Choose paint for the children's room. How to choose paint somi hands

January 21. Interior decoration, Useful advice, Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 1372. 3 comments To record, choose paint for the children's room. How to choose paint somi hands

The birth of a child is the event is long-awaited and special. To this day you need to prepare in advance not only the future mommy, but also all family members. The trouble is a lot: what to buy a stroller how much the sliders need, shoes, whether the sling and car seat need. The list of cases you want to have time to perform the baby's birthday is replenished with such questions: what kind of furniture to buy in the nursery, do you need a pillow, what kind of walls to choose and which paint can be painted walls in the nursery. Let us dwell on this issue.

Are the walls in the nursery paint and is it possible to do it?

Yes, you can also paint the walls and even need, only the paint should be special, hypoallergenic. When the choice is to buy, which is best to buy paint, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the information provided on the package: Buy the one where it is indicated: "For the children's room" or the abbreviated designation "KID".

Paint Requirements for Children's Room:

  1. Paint should be harmless, without toxic substances.
  2. Answer environmental standards.
  3. It is best to choose material for staining walls on a water basis, because such paint is not toxic.
  4. The paint should be not thick and not rare to quickly paint any surface in the children's room: walls, ceilings, floors, as well as walls are covered with plasterboard and wallpapers.
  5. Paint must be without a sharp smell.
  6. Choose material for staining walls in the children's room - quick-drying.

It is very convenient to use water-based paints for the children's room, because the kids grow quickly and actively know the world. So the walls of the wall can be repainted as much as it takes. And as the child is growing up to change the flower gamut in the children's room.


Harmless paint for children's room

What should be paint for a room where the child will play and sleep? Of course, safe or environmentally friendly.

Let's deal with more, what types of paints are presented in building supermarkets:

  • organic - those that are based on solvents of organic origin. In such materials, gasoline, turpentine or white spirit is necessarily present. Such materials are prohibited to use for a room in which a child will live;
  • water soluble paints for staining walls and ceilings in the nursery are not toxic. The composition includes pigments, binders, thickener and water, plus auxiliary ingredients. Nothing harmful, larger paint, it fits well, dries quickly. There are disadvantages of this material - such a paint although it is suitable for the design of the children's room, but it is not persistent and if the child is stepping the walls, then they will not wash them out, because the paint will wash it together with the pattern;
  • oil paints (abbreviated LCP) - the main component is Olife. If earlier, several decades ago, such paint was made from natural oils, which included linseed oil or hemp, now the mass production of such paint has changed. To reduce the cost of the product, the main ingredient is made from chemical components. The paint dries quickly, but it is impossible to call it environmentally friendly. Conclusion: such paint on an oil basis for the children's room is undesirable;
  • alkyd dyes, the main component is an alkyd resin. Naturally, such material is undesirable to use for staining of walls, ceilings and gender in the children's room. Although the paint itself is worthy of attention: it goes well, durable and persistent;
  • water-dispersion paint is safe, because the main binder is a water basis. Such paints are suitable for registration of children's rooms, they are not toxic, fall into one layer, the speed of drying is literally half an hour for one layer. Such paint is available at a price, not toxic, suitable for the children's room. Of the minuses: poorly tolerates wet cleaning, if you have to wash the walls - not persistent;
  • from the line of water-soluble paints, it is worth paying attention to the paint with the addition of acrylic and adhesive mixture. The base of the material is PVA glue, such paint in value will be slightly expensive than the water-emulsion, according to the degree of security - is suitable for registration of children's rooms. A good term of operation (over 15 years) Plus good resistance and a large selection of colors (as well as the possibility of composure), allows you to pay attention to this finishing material.

Water-level paint for children's room:


What paint for children's room is the best?

According to professionals, as well as parents who managed to evaluate all the advantages of this material, the best paint for staining walls and ceilings in the children's room is Dulux's paint.


  • hypoallergenic, does not contain harmful substances;
  • without smell;
  • it is easy to clean, possesses water-repellent properties;
  • withstand children's pranks, you can easily and simply wash off drawings and contamination from walls and any painted surfaces;
  • as part of this paint, silver ions are present, which do not allow bacteria to multiply. This is an additional plus and protection against the reproduction of fungal mold;
  • as part of the paint there is wax, which further gives this material strength and extends the service life;
  • there are no organic volatile components.

In order for the paint for a long time and the walls in the children's room were neat, the paint need to be applied correctly.

Rules for the preparation of the surface and features of working with this material:

  1. Preparation of walls, ceilings and other surfaces: Cleaning, Okuring. All surfaces must be clean and dry.
  2. Before painting the walls, chicted by plasterboard, chipboard and fiberboard, you need to remove the top layer (if the coating was in operation). All defects need to be scattered and branded, and then stabbed the surface.
  3. Before the color of the walls, wallpaper, you need to carefully examine the surface, if there are hikes - delete.
  4. Paint is applied with a uniform layer. On each layer is given from 2 to 4 hours for drying.
  5. Dulux Kid's Room's paint is on the wallpaper you need 24 hours from the moment of sticking.
  6. The paint is stirred before use, one layer is applied, then after a few hours - the second layer. If the colors are juicy and bright, you can apply a thin ball in 2 layers.
  7. The optimal temperature to work indoors from 5 to 30 degrees with the "+" sign.
  8. Before proceeding with staining of walls prepared for painting, you need to treat the surface of the primer mixture of the same company. The gap between the application of primer and paint should be at least 4 hours.
  9. You can apply paint as a conventional brush and a foam roller. The second option is faster and more practical.
  10. Material consumption: on a room with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 12 square meters, you will need 1 l of paint. Suitable for staining of walls, ceilings, floors.

Disadvantages: the only minus that paint possesses for the walls of the children's room is its high cost. More disadvantages were not identified.


Select paint for the ceiling and floor in the children's room

As mentioned earlier, the universal paint for the decoration of the children's room is the paint "Dulux". Paint is suitable for the floor in the children's room.

Pay attention to the paints of the new generation:

  • mineral-based paint. The option is suitable, only the palette of such paints is not so colorful. But on the painted surface will not settle dust and develop bacteria;
  • lime paint - long-forgotten old returned again, only in an updated form. Cement paint, more durable and wear-resistant. It has unique properties: "Holds" a certain level of humidity, antifungal, does not allow to develop bacteria.


Registration of the children's room

What is the best way to arrange a children's room, what colors to choose that the child felt in this room as comfortable as possible? Of course, think about what colors should be chosen for painting the children's room.

Optimal colors for children's room:

  • the child spends most of the time in his room. He sleeps, playing and learning in one place, so it is desirable to choose such colors that will set the tone of the mood for the whole day. Therefore, you need to know how each color affects a person. For example, according to psychologists, the white color gives a charge of cheerfulness for a whole day;
  • blue color - soothes, and the red color is the opposite, it is beyond. Therefore, it is not necessary to get involved in these colors, but to create separate areas for work and recreation is a great solution;
  • green color - color of calm, peace and stability, it will also help concentrate during operation;
  • pink more like girls, this color love dreamy. Pink color will help develop leadership qualities in the child. Just do not paint all the walls in this color, it is better to add a little green and purple, so you can make a working corner of the child.


Be sure to ask the child, what kind of color he likes it. You can also take it with you to the store to choose the paint of the desired color and the shade together. If there are doubts about the combination of shades, do not know how this color will look in your room, the consultants will help dispel doubts.

What else to take into account when making a children's room? No less important is the question of the preparation of walls under painting. They must be smooth that dust particles do not settle in recesses and protrusions.

Paint for the children's room. Video

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3 answers on choosing paint for the children's room. How to choose paint somi hands

  1. Alexandra:

    Means! Speak correctly.

  2. Inna:

    What kind of paint do you use?

  3. Daniel:

    A year ago, parents in the bedroom painted the walls, took the paint a dilex color of the bananas, she also liked. It turned out quite harmonious and light. The paint lay perfectly and quickly dried!)

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