Children's room design for girls

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The girl's age is very important to consider when a children's room. Children grow, they change classes and hobbies, i.e. Any age period has its own characteristics. The child up to a year no sense to allocate a separate room. After all, he spends most of the time in his crib. But when the girl is marching a year, she already needs, at least a small one, but its place in the house. The main thing is to be warm and cozy. Then it should be done by arranging the interior design of a nursery for a girl.

Nuances design rooms for girls

Up to 3 years


You are unlikely to remember what our own at this age. If you ask your parents, they will certainly confirm that you, like all the children at this age, actively know the world around us and began to speak their first words. The same, most likely, will be your baby. Children at this age are sharply experiencing any failure. Therefore, their room should be as comfortable as possible. An important value for the girl of any age has the appearance of her room. But it should not be assumed that the baby will have to moral the room if it is framed in pink or purple tones. Forget this stereotype and consider other options. For example, pastel colors can be used as a base, and the accents arrange with bright shades. There are many options. The main thing is to avoid the use of "screaming" colors in the room.

Special attention should be paid to choosing finishing materials, in particular, wallpaper and paints - they should be environmentally friendly. The space of the room is useful to divide the functional areas. It needs to be done so that the girl understands where the place for certain things. It is desirable that each such zone has its own lighting. In the gaming part, the lighting should be quite bright, and in place for sleep, on the contrary, muffled and soft. When a girl reaches a certain age, she will need his separate table, which is desirable to hang a separate source of light. So that the room was lighter, the ceiling must be sure to be light. To do this, you can use the paints of the appropriate shades or the mounted coating. The gaming zone will emphasize the stickers on which the characters of favorite cartoons will be depicted.

Baby Design for Girl 7 years


Each child is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to choose one single way of designing the room. But still there is something common to all girls of this age - they begin to study at school. Therefore, when clearing the room, it is worth considering. In particular, it is necessary to put a convenient desk. There must be drawers in which notebooks, educational materials and various stationery subjects will be kept. Toys will also be needed too. Therefore, they should be left in the room. Only, they should be placed in the gaming part of the room.

At this age, the girl usually already has their own opinion. Therefore, it is worth allowing you to choose something for her room. For example, she can pick up the shade of wallpaper. The room should be well lit. The furniture is better to purchase only the one that is really needed so that unnecessary interior items are not "taken" the free space of the room. It will be useful will be a design of a children's project for a girl.

As in the case of young children, the space of the room must be divided into zones, and this task falls on the shoulders of parents. Seven-year-old baby will need a new bed, because The previous one will have already, most likely cramped. Next to the bed is desirable to hang the lamp. The desk must be put next to the window, in addition to artificial lighting, there was also natural. The game zone is preferably drawn up with the child. There will also be needed additional lighting. It will not be superfluous to deliver beautiful furniture here. It should be envisaged that the room is a place for guests, for example, girls girlfriends. They should also be comfortable in the room.

Children's for a girl 10 years old - design


This age is considered transient, its character becomes complex. At the moment, she is still needed by parental control, but it must still be some freedom. In particular, this concerns the issues of childcare. Give her the opportunity to participate in this process. For our part, you just carefully "adjust" child fantasy.

Before going to the store and choose interior items, it is worth showing photos of ready-made interiors. Let it choose what she likes, and already on the basis of this you can make purchases. If she agrees, go to the store with her. Especially if it concerns the interior items for its room. After all, the furniture needs to be "tested." The child should be comfortable to sit on a chair, lying on the bed and be at the desk. The cabinet should be such a height so that the baby can get to the upper shelves.

As for the color and the style of the future room, then the choice must be provided exclusively to the Girl itself. Ideally, parents will only remain realizing her fantasies. But not always requests comply with financial capabilities. Then you should try to agree with her and choose the option that will arrange all. Nevertheless, the basics of children's design for a teenager girl who chose an independently "hostess" of the premises should remain unchanged.

The interior of the rooms of various areas


Not every apartment can "boast" a large area. It should be considered when the children's room is arranged.

Design of children's girl 12 sq m

If the room is 11-15 sq.m., then the furniture in such a small room should be fairly functional. After all, you still need to highlight the place for games. For the arrangement of a small children's design for a girl there are many options. One of these ways is the placement in the room mirrors, which can go, for example, together with a wardrobe or installed separately.

In addition, the room will look more if a light tone will prevail in the finish. Ideally, each part in the room should have its own light source corresponding to the appointment of the zone. On the windows should hang curtains made of lightweight material. To increase visually space, you can mount a glossy tensioning light shade. But it should be done only if the ceiling height allows. The borders of the rectangular room will seem more if the point lighting is accommodated around the perimeter. What was described above is quite fair for the design of a nursery for a girl 9 sq m.

Room area from 20 sq.m


It is possible to realize almost any ideas. Style and color is chosen depending on the age of the girl. As an option, in such a large room you can put the partition to extinguish the place to sleep from the rest of the room. Furniture, as in other cases, should be chosen depending on the age of the baby. Older girls already have their own opinion, therefore it is worthwhile to give them the opportunity to participate in the choice of furniture and other interior items. Calm the room on the zone should be taken into account the needs and hobbies of the child. Such a room area allows you to install a sports corner here.

The girl's room can be framed in any style, for example, you can use classic. If you adhere to minimalism, then the child will have a lot of free space for active games. In any case, for the room of such an area, the lighting is very important, which is recommended to do multi-level, i.e. Sources of light will not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls. In this case, the lighting should correspond to the zone in which it is placed.

Interior Styles Room For Girl

Classic option


Classic style today is quite popular in the design of children's premises. Especially if the rest of the rooms in the house are made in this style. In this case, wooden children's furniture, soft mats, satin curtains, curtains are suitable. Not yet unnecessary accessories, for example, Roman curtains, massive bedside lamp. Also to the place here will be a family photo located in the gilded frame.


To leave the room as much free space as possible, resort to the use of such a style as minimalism. So, in the girl's room there are only the most needed. This uses wallpapers with a simple pattern, and furniture of a monochon light shade. Hang on windows silk or cotton curtains to make a lighter room. The room can be made original if you use some designer development. So, it is possible to make a rack in the form of a tree, on the ceiling to make the imitation of the starry sky, and one of the walls to decorate with artistic painting.

Materials used in interior decoration should not cause allergies and be environmentally friendly. Such quality can be confirmed by certificates to be provided by manufacturers. It is advisable when buying any interior items to give preference to well-known brands. This applies to paints, wallpaper and linoleum.

A child starts to be interested in the world only when he marks the year. At an earlier age design for it, in fact, does not matter. Nevertheless, the girl for the girl is to equip in advance in the appropriate style. In particular, it concerns painting walls. One wall can be allocated so that the child can manifest his creative abilities on it. With the help of bright colors, you can place accents in the right places.

Children's bedroom design for a girl: what to choose wallpaper


Today, you can find a wide variety of wallpaper on sale, which is why choose the appropriate option is often problematic.

  • The classics among the finishing materials are paper wallpaper. They skip air well and are made of eco-friendly materials, and the number of different drawings on them is that anyone can find an option that will come to taste. Their basic flaw is the briefness. Nevertheless, they are ideal for finishing a children's room.
  • When choosing wallpaper orient to the age of the child and the features of the room. It is recommended to choose the wallpaper of only light shades that will not only make the room lighter, but will be able to positively affect the emotional state of the owner of the room. Especially if the design of a nursery for two girls is placed.
  • Quite harmless liquid wallpaper. The main disadvantages are the small choice of color scheme. But it is precisely such wallpapers are suitable as a canvas for the embodiment of creativity.
  • You can find vinyl wallpapers on sale, but they should not be purchased for the arrangement of children's rooms. The fact is that their upper coating is performed from the foamed vinyl, and their children are curious. Therefore, they can tear a piece from such wallpapers and try.
  • A good option will be a photo wallpaper. It is especially worth noting such a kind of crafts as an anti-marker. They are well cleaned from pollution and have a fairly rich selection of drawings.
  • There are so-called eco-wallpapers that are manufactured exclusively from natural materials. For example, fabrics or cork coverage. They will definitely suit the girl's room, but not everyone can afford them. The price of such cloths is pretty high, besides, it is not rich for sale on sale. If such expensive wallpaper and use, then in the adult child's room, which already understands that it is impossible to spoil things.

Children's design for a girl: photo

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