How to choose a garage oven

August 24th Useful advice Views 5428 Comments to write How to choose a furnace for garage No

Garage - is a universal space. It is not only a comfortable home for your personal car, but also a workshop and a gathering place for friends by interest. When severe frosts start the vehicle often difficult and time consuming. And do repairs and to communicate in the other car owners, too, much nicer in the warm and cozy room. That's why the correct heating garage will always be a hot topic for all motorists.


The easiest way - the oven for a garage to buy or make your own hands. To purchased equipment to be truly effective in the specific conditions garage certainly previously read stoving rules for garage proposed below.


Criterias of choice

Furnace for the garage is obliged to combine several key aspects. Usually, it:

To choose the optimal variant of a furnace for heating the garage, be guided by the following criteria:

  • how long the cold;
  • how long will have a heated garage;
  • useful area garage construction;
  • the budget to which the garage heating is to be inserted. bake
    Important! Often you can find a garage in the form of an extension to the house. In this case, it makes sense to take care of his heating in advance: while during the central heating, capture the garage in the chain. But most often the garages are autonomous buildings, and the inability to connect to common communications forces the owners of the car to equip the garage of an individual heating system, that is, to install a separate compact oven. hTTP -

What are the types of furnaces?

There are many types of equipment for autonomous heating:

  • furnaces that work on solid fuels;
  • gas boilers or heaters;
  • electric furnaces;
  • heat guns consuming diesel. 1352485146_2
    Important! Each type of heating of the garage has its own characteristics of the installation and operation. In order to choose the right type of heating, which is suitable for you, read the characteristics of each of them in more detail.

Furnaces on solid fuel

Portable furnaces are popular at all times. The owners of the car shut down their garage in this way of heating more and more often, since the device gives not only great heat, but also looks pretty aesthetic. burzhuj.

Advantages of solid fuel furnaces:

  • occupy a little space, which allows you to equip with such equipment even a small garage;
  • easy mounted and dismantled if necessary. For example, in the summer it can be removed from the garage at all, to release more square;
  • safe to use;
  • Have a high level of heat transfer, which allows you to give a garage with a large area. kvadratnaya-Burguika-Svoimi-Rukami
    Important! The only substantial disadvantage of such heating can be that during your absence to throw up the firewood will be no one, and therefore the furnace will stop performing its function. However, this problem is easily solved, since there are several options for permissible fuel. burjuyka_met.

Garage ovens on "Working"

Such a furnace easily assembled with your own hands. A waste oil is used as fuel. Therefore, it is so simple, reliable and economical. pechka1.


These furnaces have a lot:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • processing oil waste;
  • extremely easy to manufacture;
  • it can be easily assembled and dismantled;
  • absolutely safe to use;
  • it may be part of the heating system with temperature control. 4
    Important! Videos, which graphically illustrates the principle of a furnace apparatus for garages for working off and its operation.

Design features

Furnace for garage oil reservoir is made in the form of a window for loading the fuel which is provided with a shutter. The principle of operation of the furnace is extremely simple: filled several liters of waste oil is heated and it begins to evaporate into the pipe, where proper combustion occurs and to release the necessary heat. 12

Important! The next batch of oil is necessary to add as previous burn. oil combustion rate depends on how much air enters the combustion process. The more - the fuel burns faster.

Furnaces for the garage with wood

Oven stove - The most common version of the furnace. 2


Advantages of the equipment:

  • manufactured from iron or steel;
  • mobile and compact;
  • easy to use;
  • great heats a large area;
  • it heats with wood, which is very economical;
  • does not require the installation of the chimney;
  • it has a hob for cooking or heating food. Krepim-nozhki-iz-otrezkov-metallicheskogo-ugolka
    Important! Help to more clearly imagine the working principle and appreciate the ease of use of a wood stove for the garage, the videos below.


Oven Buleryan - more expensive type of furnace. Despite this, the advantages of the mass causes the majority of owners to give preference to this type. bullerjan_


The main advantages of the following release:

  • it works on any solid fuel (peat, wood, etc.);
  • able to heat the room more than 10 hours;
  • Efficiency of such furnace reaches 80-85%. 1084_1684
    Important! The bottom of such a furnace is very strongly heated, and therefore it must be set at a height of 20-25 cm from the floor. Requires the installation of the chimney, the best option would be a chimney-type "sandwich". First kindling produced using the paper, and then throw wood or other type of solid fuel. buller

brick oven

The furnace from this material is used in those garages, the entire design of which is made of bricks. Such a garage requires additional insulation before installing a brick furnace, as the piece material itself has a high thermal conductivity, and some of your heat will heat the air around the design. To avoid useless work furnace, ceiling, walls and garage floor should be insolent. 1


Advantages of a brick furnace:

  • easy to use;
  • fire safety;
  • it is possible to build a furnace of any size and shape. 3_34

Heat guns

Despite the fact that there are many types of heat guns, diesel thermal guns are most popular. Thanks to the low cost of fuel, ease of operation and a huge thermal potential, such guns are heated more and more garages. 4_35_1

The principle of operation of the heat gun is simple:

  • a huge amount of air passes through the heating element;
  • hot air diverges with dense masses in all directions inside the room due to a complex gun device. 31F6D7U-960.


Guns that work on diesel fuel are practically devoid of flaws. The only thing worth considering is the location of such equipment. It should be installed in such a way that the body of your car does not fall under direct hot air streams. The optimal place to install is the angle of the room.

winter concreting2

Important! Thermal cannons quickly and effectively heat the garage, they have a democratic cost and inexpensive service.

Electrical heaters

The electric furnace can be installed in any garage, which is connected in one way or another to the source of the electrical network.


There are several types of such heaters:

  1. Electric type convector. The heating element of such equipment has the form of a helix or it is produced as a dielectric plate. They are heated in seconds and absolutely do not overcame air. Alpine Air.
    Important! This feature of functioning is an indisputable advantage, because too dry air can adversely affect your car. In addition, such a heater is perfectly coping with high humidity. It is absolutely safe to use. Browse the video overview of the furnace of this type in the proposed video.
  2. Infrared heater. This type of heating deserves separate attention. The heating plate performs glass ceramics, and sometimes quartz glass. In addition, you can purchase a gas infrared heater. They are almost instantly heated, and the overall heating level exceeds most of the other heating instruments. infrakrasnyj_elektricheskij_obogrevatel.
    Important! Unfortunately, they have one substantial minus. Infrared heaters very much heat the car body and can damage it during long-term use. 1152351

Gas heaters

The most economical version of the heating of the garage is, without a doubt, ovens working on the liquefied gas. In the modern world, blue fuel has low cost, which is why equipment running on it is very popular.

Important! For the full operation of such equipment, it is important to install a ceramic faucet or convector. gaz-Obogrev


Besides cheap service, gas furnaces have a number of other advantages:

  1. Mobility. Easily mounted and removed for quick movement.
  2. Operational heating. The high heat transfer of the gas heater allows him to heat the air in the garage quickly enough to quickly start working with the car.
  3. Independence from the mains. Provides additional safety in operation. 1359566219_gazovaya_pech_dlia_garaja.

Important! A large number of advantages should not distract you from the main thing that it is worth considering when choosing a gas equipment installation:

  • installation of such a system should trust a professional, because the incorrect operation of gas equipment can be extremely dangerous;
  • the equipment is expensive, but perfectly pays off during long-term use due to the low cost of fuel. 6626413


When installing a furnace for heating a garage or any other equipment, it is important to understand that when working in the room in winter it is possible to save very well. It is absolutely not necessary to warm the room to room temperature and work there in T-shirt. For uninterrupted operation with a car, it is enough +8 degrees.

Choosing equipment for your garage, follow your financial capabilities, features of the garage itself, and at the first need to contact the specialists, so that your movable property has always been in reliable, safe and warm room.

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