound with siphon;
  • checking the performance of drain-overflow.

The installation of the design will be the most effective when the bath drain will be located at the level of 15 cm (and more) from the surface of its installation. The bathroom itself should be securely fixed and not to move. The places of its contact with the wall close up with silicone sealant.

The fastening of the tee to the lattice of the bathroom drain is carried out with a bolt. The reliability of the connection is attached by using rubber gasket and sealant. The lower end of the tee is connected to the siphon. The conical seal and nut are used. The pipe connecting the bath hole for overflow with a tee is mounted in the side of the tee.

When attaching a corner to plum-overflow, all connections should be sealing very carefully. Swinging plum elements should be made carefully, which is not damaged by threaded connections.


A day later, while the sealant grabs, the tightness of the connections is checked. A bucket of water is poured into the bath. If the leaks are not observed, the plumbing is filled with water in full. If everything is in order, you can proceed to a pleasant blending procedure. To ensure better control on the correct functioning of draining in a decorative bar, a small hole should be made.

In most cases, the connection of the siphon with the sewer system is carried out using a plastic pipe with a diameter of 4 cm. If the sewer pipe has a diameter of 5 cm, then a plastic adapter is used with 4 by 5 cm. In the presence of pig-iron pipes in the sewage, you should use the compound from the rubber coupling of the appropriate size. .

Installation of a drain system of the bath is not recommended using corrugated flexible tubes. They have fairly high hydraulic resistance, quickly clogged and very poorly cleaned. The most optimal option is the use of a plastic tube with increased rigidity.

Videos on the installation of plum bath:


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