Drawers for seedlings do it yourself

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If you wish to get a good harvest, it is required that some conditions have been performed during the entire growing period. One of them is the correct content of seedlings. It is most often settled in one common capacity. But sometimes each plant is placed in a separate small container. Next, we will tell about what should be the boxes for seedlings and how it is possible to do themselves.

How to choose boxes for seedlings


  1. When selecting containers, the size and features of the growth of grown culture should be taken into account. So, for some plants, the selected container may be too small. This will cause damage to the root system, which, in turn, will prevent its normal development. Thus, the size of the container is one of the most important selection criteria.
  2. In addition, the drawer should be drainage holes.
  3. As for the materials, it is best to choose a container made of opaque materials. It will protect the roots of the plant from the harmful effects of sunlight. Best if it is plastic or wood.
  4. In addition, to protect seeds from sharp drops of temperature, the walls of the selected container for seedlings must have optimal thermal conductivity.
  5. Today, the container can be purchased for seedlings in almost any household goods store.

Ready Cassettes for Seedlings


Cassettes for seedlings allow gardeners to facilitate their work. They are strong enough and comfortable. Today there are several types of such tanks. We will describe some of them. In general, the selection of seedlings for seedlings is one of the most important points in the cultivation of plants. From how comfortable it will be for gentle sprouts, the quality of the future harvest depends in many respects.

Previously, Tara for seedlings was considered a sharp deficit. Lovers gardeners then hardly could find it. As for the cassette for seedlings, they used to be made only for industrial purposes. To date, there are several technologies for their production, each of which allows manufacturing a product with its high-quality characteristics. The most durable and expensive are made of high-quality polystyrene, for example, from PVC. The advantage of almost any plastic cassettes is that they can serve for several years. At the same time, they will not need to change.

There are cassettes with a pallet and a transparent lid. They are also called "guy". They can be used to grow seedlings.


Ready plastic and wooden boxes have several advantages, namely:

  1. First of all, the advantages of such a container are in convenience. They are easy to transfer, wash and install. In addition, there are no problems with storage. In addition, cassettes allow you to save time and means for disembarking seedlings.
  2. Cassettes allow you to save place in the greenhouse. The root system of seedlings is not damaged during transplantation. It is very important that if there are already some diseases in the greenhouse, then the plants in the cassettes do not pick them up.
  3. Cassettes are easily installed even on small shelves. Very valuable quality is that they can easily be disinfected for future use.
  4. Seedlings, which is grown in cassettes, usually grows strong and resistant to various climatic conditions, while it has a good appearance.
  5. Cultivation of seedlings in such a container allows you to ensure uniform lighting for all plants. When growing thermal-loving varieties, it is possible to quickly warm the substrate.
  6. No need to make drawers yourself, which allows you to save a lot of time and strength.
  7. In addition, today there are drawers of different shapes, sizes and color designs.
  8. Cassettes can be used once.

This container has its drawbacks. So, with a sufficiently large number of landings on the purchase of boxes, a lot of money can escape. Although, by themselves, they are not too high. Given this lack of ready-made cassettes, many prefer not to buy them, but to produce independently of the priest materials.

How to buy high-quality cassettes


The varieties of cassettes intended for seedlings can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. The form.
  2. Number of cells.
  3. Volume.
  4. The size of the drainage holes.

Industrial cassettes are trays whose dimensions are 55, 230 or 536 mm. In this case, the cells inside them usually have a size of 45 mm. Often, a transparent cover is present. At the bottom of any cassettes for seedlings, drainage holes are required. For different cultures, various types of containers are selected. So, for the cabbage most often take a cassette with a size of 240 by 96 mm, and for tomatoes - 160 by 54 mm.

If you decide not to make drawers for seedlings with your own hands, but to purchase ready-made plastic cassettes for this, then when you choose, first of all, to pay attention to the wall thickness and quality. Signs of poor quality are thin walls and interspersed into plastics abrasive particles. Such a container is enough for a short time.

A very important characteristic for cassettes is their color. For example, dark faster heated, and, therefore, intensively give the heat substrate. Light, on the contrary, do not absorb the sun's rays, and thereby incur no longer on the plant. Such boxes are recommended for early plants for early varieties.

Earlier, another important parameter was already mentioned when choosing a high-quality container, namely, the presence of a drainage system in the form of holes. It is necessary so that the moisture is not stored and thus did not harm young plants.

In addition, it is important that the cassettes are made of high-quality plastic. The poor-quality material can be poisonous for plants. Signs of poor quality plastic are also too thin or, on the contrary, excessively thick walls.

Peat cassettes

Today, this type of capacity is becoming increasingly popular. Such cassettes differ from their other environmental cleanliness. For the price they are, of course, more expensive, and this is one of the main minuses. In addition, the disadvantage is that they are disposable. Of the advantages, first of all, it is worth noting their composition. Thus, there are about 70% of peat and more than 32% of special cardboard. But this is not the only dignity. They are good because the seedlings from the cassette there is no need to remove, which avoids damage to the roots. In such a capacity, even the most tender cultures are allowed. Seedlings in the ground can be planted directly in a peat cell. The cassette in the ground gradually decomposed. At the same time, such decomposition does not have any harmful effect on the environment. When planting seedlings, a peat cell must be completely immersed in the soil. Otherwise, it will dry and pull out all moisture out of the ground.

Technology cassette cultivation


Cassettes need to be filled with light soil. The best option is the riding peat, which was pre-missing. Watering plants in such a container must be balanced. If you decide to grow seedlings in cassettes, then for this you need to do the following:

  1. Fill the cassette substrate and cover with a film. This will allow the temperature inside to achieve the desired value.
  2. Then the seeds are soaked. The cassettes should transplanted sprouts only when they reach at least 1-2 mm. In each cell, it is enough to put 1-4 change. The depth of planting depends on the specific culture.
  3. Now you should shove the required amount of soil and pour a little. After that, the container will again need to cover the film.
  4. You will get something like a greenhouse. Every day, it will be necessary to remove the film for a couple of minutes. In a place where you put the cassette, there should be no draft.
  5. When green sprouts appear, the cassettes must be transferred to the place where the lighting is a bit better. The film at this stage is no longer needed, so it is removed. Daily seedlings should be abundantly watered with warm water.
  6. After about 45 days, the sprouts can be planted in a soil or greenhouse.

How to make boxes do it yourself

Options for homemade boxes for seedlings


Nowadays, the industry produces a special container, but they are not in a hurry to acquire it. After all, it costs quite expensive. In addition, there are ordinary pots for seedlings. And they can be made independently without much difficulty. For this, you can use the following firming materials:

  1. Plastic bottles. Cuts off the bottom, the remaining part turns over the neck down. It turns out the pallet with a comfortable flow for water.
  2. Box from under milk. First, it should be washed from the remaining dairy bacteria that can lead to the appearance of rot and mold on the roots.
  3. Coffee banks. In such a container, it is necessary to make only drainage holes in the bottom. This is done, for example, with a split nail. After that, it is possible to fall asleep soil.
  4. Disposable plastic glasses. These tanks are quite popular for growing seedlings. Only the plant should not be too big.
  5. As a container for seedling, you can use the so-called memorial packages that can be easily bought today on the market. They need to do on the sides of the hole. To strengthen the capacity, it is recommended to insert one packet to another.
  6. When used for seedlings of cardboard packaging, you should know that it is treated with the help of special substances, which after a while stop the growth of plants. It is most often awakened by this seedlings, only possible by resetting into plastic boxes for seedlings.

Next, we will tell you more about how to independently make various options for boxes for seedlings.

Wooden boxes


For the manufacture of containers often use wood. After all, it is, first of all, an environmentally friendly material. In addition, it is easy to exploit. If you decide to make a wooden box for seedlings yourself, then initially need to decide on its size. Since such a container is most often put on the window sills, it is often its dimensions as a reference point.

Often, seedlings in wooden boxes do not dive. Therefore, to protect against the destruction of the root system, plant seeds need at a certain distance from each other.

To make wooden cutters for seedlings, the following materials will be required:

  1. Boards.
  2. Loop.
  3. Corners.
  4. Selfless.
  5. Polyethylene film.

From the tools you will need:

  1. Hacksaw.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Furniture stapler.

The process of making a drawer for seedlings is as follows:

  1. For the start, the bars and boards of the desired length are selected.
  2. Then, from selected materials using self-tapping and corners, a rectangle is made.
  3. Now the bottom is attached nails or self-drawing.
  4. Sometimes they make the roof of the design. To do this, use window or door loops, as well as self-tapping screws.
  5. The upper part of the box is made of polyethylene film. It is attached to the construction body with a furniture stapler. Extra pieces of film are removed.

Such homemade boxes are easily used. Only in contrast to industrial containers, they are quite difficult to clean. Due to the constant impact of moisture, wood begins to swell, which, in turn, leads to a change in the shape of the box. In addition, the prolonged impact of moisture on wood in such conditions can easily lead to rotting. Obviously, wooden structures are much less durable than plastic containers. Therefore, more often need replacement and repair.

Paper packaging


Not only wood and plastic are used for the manufacture of boxes for seedlings. So, it is often for this purpose various blowing materials apply, one of which is paper. In order to make a paper drawer, we will need:

  1. Paper (for example, old newspapers).
  2. Plastic bottle.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Duct tape.

The process of manufacturing such a container is as follows:

  1. Newspapers are cut into stripes. Their length should be greater than the diameter of the circumference of the selected plastic bottle, which will serve as something like a form.
  2. Then the chopped paper strip turns around the bottle and is fixed with a sticky tape. Part of the newspaper should remain. It will be used for the manufacture of the bottom, which is also fixed using the sticky tape.
  3. When the walls and the bottom will be ready, the glass is removed from the bottle and can be used.

Foil Packages


For the manufacture of tanks, seedlings also often use various packages covered with the inner side of the foil. This, in particular, bags from under juice and milk. To grow seedlings, such containers are the most optimal. Their benefits are the following:

  1. They have a small height, which allows you to grow in them a variety of plants.
  2. Foil coating helps to save heat longer. It does not allow plants to stretch.
  3. Thanks to the compactness of such boxes, they can be placed almost anywhere.
  4. On the paper surface it is easy to make the necessary marks using an ordinary marker.

Operating procedure:

  1. To make such a container, any empty package from under milk or juice is suitable. Just before using it should be washed using running water. It is important that detergents do not apply. Clean packets are cut into parts, one of which should be reminded in its form a box.
  2. Then at the bottom of such a "box" drainage holes are made. After that, you can fall asleep prepared soil. It is important to leave from above a small gap in size about 1 cm. After the appearance of germs, the container must be placed in such a way that the cover reflects the additional light, useful for plants.
  3. It should be said that such a container can be reused. To do this, rinse it enough with water and dry.
  4. In addition to foil packages, cars are still often used. You can also take simple cardboard boxes and using a stiplant or adhesive tape to impose an ordinary foil on them.



It is also a good option for growing seedlings. For example, you can take an empty jar from under condensed milk. For the preparation of the capacity, metal scissors will be required, with the help of which the bottom and the top of the banks are cut. Then in the walls with the same scissors there are several cuts. Then the container can be filled with the soil, and after its seal begin to plant seeds. The advantage of such a container is the strength - rodents they will clearly "not on the teeth". In addition, in the spring for landing, a seedlock with earth is easily getting out of the can by extinguishing the cut parts of the wall.

Polyethylene film

For the manufacture of such cups, first of all, small segments are cut out of polyethylene. Then the ordinary glass bottle is taken, around which the cut piece of the film is turned around. End of cuts should be fixed with the assistance of the clips. After that, the finished cup is removed from the bottle. It will be left to fill it with a substrate and put seeds. From such a container, the seedlings are very convenient to extract in the spring.

Tara with a removable bottom


As a container, retractable compartments from old bedside tables are also used. In order to accommodate such a container, it is enough to remove the fastener on one side, which is usually a plywood sheet. It is necessary so that Plywood is able to extend. For planting seedlings in spring, it is enough to pull out Phaneru, after which the plant together with the soil fell out. For transplanting, the lands of the Earth will have to be divided by knife.

Cardboard boxes


For example, you can use cardboard rolls that remain after using toilet paper. Most often, they are simply thrown out, but they can be very good for growing seedlings. So that these rolls are a bit flattened, they are better to squeeze it better. It is possible to use them in the original form, i.e. in the form of cylinders. In addition, you can make small cups of square shape. To this end, rolls should be flattened in the middle. You can still cut them, which will make it possible to fold the cropped ends like a conventional cardboard box. It is worth saying that if you give the cylinders a square shape, they will take less space.

Such a container can be installed in a plastic transparent box in which, for example, cakes and cakes are sold. As a result, something like a mini-greenhouse, which is convenient to grow seedlings. By the way, when planting sprouts, the roll is not completely removed. It is possible to plant directly in it. He gradually decompose in the ground and will be even a good fertilizer.

As a drawer for seedlings, a regular carton box is quite suitable. This may be, for example, packaging packaging from under croup, pasta and other things.



Solver from eggs is also suitable for seedlings. For this you will need:

  1. Eggs.
  2. Egg tray.
  3. Awl.
  4. Plant with soil.

Operating procedure:

  1. From eggs you can make yourself any dish. The main thing is not to break them in the middle. Kind follows from the side of the nose. From it, the shells need to remove as much as it is necessary in order for the contents to flow. Empty shells will become landing tanks for seedlings. But immediately put in them the plant is not worth it. First you should get rid of bacteria that may well stay inside. To do this, you can boil the shell for some time.
  2. After that, it is recommended to make a small hole from the reverse side with a selection. The main thing is not to disturb the integrity of the egg packaging. It will be a drainage drain through which excess moisture will come out.
  3. Now each prepared shell can be filled with soil and plant seed into it. So that such a container stood smoothly, put it in an ordinary egg tray. When planning in order to get a plant, sufficiently press the shell. This should not damage the formed root system.

Thus, the preparation of containers under seedlings depends on the personal preferences of the gardener, the characteristics of the critical culture and financial capabilities.

Crates for seedling: Photo


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Crates for seedling: video

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