Popular water purification tools in the pool. How to choose a cleansing composition for the pool

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The pool is not only a place for a pleasant and useful pastime of a person, but also the ideal medium for breeding bacteria and algae. So that the reservoir is always well maintained and safe, it needs to be cleaned from time to time. How to clean the water in the pool, find out from our article.

Water purification methods in the pool

Replace water in the pool - the case is long and problematic. Fortunately, the modern market offers a lot of means and devices. In general, it is possible to distinguish 3 basic water purification methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • electrophysical.

Next, we consider in detail each of the ways.

Mechanical water purification in the pool

Manual water cleaning devices in the pool

Mechanical water purification implies the use of various devices manual or automatic action. Manually engaged in such work for a long time and hard, but but economically in terms of cash costs. The automatic instruments are quite expensive, but they work quickly and drive your time and strength.

Fixtures for manual cleaning of water are various saccs and brushes. Brushes are designed to remove contaminants from the inner surfaces of the reservoir. For large depths and hard-to-reach places, such a brush can be used together with a telescopic barbell.

Saccha is designed to collect garbage floating on the surface: branches, leaves and other contaminants. All necessary means for manual cleaning can be purchased with a finished set.

Pool cleaner filters

The filtration system of the pool is responsible for automatic cleaning. Filters for the pool are several types:

  1. Sandy - they are considered the most inexpensive and affordable, however, in their effectiveness they are inferior to other similar devices. The filler in them is specially processed quartz sand, which holds the contamination of up to 25 microns. The pool, equipped with such a device, visually looks quite clean. Sand filters are quickly clogged and they themselves require cleaning approximately every 7-10 days. This can be done using the so-called reverse purification when the water flow is triggered in the opposite direction, thereby washing the filter material.
  2. Cartridges - such a device of the filter system in the pool consists of 3-4 cartridges. They are made of polypropylene either from polyester and cope with small particles up to 5-10 microns. Water purification with a similar filter will be better, but the adaptation itself will cost more than its sandy analog. The minus of the cartridge filter is that after contamination it needs to be completely replaced by a new one, although sometimes there are also such models for which reverse cleaning is suitable.
  3. Diatom filters are the most effective modern devices whose cost is pretty high. Their filler is diatomas. This is a powder that is mined by recycling the fossil plankton sinks. This powder can capture the smallest particles whose size does not exceed 3 microns. To clean the filter itself, you can take advantage of the same reverse cleaning system or designed specifically for a similar purpose to the chemical composition.

Pool cleaning vacuum cleaners

Mechanical water purification is carried out using devices such as underwater vacuum cleaners. Their destination is to remove contamination from the bottom and the walls of the reservoirs, since the filters cannot cope with such a task. Underwater vacuum cleaners are several species:

  1. Manual - the most cheap devices. They consist of several constructive parts: rod handles, brushes and long hose. The electrical part of the mechanism is located outside the pool and in the process of working with water does not contact. Such vacuum cleaners can only work with filters, but not independently. Such a device supplies suction water into the filter, it cleans it and returns back to the pool.
  2. Semi-automatic vacuum cleaners are more expensive and can move themselves along the bottom of the reservoir. As a rule, their movements are chaotic or spiral-shaped. Their brushes are more complicated than the previous version.
  3. Automatic vacuum cleaners are the most expensive devices. Such autonomous devices are immersed in the entire water, including with the electrical component. Automatic vacuum cleaners are controlled using the remote control, but there are also those that work independently and without human intervention.

Chemicals for water purification in the pool

Chemicals are coping with those pollution that cannot be mechanically appliances. Means for water purification of this type are designed to perform the following tasks:

  • clean the pool from microorganisms, viruses and fungi;
  • stabilize the pH level;
  • lighten the water;
  • prevent the appearance of algae.

If you disassemble all chemicals in the composition, then only 3 large groups can be distinguished: chlorine, bromine and active oxygen preparations. We will tell about them below.

Forms for water purification in chlorine-based pool

Chlorine can not be called a safe substance, but there are situations when it is better to use it for cleaning the pool. For example, in hot weather, when the water temperature for several days was higher than 28 °C, it forms such a huge number of bacteria that only chlorine-containing drugs can cope with them.

Chlorine effectively purifies not only water, but also all the inner surfaces of the reservoir. In addition, water after it remains disgraced for an even time. But it has such a substance and disadvantages:

  • it can cause allergic reactions;
  • chlorine makes water more rigid;
  • it has a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • when entering into a chemical reaction, it leaves after himself a precipitate, which also needs to be deleted;
  • many microorganisms after long-term interaction with chlorine begin to get used to it.

Sodium hypochlorite is not so toxic and safer, which is used as 0.1-0.2% solution. The pH should be within 7.0 - 7.4.

Chlorinerators are considered useful and efficient devices - special devices that create chlorine from salt dissolved in water. All that is required is to fall asleep a certain amount of salt specified in the instructions, and then launch the system. Chloringerators help maintain a pool clean for several years, and no smell of chlorine from water is not felt.

Cancer of water in the pool with bromine

Funds with bromine content are sold in the form of tablets and powders. Such drugs have the following advantages:

  • unlike chlorine, they do not smell anything;
  • do not change the pH of water;
  • do not cause allergic reactions, the appearance of irritation on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • bromine preparations perfectly eliminate most biological pollution: microbes and algae;
  • with organic pollution, they are struggling by oxidation.

There are one significant disadvantage among bromine-based drugs - they cannot clear the large volume of water, and therefore often apply with chlorine and chlorides. In addition, such powders and pills are not suiced, which is why they are not particularly popular.

Water cleaning in an active oxygen pool

Such a substance is obtained from hydrogen peroxide, and it is sold in the form of tablets and powders, as well as in the form of a liquid. Preparations are used strictly according to the instructions, and the pool during such a cleaning should not be used by people. The method of use as a cleaning agent of active oxygen has drawbacks:

  1. With a debt of use, active oxygen increases the content of chemicals in water, which is harmful to the skin.
  2. If the water in the fire pool is over 28 °C, the effectiveness of drugs is reduced.
  3. Active oxygen is among the hazardous substances of the second class, along with chlorine, formaldehyde, arsenic and hydrochloric acid. That is why it must be used in strictly normalized quantities. The difficulty lies in the fact that according to GOST, the concentration of the substance in water should not be more than 0.1 g / l, and in practice there is no such quantity. If adding a substance in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, the concentration will greatly exceed the permissible norms. To cope with such a problem, it is necessary to further use chlorine preparations, silver or quartz lamps.

Methods of electrophysical cleaning of pools

Electrophysical methods are considered the most secure and effective of all. Among such methods, the following options are allocated:

  1. Application of ozone. Ozone is a good oxidant who kills almost any malicious organisms. Ozone is produced by passing through electricity water. Chemical elements formed in the process of such a reaction are then removed by the pool filter system. In the water passed through sand filters, normal oxygen is returned, ozone is destroyed, and pollution remains in the filter material. Ozonating water has a lot of advantages and one substantial minus - the installation of this type is very expensive. Therefore, it is rarely used for private pools.
  2. Ultraviolet use is another effective water purification. It requires ultraviolet lamps that are able to destroy many biological pollutants.
  3. Cleaning with silver ions is also carried out using a special installation. In its designs, silver plates are placed through which the current is supplied in the process. Its impact frees silver ions, and they fall into the water. It is worth such an installation that is not suiced - this is a lack of a method. The second minus is that silver, as a heavy metal, is also attributed to the 2nd class of hazardous substances, and therefore its content in water is also regulated by clearly established norms. Among other things, silver is not able to kill all pathogenic organisms, and some of them continue to multiply. In this regard, this method combines with other purification methods.

Adjusting the pH balance of water in the pool

When using any chemical tools for water purification in the pool, it is necessary to pre-measure its level of pH. This is due to the fact that the preparations are effective only at certain acidity. If the balance is broken, it is first necessary to adjust it, and only then add chemical cleaners.

Tools for correction of acidity are most often available in the form of tablets, which are indicated by the words "plus" or "minus". The first and they increase the pH, the second - downhill. You can measure the acidity with special testers that happen:

  • indicator;
  • drip;
  • tablet;
  • electronic.

After entering the basin to use or after replacing water in it, the measurement of the pH level is better to spend daily to adjust the acidity at the initial stage. All measurements should be recorded, so that later find out the frequency of adding or other means to further use the pool.

The optimal indicator of the pH in the pool is numbers from 7.0 to 7.6. If the indicator is higher, a lime sediment will appear in the water, it will begin to smell it unpleasantly and cause irritation on the skin. Lower pH is fraught with corrosion of all metal parts of the system, as well as the destruction of intercutric seams.

To reduce pH, use such funds:

  • pH buffer-minus;
  • Aquadoctor Ph Minus;
  • Equiva minus.

To increase pH, the following drugs are used:

  • Aquadoctor pH plus;
  • Equiva plus.

There are also automatic installations that themselves fix acidity indices and add the desired amount of reagent.

How to deal with algae and clouding

Preparations called Algicides are used to purify water from algae. They are safe for human health, but very effective in combating green disputes. These drugs can be attributed to:

  • Algitin;
  • Aquadez Nuk 5
  • Algipur (superb alba).

Unfortunately, with clouding of water, the filter system often does not cope. But this problem is solvable, and to eliminate the shallow suspension particles in the liquid you need to use coagulants. Their addition to water contributes to the coagulation of microparticles and transform them into larger fractions. In turn, they fall on the bottom in the form of a sediment, from where they can be removed by a filter or underwater vacuum cleaner. From popular coagulants today, you can allocate such:

  • SuperFlock;
  • Equital;
  • Superflock;
  • Pure Water.

Water purification in the pool. Video

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