Canopy from metal products do it yourself

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The farm often requires the use of a canopy, which provides a secure place to relax or storing things. A simple design prevents the ingress of sunlight and precipitation, while not limiting the receipt of fresh air.

There are several design options that are distinguished by practicality and reliability. If we consider modern materials, you should know how to build a canopy from metal products. This option is successfully built by owners of its own sections due to the simplicity of the design and durability of the result.

Options and solutions


There are many carport classifications: according to the type of construction, the purpose used by the materials. At the same time, the buildings can stand separately or have a point of support at the adjacent building. Separate canopies are also distinguished by the roof type - one or bantal, arched, pyramidal, dome. The attached structures are fixed to the building wall on the one hand, with the second go special support elements. Metal pipes are used as the latter, the dimensions of which are determined depending on the load.

In addition, canopies are manufactured by mobile or stationary. On the photo of canopies from metal products you can see the differences in options. In the second case, the design is not disassembled, all attachments are reliably tightened. The advantage of mobile canopies is their mobility and practicality, as a rule, these are summer facilities.

Required resources

Olympus Digital Camera.

For the manufacture of a canopy from metal products with their own hands, the following tool will be required:

  • welding machine;
  • saw on metal;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • shovels;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

All items other than the last two are used for the implementation of preparatory work, the rest - when assembling the design.

From materials will be required:

  • metal screws;
  • metal profile;
  • support pipes;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • metal for reinforcement, farms, diameters;
  • mortgages;
  • metal corners;
  • wooden bar 50x50.

This is the main list of components, but it may differ depending on the drawing of the structure. Some typical options are postponed on the pages of thematic portals, so it is necessary to think about them. IMPORTANT TO POSSIBLE WEST IN WELL MANUAL AND OTHER INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION.

Preparatory stage


Preparation for the process begins with determining the location of the future canopy, for this we select the most smooth area. Also affect the peculiarities of the terrain, for example, a windy platform is quite suitable for parking. But for rest such a plot is not suitable. It is desirable that there are no communication in the ground, because problems may begin if they are damaged.

A site preparation is required, which consists of:

  • removing the soil layer at 10 cm with a thorough selection of plants;
  • failures with sand and rubble.

The entire layer of the screed should be at least 5 cm - this is enough to normal exploitation of the base of the passenger car. If it is planned to put heavier transport, you will have to lay a layer of screed with a thickness of about 10 cm.

After leveling the site, the materials are selected in accordance with the size of the built structure. As a support, it is possible to use pipes metal with a diameter of 50 mm with a wall thickness of 3.5 mm. At the same time, if you buy material and independently apply anti-corrosion protection, then the costs will decrease to 30%. Depending on the calculations, square squares are selected, you need to take into account the load from precipitation and wind. For example, for a canopy of metal-pylon with dimensions of 4x4 m, 40x40 mm squares are suitable, the thickness of the plates is selected taking into account the distance between the supports.

Next, the weight of the roof is calculated, for example, can be considered a canopy for a machine with a size of 6x3 m. The pipes with a diameter of 80-100 mm are ideal, they are able to withstand the load up to 250 kg. Poles are knocked into the ground at a distance of 1-1, 5m in a row of 4 pcs. Next, the farms are boiled from corners and reinforcements, the ribs should be present. This design gives the stability of each pair of pipes.

Construction construction


The manufacture of carports from metal products begins with the construction of the frame, so the support pipes are first installed. The basis of high-quality design is properly installed vertical supports, so it is important to secure them securely in the correct position.

At first, the holes are digged under support, for a canopy 3m height, the pipes are 3.5 m long. At the same time, the pits are made with the calculation of the double pipe width by 60 cm deep. On the bottom of the finished holes, gravel and sand are covered with a shared layer of about 10 cm. Before inserting the pipes into the wells to the upper edge weld the steel flange, the elements of the roof will be attached to it. By inserting supports, the vertical is tested with a plumb, then fixed with large stones. The work is performed by two and three people, then it turns out to clearly set each support of the design. After installing the posts are poured with concrete, leave for 2-3 days to frost the solution.

Next, according to the drawings of the carport, the roofs are welded from metal profile, for each pair of supports, a separate farm needs. It has the form of an equilibried triangle, in the process of manufacture uses corners and fittings. When choosing stationary constructions, the connection is simply welded. Therefore, farms rise to height and fix with welding to supports. ?????? ???????????? ????????????

The lamp will differ in different roof versions, the simplest case is single metal coopers from metal products. Initially, fittings are fastened from the inside of the roof, for the size of the 3x6m design, it is enough 2-4 loads for the entire length. As a crate for a single-board roof, the beams installed with a frequency of 0.8m are well served. This will be attached to such crossards. In the case of a selection of a batch option, it will have to complicate the design of the carport of metal products. To do this, they mount a straight beam and horse, while the beam is put one sub-input for amplification. With a width of a canopy, more than 4 m will need an additional enhancement organization.

As a coating, a profiled metal sheet or polycarbonate is screwed with bolts, such a roof is a practical and durable solution. To fix the profiled sheet, bolts with special rubber gaskets are used - it helps securely fasten the nodes without pressing the connection.

It remains to concrete the floor, you can put the tile on top. Such a playground will be a favorite place of rest of the whole family, and the simple screed will be playing perfectly for the car.

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