Floor grinding: Step by step instructions

July 14. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 1720. Comments To the entry grinding floor: step by step instructions No

Floor grinding is a relatively new type of construction services. But despite this, this surface treatment is already widely used in residential premises, as well as in office buildings and trading institutions. As a result of grinding, the flooring becomes more practical. The floor acquires such properties as resistance to the effects of various chemical components and to moisture, wear resistance and durability. In addition, care for such a coating does not require special efforts, which is an additional convenience during operation. Consider all the features and stages of the procedure.

Methods of grinding

Floor grinding with their own hands can be performed in two ways:

  • wet;
  • dry

Each of these methods has certain inconveniences. With humid work, cement sludge appears. As a result, visibility is reduced and, as a result, the ability to assess the quality of work, as well as detect disadvantages. To remove it, you will need a special device. The disadvantage of the dry method is a large amount of dust that is formed during the work. To remove it to pre-prepare an industrial vacuum cleaner.

The use of one or another method depends on the material from which the floor is made. For a mosaic surface or coating with marble crumb, the most optimal choice will be a wet method. In appearance, such a surface almost will not differ from polished base. Concrete floor should be grinding the dry method.
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Equipment for grinding

You can purchase devices for grinding today in many specialized sales points. Grinding works are carried out by special equipment, which is divided into two categories:

  • professional;
  • intended for use at home.

In terms of quality, professional cars lead. They are equipped with discs with additional elements - satellites, on which diamond nozzles are fixed. During the operation of the equipment, the discs move in one direction, and their auxiliary elements are to another. Thus, absolutely smooth and smooth surface is achieved. Also when working with professional use machines, you can adjust the speed, water supply and dust fence. The only disadvantage of such equipment is its high cost.

For home use, you can purchase a grinder, which is also suitable for grinding. And in places of difficult reach, it is even more convenient than the car. Diamond bowl or abrasive disk will need to work with the grinder.

Grinding concrete floor

The processing of a concrete surface can be both an independent stage of construction work and preparatory. Thanks to this procedure, the finish coating is firmly connected to the concrete base. For this material, as noted earlier, a dry method of work is more preferable.

The technology of grinding floors from concrete composition involves three stages:

  1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to align the surface, as well as remove the former layer of finishing coating. This can be done by shot blasting, milling or by the grinding tool. This type of work is recommended to be performed using diamond discs with grainy 30.
  2. At the next stage, with a concrete basis, it is necessary to eliminate the existing defects, such as: cracks, potholes, deformation and shrinking seams. For this purpose, epoxy mastic is suitable, with which you can fill all irregularities. When applied it, work should be carried out so that the grinding equipment is fluent in defects.
  3. In the third final stage, grinding is performed.

Consider the grinding process in more detail:

  1. First, the surface is processed by discs with grainy 40.
  2. Then the floor is processed by a hardensive composition. With the reaction of this mixture with calcium hydroxide, which is located in a concrete material, a binder is formed on the surface of the floor. This component closes in the pores concrete, as a result of which the floor becomes more durable and becomes resistance to moisture.
  3. Next, grinding is performed using high grain drives - 400 or more. The layer, which is created as a result of this operation, has high resistance to mechanical effects. Such a floor is able to withstand not only the load from pedestrians, but also from forklift. The surface of the concrete base acquires good strength and does not require additional care.
  4. This work can be finished, but if you wish, the floor is polished. For this use discs whose graininess varies from 1500 to 3000. After this procedure, the surface acquires a glossy shine.


Floor grinding

Before proceeding with work, it is necessary to free the room from all furniture and other household items. It is also recommended to remove the plinths, because This will help perform a grinding better. Work is performed using disk No. 40:

  • first you need to walk around the perimeter;
  • then - in the opposite direction. At this stage, the drum must be configured to a width of 200 mm, and further change the setting by 100 mm.

Important! To get a better grinding, you should walk the machine along the walls, by observing an angle of 45 °. The subsequent direction of work must correspond to the laying of parquet sheets.

In the process of grinding, it is necessary to ensure that the machine receives the voltage in full. In the opposite case, the equipment will not work at full power. If this situation occurs, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the drum, and then turn off all the devices from the network. If these measures did not give the desired result, you need to apply additional power sources. In the process, you need to monitor the abrasive material and update it as wear.

At the next stage, the grinding of the parquet is performed:

  1. During this process, it is necessary to eliminate all irregularities and surface defects.
  2. Work should be continued until the complete elimination of all irregularities and roughness. As grinding, it is necessary to change abrasive sheets on elements with a smaller graininess.
  3. Places like angles, sites behind the battery and outside the door for grinding machine are difficult to access. To process these zones, use the "boot" tool.
  4. Next, all existing gaps need to be filled with putty.
  5. This main part of the work completed.
  6. In conclusion, the surface should be treated with the help of an abrasive leaf with the smallest graininess. This will help to eliminate small defects that have been preserved after the previous grinding stages.

To make sure that the work done should be done on the floor surface, it should be smooth to the touch. If there are roughness, it is necessary to once again handle the wooden coating of the grinding machine.

Grinding marble floor

Marble has high aesthetic indicators. The floor, made on the basis of this material, has a fairly attractive appearance and, bringing a note of aristocraticity, transforms any interior. But at the same time, marble has the opposite direction - it does not have a special wear resistance, and, consequently, and durability. In the process of operation, the glossy polishing is lost, and contamination and detergents begin to penetrate the lime structure of the floor.

The duration of the marble surface is directly depends on the load and care. In irreversible damage to the coating can be applied even the smallest grains that are brought together with shoes. As a result of their impact on the marble floor, very small, imperceptible scratches for the naked eye are formed. Next, they are connected to the grid into which the dirt penetrates. As a result, dirty paths appear on the floor surface in the fields of the most intensive pavement.

Before grinding the floor, you should visually assess its condition. The marble flooring requires this processing if the polishing layer became muddy or erased completely, damage appeared on the plates, and the seams between them were collapsed. Further work is made in such a sequence:

  1. At the initial stage, leveling or rude grinding is performed. This procedure will help remove the plates drops and make less noticeable seams.
  2. If there is a mechanical damage on the surface, the floor must be seal. This will eliminate deep scratches, chips and potholes. For sealing, a special mixture is used, which contains polyester glue. This adhesive substance can be given the color of the treated surface.
  3. The floor of marble material may have inhomogeneous composition. If you correctly pick up the color of glue after the end of the work, it will resemble natural intersions of the marble.
  4. If some plates completely lost their operational qualities, they should be replaced by eliminating previous seams.
  5. Next, grinding is performed, which is an intermediate step between coarse treatment and polishing.
  6. At the final stage, the surface is polished using special means.

These include operational polyters, which are produced in the form of liquid wax. This composition protects the coating from mechanical damage and helps save shine. Among the polishing agents also have compositions that create an anti-slip effect. Along with wax agents, pastes are also popular. They have different consistency and can be both liquid and thick.

To protect the thin polishing layer from the effects of acids during the subsequent crystallization, which causes premature wear of the surface, is performed. To give an outdoor marble coating a mirror brillia of its surface crystallize. At the final stage, the material is treated with polymer compositions, thanks to this, the floor acquires moisture-repellent qualities.


Grinding floor screed

This processing will allow in the future to cover the screed with paint or varnish and apply impregnation to the surface. Grinding will provide a solid grip of the polymer layer with a floor. As a filler for a screed, it is recommended to use fine-flower crushed stone. If, in addition to grinding, the surface is also planned and polished, in this case the best filler will be a marble crumb or granite crushed stone.

For floor processing, it is necessary to make such actions:

  1. Before starting work, the screed must be checked for strength. For this surface is closed. If problem places are found in this check in the process, the floor must be shifted.
  2. It should also be ensured that the processed base does not have protruding fragments of reinforcement.
  3. If there are large cracks, they need to be embedded, and in addition to these zones it is additionally a grinding machine.
  4. If there are significant depressions on the surface and bumps, then grinding equipment should be equipped with a large number of disks.
  5. Also before proceeding with work, you need to check the voltage in the network, it must be stable. This is necessary for the uninterrupted functioning of the equipment. You can grind the screed in 1-3 weeks. Previously, it is impossible to start work, since the coating for a less short period will not dry completely.
  6. For screed, discs are used, the graininess of which is 40. Previously the base must be treated with a hardensive composition. The mineral binding substance that is formed after such treatment will close the pores, as a result of which the screed will become more durable.
  7. Polishing is carried out by discs with graininess up to 3000. After the end of the main stage of the work, the surface can be coated with several layers of polyurethane varnish, which will allow to achieve a glossy effect.



Grinding is performed both in the form of independent processing and as a preparatory stage to apply paint or varnishing coating. After such a procedure, the operational qualities of the floor increase. Its surface becomes water-repellent, wear resistance increases and resistance to chemicals, extended service life. The grinding process is quite simple and does not require qualified knowledge. Professional equipment has a high cost, but an ordinary grinder can be applied instead.

Floor grinding with their own hands. Video:

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