How to grow hazelnut

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The hazelnut grows on the subtle trunks of such a walled plant, like a large album. The stories have reached this day, according to which, thanks to the large reserves of this nut, people could survive the cold winter, and sometimes he just helped survive. If the year was lacking for wheat or rice, then people included in their everyday fatty diet. And they used in either form. In particular, they drose it raw, fried or in the form of oil and paste. By the way, the hazelnut is also called Lombard Walnut. Next, we will talk about the peculiarities of this culture, as well as on the cultivation of the hazelnut.

Walnut Hazelnuk: Culture Characteristics


It is known that the hazelnut turned out as a result of a focused crossing of various varieties of flavory. Later were selected the largest types of this nut, having a fairly thin skin. To date, the most common varieties of this culture are:

  • kerasund
  • badhem,
  • sort Crimean.

As for their properties and composition, they are absolutely the same. They differ only in appearance, as well as the thickness of the shell. The hazelnuk contains approximately 58% of oils. They consist of organic acids. In addition, it concentrated approximately 14% protein, 19% protein, 11% of carbohydrates, vitamin E, as well as group vitamins B. If we speak more specifically, then in 100 grams of walnut contains 62 grams of fats, 9 g of carbohydrates and 14 grams of proteins.

In addition, it contains substances such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron. And iron in this nut is greater than in meat. Among the useful minerals in its composition there is phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, manganese, copper, iodine, chlorine, sodium and cobalt. In addition, vitamins A, C and RR, as well as useful amino acids, are concentrated in the hazelnut. Carotenoids, phytosterols, flavonoids are still in the nuclei of this nut. As for its energy value, it is 680 kcal per 100 grams. By calories, the hazelnut is equal to fish and meat. So, in order to fill the daily need for important substances and calories, it is enough to eat 390 gr of this nut.

Hazelnut: Photo


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How to plant Hazelnuk


This culture is undemanding. It grows in any soil, except sandy and clay. Before landing the hazelnut, the land must be at a depth of 25-30 cm. If it is planned to put a hazelnut in the spring period, then plow the soil in the fall, and, on the contrary, when falling down in the fall, the earth will plow the earth in the spring.

This culture in the process of growth takes a lot of useful substances from the soil. Therefore, it should be fertilized every year. Composts and manure are well suited as fertilizers.

How to grow a hazelnut? Consider the process in stages:

  1. The most optimal period for planting this plant is the autumn (October-November). The hazelnut landed into the pre-prepared wells, the size of 80 to 80 cm. Pets should be pulled out 1-2 months before the start of sowing work.
  2. In order to plant a plant will need 2 people. One of them must hold the seedling when disembarking, and the other is to paint the roots of the hazelnut and spill the soil. If the sprout is a weak root system, then it is seated by 6-7 cm deeper than the rest.
  3. Next, the sapling is watered. In general, the hazelnut loves moisture. Therefore, it should be poured 350 liters for each bush for the entire vegetative period. The first watering is performed in May, the second - in June, the third - in July, the fourth - in August. The final watering is carried out in October (after completely falling leaves).

Funduka reproduction


This culture is valued among the gardeners by the fact that it is unpretentious and can be grown for the mass sale of seedlings. Moreover, you can grow a hazelnut of both walnut and from horizontal chains. The reproduction of the plant passes in a vegetative way.

Fruits with bushes are collected during the period of natural ripeness and squeezing. Then they are dried over 2 weeks and stored in a container that does not let the moisture.

If the hazel sowing passes in the room, then its seeds (nuts) before landing should be withstanding at low temperatures for 1.5 months. Seeds are usually kept in a sandbox. It is placed in the refrigerator or cold basement.

With the onset of heat, the seeds are planted in the soil (under polyethylene, with a layer of sand 2 cm). It is necessary to put them in the ground to a depth of 5-6 cm. When the first sprouts appear, they should be regularly sprayed with water.

Why is it worth growing a hazelnut?

On the benefits of culture


This culture in industry is quite very popular due to the fact that it has excellent taste and high nutritional value. In most cases, this nut is used in the production of various sweets and confectionery products. Today it is used in the preparation of such sweet dishes, like candy, chocolate, cakes, cakes and baking. It is also used in the manufacture of lyters, smoothies, creams, nut pastes and ice cream. This nut in a grinding form will complement the taste of salads, garnings, snacks and sauces. It can be added to vegetable dishes and use as excellent seasoning to meat. The cake, which usually remains after processing the hazelnut, is actively used to prepare such a delicacy as Halva, and sometimes used agronomes for feeding pets.

This culture is a very good source of energy for the human body. It can successfully replace some products that have an animal origin, and, in particular, fatty meat. In addition, hazelnut, like all nuts, is useful to people who adhere to vegetarianism. This contains substances that have the ability to clean blood, strengthen the protective forces of the body, bring harmful toxins and slags, interfere with the formation and development of tumors, as well as to improve the work of the brain and the CNS. It is useful to include it in the diet and young mothers, as it helps the production of breast milk. In addition, its use contributes to the dissolution of stones in the case of renal disease, and also prevents the development of meteorism in the intestine.

This culture and folk medicine has gained widespread. So, when using this nut with honey, a chronic fatigue and anemia can be cured. When the Kuragi is added to this mixture, it turns out a tasty medicine that improves metabolism.

The oil obtained from this nut, which is mixed in the equivalent proportions (1 to 1) with egg protein, is used to treat wounds and burns. In addition, to restore the health and power of the hair, it is recommended to rub the head into the skin. It will also be useful for vision and restoration of brain activity, especially when mental loads. The hazelnut is recommended for the use of older people, as well as athletes in order to fill vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Rules for storage of hazelnut nuclei


In order for the hazelnut to not lose its healing properties, it is usually retained in purified at low temperature, and in an opaque hermetic container. So, it will not penetrate the sunlight and various outsiders. Otherwise, the process of decay of vitamins and minerals can begin in the nuclei of the nut, which is why this culture will lose all its main useful qualities. In addition, it is important to know that in the shell, approximately six months of its storage, the hazelnut dries and therefore loses most of its unique value. Therefore, it is recommended to use only in freshly collected form.

Growing Hazelnut: Video

Learn more about the cultivation of this culture can be viewed on the video:

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