Ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware: What to choose?

June 30. Building materials Views 4810 5 comments To record ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware: What to choose?

Modern consumers are quite often a question that it is better to choose to finish the room - porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. However, you will not clearly find an accurate and unequivocal response, since everything is determined by the appointment of cladding, the conditions of operation of the building materials and the individual preference of the buyer.

Today we will try to consider in detail the features of these products to provide you with a full picture for a correct choice.

Ceramic tiles



Features of ceramic tile

Ceramic tile is created in several ways, in the process of which red, pink and white clay is used. In the last embodiment, the clay mass is located under the press and the form of the product is attached immediately. As for the other method, it is called extrusion. In this case, the clay is driven through the molding special apparatus, and then cuts into the layers of a certain size. The main advantage of such a process is that in one batch tile will be absolutely identical.


After the product gives the form, it is subjected to a firing (double or single).
At twofold processing, all the disadvantages formed during the first firing are eliminated, but this production process increases the cost of finished products. As for one-time firing, in this case the tile will have a greater density and can be used as an outdoor coating.


In addition, ceramics tiles are divided into 8 groups depending on moisture absorption. The I group (AI and BI) is the most stable, absorbing up to 3%, then follow groups IIA and IIIS, having from 6-10% of moisture absorption. Such products are advised to purchase for external work, since they are considered sufficiently frostable. The entire remaining tile, the water permeability of which is more than 10%, refers to the group AIII and BIII. It should be used exclusively for interior decoration. The exception is only done for the kitchen and the bathroom, since it is better to apply ceramic tiles I or II classes here.


By making a choice, it is also necessary to be based on the wear-resistance indicator, measured in the amount of revolutions, which withstands the surface of the material when processing the grinding machine before the formation of damage. Its marking is denoted by "pei - x", where the figure of 1-5 is fixed instead of "x". The first 2 groups are excellent for interior apartments, and the rest are used in public institutions.


Before you buy ceramic tiles, you also need to remember about its physical characteristics. Most often it is made in the form of a rectangle or square, width and length from 10-60 cm, thickness from 0.5-2.5 cm. Accordingly, the strength of the product with an increase in these parameters is reduced.





Features of ceramographic

Porcelain stoneware - elite and newest building materials, which is a high-tech type of facing ceramics. It was specially created in order to qualitatively imitate the natural beauty of natural stone, but in its characteristics it is much surpassed. It is much less ceramic granite, but with its help you can build durable structures, perfectly carrying temperature differences and many natural cataclysms.


For the manufacture of porcelain is used exclusively white clay, which is the oldest and melting. This is exactly what allows when sching with other building materials to acquire its unique properties to him.


Special production technology makes this product very low porosity and dense. Thus such articles remarkably resist mechanical abrasion and can withstand up to 450 kg load at fracture. Scratch porcelain stoneware can only diamond, which has a hardness of 10 class.


According to the PEI scale of certain types of porcelain tile is assigned a class 5, respectively, it can be used in rooms with large pollution and high cross. For laying such a product on the floor is always considered its homogeneity of structure.

Ceramic, which has a very dense structure, is also water resistant and absorbs less than 0.05% water. No other types of materials do not have such a low absorption, respectively, it is recommended for outdoor use and in environments with high humidity.


Porcelain stoneware excellent feeling at temperatures up to -50 ° C, and also differs inertness to alkalis, acids and consumer contaminants. In addition, he is absolutely non-flammable and is an additional protection for some bearing structures of the building.

When painting workpieces of granite, the paint is evenly distributed throughout the thickness, and the damage of the top layer is practically not affect the uniformity and brightness of tiles. This building material does not fade in sunlight and does not change color over time.


As for sustainability, even under the action of elevated temperatures, granite does not create harmful effects and stripped of radioactivity. Thus it is vysokogigienichnym and has a low electrical conductivity. For ceramic granite easy to care for, use the usual brush or cloth.

Thus, the main differences between ceramic tiles from stoneware reduced to a specific technology. Thus, the minerals quartz, clay and feldspar are the traditional composition, but for porcelain, these materials come from absolutely different proportions. Additionally monolithic stoneware tiles is created by means of baking the starting materials at very high temperatures. The usual ceramics are fired only to impart the necessary strength.

Another important point is the pattern and color of porcelain stoneware which is distributed over the entire thickness of the plate, while the thin colored layer on the standard ceramic tile is only superficial.

In addition, the porcelain is characterized by high density, very low levels of water absorption and artfully imitates the natural stone. The ceramic tile is considered more fragile, but in the color decision wins at the first. The fact is that it is easier to apply complex ornaments, thanks to the uncomplicated technology.

Porcelain tile: What is better

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If you still have not decided on choosing, we offer you several recommendations:

  • porcelain stoneware should be used for premises with increased patency;
  • the term of its service is much higher than that of ceramic tiles;
  • at home, it is recommended to use ceramic tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware is more frostable, so it can be used for facing facades;
  • ceramic tiles are covered with a pattern only on the surface, and ceramic granite is painted in mass;
  • if you buy porcelain stoneware, it will cost you much more expensive, but its economical Chinese version will not give way to quality and will be cheaper.

Production of porcelain book video:

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5 responses to ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware: what to choose?

  1. Vladislav:

    When buying a porcelain stoneware, it is worth considering that the work on its laying is usually worth it. This is explained by its strength - it is necessary either very good tiles, or a special machine for wet cutting. Some cut the grinder - but it is a little more difficult. The essence is such - the porcelain stoneware is quite stronger at times, it is felt in the pickle very much. Regarding the fragility, it is also stronger than ordinary ceramics, but with a good cutting tiles, it is also easy to cut.

  2. Vladimir Tyurin:

    Of course, porcelain is better, in my opinion it is not even discussed. I laid Vitrovsky in the bathroom, because nothing attractive in the price / quality ratio did not find.

  3. Vitaly Sidorkov:

    Cementarist can be separated not only the floor and walls. I saw countertops in the kitchen made by porcelain. Beautiful and practical. It is much easier to wash the natural stone.

  4. Alexey:

    I posted a bathroom with a porcelain book Willer Boh. It is superbly cut by plate blocks. Good material, but, IMHO, it is necessary to use it only for the floor.

  5. Sam:

    Vitra tile also have good reviews, people are satisfied with its quality. I often keep laying different types of tiles and, we are my eyes, this tile is one of the best.

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