Flowing crane what to do

March 30. Plumbing Views 1636. Comments to record the crane flows what to do No

In a situation where the crane flows, there are two outputs: the first - to cause plumbing, the second - to solve the problem yourself. Sometimes it makes no sense to wait for a specialist because it will take a lot of time, or it will cost expensive. Therefore, it remains to hope for your own strength.

The main thing is to determine the problem and eliminate its uncomplicated tool.

In any case, the first step should be the cessation of water supply. To do this, cover the shutter valve on the pipeline. Often problems arise at this stage, especially if the equipment has not been used for a long time. Then you should not make great efforts to turn the lever - you can add trouble. It is necessary to slowly rotate the valve after adding machine oil.

Preparation and collection of materials, tools


Before repairing the current crane is to prepare the tool. At hand should be:

  • adjustable key;
  • wrench;
  • screwdrivers;
  • tow;
  • lubricant;
  • new gaskets.

Instead of finished gaskets, a piece of rubber or skin is quite suitable. It is desirable that the fluoroplastic sealing tape is present - it replaces the liners. You will also have to remove dirt from the mixer, so it will take a sponge and detergent. Before starting work below, you need to raise the sex rag, it will serve as a shock absorber and absorb water if necessary.

Types of designs and solving problems

The repair process will differ depending on the type of equipment. After all, the design of individual plumbing models has its own characteristics and differences.

Sharovy crane


Before changing the flow in the ball crane, prepare a tool for paving the design:

  • pliers;
  • hexagon;
  • screwdriver.

If a ball valve flows - it is completely disassembled, it is already considered the elements.


  • hexagon unscrew the screw to which the lever is attached;
  • remove the lever of the mixer;
  • unscrewed with a screwdriver threaded connection;
  • pliers take out the dome part of the crane, remove the plastic retainer behind it;
  • take a ball from the design.

After parsing the mixer, all elements are viewed, carry out the replacement of the wear parts. Often, problems arise because of small blocks inside the crane, so you need to clean the accumulated dirt. After that, the mixer is collected in the reverse order.

Problems with twin equipment


In the second case, it is worth considering the repair of a two-fledged crane, which is usually installed in the bathroom.

The most common problem is the wear of the gasket or the liner. Then the closed crane flows, water seeps through the locking mechanism. To eliminate faults, it is necessary:

  • unscrew the valve body, for which it is rotated counterclockwise;
  • remove the wear gasket;
  • make a new element of rubber;
  • to wind the seal on the stubborn edge;
  • split valve back.

In stores offer ready-made gaskets, so you can buy a new design element in advance. In the process of replacing the gasket, screwdrivers and key will be used.

Sometimes you can not notice the resulting leakage, because in the closed position the water does not protrude anywhere. But if the crane is open, while the water is seeping between the groove of the gland and the valve of the valve, then the oil sack will have to change. Procedure:

  • unscrew the gland nut with a screwdriver;
  • remove the unsuitable liner from the rod of the valve;
  • produce a new compactor from fluoroplastic tape;
  • wound a new liner;
  • spin the nut.

After such a repair, the valve opens smoothly, water will no longer leverage. If the crane is completely new, but the water is seeping through the design, then this is a factory marriage. The best solution will return it to the store to check.

Problems may arise with a shower hose. Leaves arise both in design compounds and with the hose themselves. From the spare parts may be needed either a new gasket or hose. If water seeps in the place of connection of the hose with the mixer, then the following manipulations are made:

  • unscrew the shower hose using the adjustable key;
  • remove the seal;
  • put a new gasket;
  • collect design.

Working with the tool is neatly, with a sharp turn of the key you can thread the thread on the connection. Experts recommend buying silicone gaskets, they are more reliable than rubber products.
To replace the hose itself, it is unscrewed it, then replaced with a new element. Sets for sale sets with all components required during installation.


If, when switching to shower, water continues to flow from under the tap, then the problem lies in the shut-off elements. The crane-tape is in the mixer handle, can be made of ceramics or metal with a rubber seal. The store is pre-selectable for replacement.

Other malfunctions


There are also problems with faucets that are not related to the flow. For example, water flows badly in the kitchen. In this case, there are no similar problems for neighbors, respectively, the case is not in the pressure in the pipeline. Then solutions may be several:

  • crashing filters that are installed on the house or separately on the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the devices to avoid their blockage;
  • meshes are often clogged on the mixer due to poor water quality. To avoid this situation, you can periodically unscrew the tip on the lever and rinse it.

Sometimes it is difficult to adjust the temperature of the supplied water - this indicates clogging of the design of the mixer. In this case, it is disassembled and clean the elements.

After considering information about the common breakdowns, plumbing is no longer scary if the crane flows in the kitchen. The most important thing is to react and overlap the flow of water. Next, the actions depend on the type of failure. For a visual example, a home master is worth viewing video on the topic: "What if the crane flows?".

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