Liquid wallpapers: features, advantages and disadvantages

June 30. Repair and construction work Views 4218. Comments To records Liquid wallpapers: Features, Benefits and Disadvantages No

When planning repair, many modern people prefer creative and radical materials. Relatively new product for wall finishing and ceiling are liquid wallpaper. On the peculiarities of their use and will be discussed in our article.

Prerequisites for the appearance and scope of finishing material

For facing the premises, various materials are used. Perhaps the most common wallpaper are. The scope of their application is calculated by many interiors, ranging from residential rooms and ending with administrative and office space.


But sometimes in practice it is possible to face the fact that not any surface is suitable for sticking wallpaper. It is impossible to use the finishing material in the rooms that are characterized by:

  • high humidity;
  • permanent temperature drop.

Wallpaper sticking is also inexpedient when you need to separate:

  • arches;
  • erkers;
  • fireplace ducts;
  • columns;
  • other interior elements.

It is quite logical that this fact made the manufacturers of finishing materials on the development of a new type of wallpaper. Through the use of liquid wallpapers in the interior, the problem was resolved and with such, it would seem unfinished for cladding places.

In essence, this finishing material is natural fibers (cotton, silk or cellulose), which are mixed with the binding element (usually CMC adhesive) and water-based dye. To create a spectacular appearance, the composition may add:

  • slyudy shine;
  • quartz or marble crumb;
  • color Flock.

Based on the components included in the liquid wallpaper, their main purpose is the internal decoration of the premises. If you focus on the design and colors of liquid wallpaper, then it is best to separate them a bedroom and a nursery.

If we proceed from practical qualities, the most optimal place to use the fibrous coating is the living room in which the home theater is set. After all, liquid wallpapers possess:

  • excellent sound insulation qualities;
  • the ability to improve the acoustic characteristics of the room.

There are several types of wallpapers that differ in the structure of the fibers and the thick layer of the applied layer. If you need to get a thin layer, then the wallpaper is used with a thickness of 2-3 mm. When the creation of a dense tissue coating is envisaged, the design of wallpaper is carried out with a thickness of 4-5 mm. After drying, the liquid wallpaper is largely reminiscent of solid foam.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Like any finishing material, liquid wallpapers have their own "pluses" and "minuses". In addition to excellent sound insulation properties, a variety of colors and the possibility of applying to any surface, which we have already mentioned, liquid wallpapers are characterized by:

  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • speed and simplicity of applying both horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • the possibility of creating a seamless surface that does not crack during the shrinkage of the built house;
  • excellent wear resistance and durability;
  • antistatic qualities;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • resistant to temperature differences;
  • ability to hide wall defects / ceiling (seams, irregularities).


If the lacquer is not made on top of the wallpaper, this allows the lined surface to "breathe".

The disadvantages of the use of liquid wallpaper include:

  • hygroscopicity (if it is planned to carry out wet cleaning, the wallpaper should be covered with varnish);
  • in the presence of animals in the house, the likelihood of damage to the fragment increases;
  • their cost exceeds the price of ordinary wallpaper;
  • relatively long drying time (up to 72 hours).

Assortment of products

Buy liquid wallpaper is not at our day a huge problem. Their manufacturer is engaged in a number of manufacturers. In particular, the finishing materials of French companies Senideco and Fibres de Cotex are very popular. They are drawn up most of the VIP interiors.

A rather solid range of high quality liquid wallpapers is produced by the manufacturer from Turkey by Bayramyx. But all the products of foreign companies have a substantial disadvantage for our compatriots - the price of liquid wallpaper is quite high.

For this reason, many will be interested in the products of the Russian company Silk Plaster, which offers about 20 varieties of liquid wallpaper and more than one hundred color solutions and textures. The most affordable are the products of brands:

  • "Relief";
  • "Economy";
  • "Shine";
  • "Standard".

To the homeowners who prefer the aesthetic characteristics regardless of the cost of products, liquid wallpapers are suitable:

  • "Victoria";
  • "Prestige";
  • "West";
  • "East".

Creative people put on top of the exoticism will interest stamps:

  • "North";
  • "Air Line";
  • "Silk-Monolith";
  • Sauf;


In order for the liquid wallpaper in the photo and in reality absolutely coincided, in the process of work it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturer of products. Instructions for proper use is attached to the products.

Finishing Material Technology

Conditionally lining with liquid wallpaper consists of four main stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • preparation of the solution;
  • his application;
  • wallpaper varnishing.

Preparatory work

The following requirements are presented to the surface of the surface:

  • the base should be durable;
  • it must be missing plots;
  • low level of moisture absorption surface;
  • the basis should withstand moisture from entering without changing the color of the wallpaper.

Preparatory work provides for the implementation of such consecutive operations:

  • removal of old coating (paper wallpapers, putty or plaster);
  • shp clashing of large cracks;
  • priming profound penetration;
  • give the surface of roughness.

To process the base, it is prohibited to apply Ceresit CT 17 primer. It leads to the appearance on the wallpaper of yellow spots. In the presence of fittings, or other metal objects in the wall or ceiling, such sections are coated with insoluble water paint (latex or oil paint, PF enamel).

The roughness of the base is attached with the help of starting putty or unwanted plaster. If there is a smooth surface, it will take it to treat primer mixed with quartz dust. Thanks to the rough surface, the liquid wallpaper will not stretch behind the spatula and applied smoothly without breaks.

Cooking working mixture

After purchasing liquid wallpapers, the package with them needs to shake several times. Thus, the existing lumps are broken, which will make it easier to make a mixture.


Immediately need to take care of the correct selection of containers for the preparation of liquid wallpaper. She must be:

  • round;
  • with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 m;
  • 0.2-0.3 m depth.

It is quite suitable and ordinary kitchen utensils, since liquid wallpaper is easily laundered. Only clean water is used. Its temperature should be comfortable for humans. It is necessary to stir.

The process of kneading liquid wallpaper itself can be performed using several packets. But you should not overdo it. If there are a large amount of finishing material, it is more difficult to prepare a high-quality solution. Usually several packages are kneaded when the material is used in color shades.

The preparation technology of liquid wallpaper provides for such actions:

  • the dry mix package is poured into the container;
  • wallpapers are mixed with 5 liters of water;
  • the solution is thoroughly mixed;
  • it must be homogeneous;
  • to create a mixture of optimal consistency, water in small doses is poured into the solution.

By consistency, liquid wallpapers are made similar to thick cream. They should not be:

  • too liquid and flick on the floor;
  • too thick and hardly applied to the surface.

Usually, the normal mixture is obtained using up to 6 liters of water for one pack of dry material.

Surface wallpaper

For this process, a spatula with a smooth surface made of stainless steel (or plexiglass) is used. When working, the tool should be kept at an angle to the surface. The mixture of material should leave the spatula in the direction of its movement.

The created coating does not need to be pressed. It must be loose. It is not necessary to put pressure on the spatula, because the surface will not be relief, and the consumption of wallpaper will increase significantly. Usually one package is enough for a plot with a thickness of 1-2 mm with an area of \u200b\u200b4 m². The consumption of material may increase a little in the presence of irregularities and corners.


After decorating a certain area, it is necessary to check the coating for the presence of bugs, influx, lumen and breaks. They must be absent. If defects are still available, they are subject to elimination. The use of liquid wallpapers just provides for the possibility of correcting all inaccuracies in the process of applying them.

Another important nuance. In order to prevent the appearance of joints and seams, the liquid wallpapers are defiantly applied from one corner to another. Drying the finishing material occurs in natural conditions.

Lacing facing

Distinguishing low moisture-resistant properties, liquid wallpapers in some cases should be covered with a protective layer. This is especially true when using the material in the kitchen or when cladding the ceiling in the bathroom.

It is possible to increase the moisture resistance of liquid wallpaper using the use of acrylic varnish, which, after drying, forms a solid, vapor-permeable and water-repellent coating.

The varnishing of the finished surface can be carried out in two ways:

  • by adding acrylic varnish to a mixed solution;
  • by applying it to dried liquid wallpapers.

The rate of spending varnish will be:

  • 1 l by 20 m²;
  • 1 l on 4 m².


Repair of finishing material

Sometimes there is a need to (carry out repair work, replacing electrical wiring, etc.) in partial removal of wallpaper from a certain area. This uses a pulverizer. With clean water, the necessary plot is moistened. With the spatula, moistened wallpaper is cleaned into a clean plastic container.

After repair work:

  • climbing and potholes are close;
  • the site is processed by two layers of primer;
  • the pulverizer is wetted all the extreme parts of the coating.

Liquid wallpapers that were removed, mixed with clean water to the desired consistency. Their application is performed in the same way as described above. Moreover, the applied edges of the coating are combined with the edges adjacent to them. After drying, the repair point should not be noticeable.

Video on the use of liquid wallpaper:

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