Fireplace from drywall do it yourself: Step-by-step instructions

November 18. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 771. Comments To write a firewall fireplace with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions No

To give your own dwelling, the desired comfort, people bring more new solutions to the interior arrangement. Everyone wants his room or apartment to look individually. It is also important that the room creates the comfort so necessary after a heavy working day. Predated in the dwelling was established fireplaces capable of not only to heat the required area, but also to give the house a special sophistication. So that your design does not differ from the standard models represented by a wide range in building stores, the assembly and installation of the portal can be carried out personally. You may not doubt that the firewall fireplace made by their own hands will become an original solution in the decoration of your home.

Characteristic Falche Kaminov

To determine the choice of the desired fireplace, it is better to carefully consider all the features of such designs. The modern market for building materials intended for the decoration of residential premises allows you to create a fireplace for every taste. You can make a wooden or stone portal. Often you can find false fireplaces made of bricks and marble. All these materials have a sufficiently high cost, besides, they require a special method of installation and processing. The portal for false fireplace, created from the drywall, with their own hands, will become a budget option, since it will not require additional costs associated with the recruitment of building brigades. In addition, plasterboard - universal material, since it allows you to experiment with forms and decorative solutions when creating structures.


Purpose Falche Plaster Plaster

Since in high-rise buildings it is impossible to install the portal, you can create a copy of it. This is due to the fact that there are no chimney in such buildings. In addition, overlaps are made in such a way that the load will not be able to endure. Thus, the probability of arrangement of the apartment with the help of the fireplace is equal to zero. Externally, the copy will not differ from the original. Such structures are called false fireplaces, as they do not perform their initial heating function of the room. They are created in decorative purposes.


If you are haunting the goal of heating the room, using the fireplace, then to solve this issue, electrocamine is perfect. It will not only get the room in the winter, but also perfectly fit into your interior. To create a plausible design, you can put it in the portal assembled from drywall. Thus, you will receive a functioning structure that is almost impossible to distinguish from the original at first glance.

Advantages False fireplace firewall

Before assembling and installing a decorative fireplace, we advise you to pay attention to all the features and nuances of such works. Most of the finishes are chosen by plasterboard to create such structures. This is due to several factors that once again allow you to stop your choice on such a material like plasterboard.

The advantages of plasterboard fake fireplaces include the following:

  1. Easy assembly. Unlike the original, the false fireplace does not require the creation of air ducts, ventilation, chimney and other inalienable elements.
  2. Efficiency. You will need a small amount of material, besides, it will cost inexpensively. If you finish the portal tile, then you will not need expensive heat-resistant mixes.
  3. Speed \u200b\u200bmounting. The entire assembly and installation process (without finishing) can take only one working day. In addition, the false fireplace can be transferred as desired because it will weigh a little.
  4. Decorative solutions. The shape, color, and decor elements for your fireplace can be chosen on your taste. It all depends on your imagination and skills. The portal can be installed in the room of any area, as it will not require the installation of additional elements, as when creating the original design.
  5. Security. Due to the absence of heating sources, the probability of fire is excluded.
  6. Finishing portal. As a material for cladding a portal, you can choose everything you wish. It can be: stone, tile, paint, decorative plaster or even an array of wood. But note that using expensive finishing materials, you will further increase the cost of false fireplace.


As you can see, there are a lot of advantages in such designs. It is important to note that the portal can always be equipped with backlight and other elements of lighting. If the fireplace will play a purely decorative role, then several lanes can be put inside the portal. Thus, you will achieve greater truth and similarity with the original.

Choose False Firewall Firewall

If to arrange the interior of the room or apartment, you choose on a decorative fireplace from drywall, then it is necessary to immediately decide on its shape and size. This not only helps to calculate all the necessary material, but also will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the portal.

Among false fires, the following three types can be distinguished:

  1. Reliable. This option is a fireplace, the dimensions of which exactly coincide with the original indicators. In addition, such fireplaces are heated by the room, due to the special fireboxs installed inside the portal, in which specialized combustible substances are burned. Installing such a fireplace involves the use of additional precautions, as well as a clear execution of fire safety techniques.
  2. Conditional. This species is characterized by a portal protrusion from the wall surface for a short distance. Often, conditional fireplaces are equipped with electric facilities and other heating devices. Externally, the portal is very similar to the real fireplace.
  3. Symbolic. The simplest form of the fake of the fireplace, because it does not carry any functional load. Often it is a drawing on the wall that is made of drywall. Symbolic fireplace performs a decorative function. Thus, it is possible to separate, for example, a column located in the wall.

If you want to get a workable fireplace that will heat the room, it should be installed in the bearing wall. It should be combined with the street in order to equip the chimney. But note that the cost of such a design will be unnecessarily expensive.

Fireplace from drywall do it yourself: Step-by-step instructions

Getting Started by the creation of a drywall fireplace personally, we advise immediately decide on the future form and size of the structure. To begin with, draw a fireplace scheme on a sheet. So you can find out how much material you need. It is best to start the installation after it is ready for a rough screed and plaster, that is, immediately before starting finishing works.

To fully understand the method of installing false fireplace, we advise you to see the following video:

Tool and material

When it comes to an assembly of plasterboard structures, it is simply not to do without a specialized tool. Refer to the selection of all necessary with full responsibility. You can always ask the missing tool from a neighbor or take it into a hire. Installation will be produced within 1-2 days, therefore there is no sharp need to acquire everything below.


To properly create a plasterboard fireplace fireplace, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • perforator, screwdriver, Bulgarian, mixer with a nozzle "whisk";
  • dummy, hammer, scissors for metal, construction knife, stapler;
  • galnik, line, plumb, cutting thread;
  • rule, level, roulette, pencil;
  • bath, roller with medium pile thickness, maclovebrus, fluster brush, spatula;
  • plasterboard, UD 27, CD 60 profile, guide and rack profiles, P125 suspension, profile connector;
  • self-tapping screw for metal 3.5x25, "flea" 9.5 mm, dowel portal of the type of fungus 6x40, the bob along concrete 6x160, the PH2 bit;
  • sherryanka, aluminum Perfouge, sandpaper P60, P80, P120, Calee brackets 10-12 mm, blades for a knife 18 mm;
  • glue for tiles, primer, ready-made acrylic or dry spa mix, paint, kel;
  • gloves, glasses, overalls.


Having such a set, you can spend all installation work quickly, collecting the portal in accordance with the scheme. We led an example of the required material in case you will be facing the fireplace tiles not completely. Empty areas will be painted.

Assembly and installation of frame for false fireplace

The creation of any plasterboard design begins with the installation of "skeleton". Collecting the frame for the fireplace, it is important to accurately calculate all the loads to properly choose the thickness of the metal. In any case, it is better to protect yourself, acquiring a profile with a metal thickness of at least 0.45 mm. The same applies to connectors and suspensions. If the portal will be located backlight or electrocamine, then take care of the electrocommunications in advance. Part of the cable passing in concrete or plaster can not be isolated. A part that will be located inside the box must be placed in a special corrugation of the corresponding diameter.

To assemble the frame for the fireplace, come as follows, acting in the stages:

  1. Seam the wall and floor in accordance with the drawing data. You can use a folding thread or a pencil ruler.
  2. On the markup, start mounting the UD 27 guide profile 27. Observe parallelism and sharp corners when assembling. To do this, use the level. Drift a perforator with a boom on a concrete hole through the profile in the wall. After that, insert a dowel with a hat "fungus", and take the nail inside.
  3. Now in the profile insert transverse strips, then fix with screws.
  4. In accordance with the drawing, mount the niche, where the electrocamine will be located if necessary. To enhance long horizontal sections, additionally install jumpers. The frame must be rigid.
  5. If a radius element is provided at the top of the portal, then you need to create an appropriate part from the profile. To do this, cut into the length of the length in length, with a step of 4-5 cm. To create a larger radius, increase the step of cutting steps.
  6. Check out horizontal and vertical levels again. Make sure all the fasteners are reliably fixed.


Before sowing a frame of plasterboard, make sure that the profile is installed correctly. Rehend to this stage with all seriousness. Once again, check the size match in the drawing with the resulting design.

Pilh False Plasterton

Now our frame should be given the volume. From the correctness of the actions at the previous stage, the quality of the facing of the fireplace will be directly dependent.

To persuade the Falke Kamin Plasterton come as follows:

  1. If you personally mount an angular fireplace, then it is better to first sew the back of the portal.
  2. Start cut off the pieces of HCL leaf according to the drawing. We advise first cut rectangular parts, after which you can mount radial.
  3. To connect the drywall with a profile, use a screwdriver with a screw of 3.5x25 mm. It is screwed through the sheet into the profile so that the hat is recessed by 0.5-1 mm. Step 40-60 cm is sufficient, it all depends on the size of the fireplace.
  4. Rush with the help of a construction knife holes of the desired diameter, then drag the wire through them in the corrugation. This should be done at the stage when the fireplace is not fully covered, because in the future such a process will be much more difficult to produce.
  5. To give the GLC desired radius, you need to make parallel cuts along the sheet, after which it is a bit soak the part with water. This will help better bend the radius element, to avoid cracking.

Now our fireplace has acquired more clear outlines, and you can start the final stage - finishing.

Finishing decorative false fireplace

To give the design a pleasant appearance, it is necessary to separate its facial part. To do this, you can use any favorite material, the main thing is that the framework can resist the alleged load. Consider the method of finishing a fireplace of plasterboard on the example of surface staining.

To separate the drywall portal come as follows:

  1. The jokes of drywall plates must be strengthened to avoid further cracks. Along the junction line is applied self-adhesive ribbon sickle. To close the seam, the prepared solution of the shp can be labeled in the tape.
  2. To align the external corners of the design, an aluminum perfusion is used, which is fixed to the plasterboard on the bracket using a stapler. It is necessary to do that so that the bracket is one side to be in perforation, and the second is in GLC.
  3. The whole box is stuffed, after which he is given to dry.
  4. We mix the shta, after which we begin to apply it to the portal with a thin layer (about 1 mm). Avoid the occurrence of thick waves, if possible, immediately stretch them with a spatula. Please note that the finished finish putty is quickly grasped.
  5. Put the skin on the holder. Start cleaning the surface. When everything is ready, you need to brand the entire portal again.
  6. Stir paint with a kelper with a drill with a nozzle. Rolling rolling in the bath first, then start to apply paint. For narrow sections, use a brush.

As you can see, the assembly process and installation of the plasterboard fireplace is quite simple. It is important to properly prepare the basis, and collect the frame in accuracy with the drawing. Do not save on the profile and mounting elements. If inside the fireplace, heating elements will be located, the refractory version of the drywall can be used. Decorative false fireplace from drywall, made on his own sketch with their own hands will help you embody your dream without huge cash investments. Make everything in stages, then the result will not make you wait.

Fireplaces do it yourself from drywall, photo

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