Cork coating for floors. Overview of material

January 19. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 1908. Comments To the entry cork coating for the floor. Overview of material No

The modern finishing materials market offers many options for flooring, but the cork floor has always stood a mansion. This is an unusual solution for those who appreciate environmental friendliness, naturalness, practicality and does not want to overpay an extra money for their comfort. In this article, we will consider in detail all the nuances regarding the choice and installation of the cork coating for the floor.

Characteristics of cork coating

The plug is a natural product made from cortex cork oak. In view of its naturalness, the cork coating is characterized by a number of unique properties, not all man-made materials can boast. The plug has a beneficial effect on human health, it is pleasant to the touch and gives the interior to a notch of the original charm.

Outdoor cork is very durable and elastic material capable of restoring its form after deformation. It supports the optimum temperature in the room, while maintaining heat in winter and providing coolness in summer. When choosing an outdoor coating, you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of cork floors.


The cork coating for the floor (photo) gained popularity around the world for quite obvious reasons. First, it is a natural material, bestowed by nature itself, which has always been valued higher than synthetic finish. Secondly, the cost of the plug relatively is not high compared to modern materials. But consider the advantages of the cork cover in more detail.

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Pluses of cork floor:

  1. Ecology.
  2. Hypoallergenicity - the cork does not absorb and does not delay dust, does not provoke allergies and does not contribute to the development of asthma.
  3. Defense against emissions - relevant for residents of megacities. Studies have shown that the plug creates a protective screen, preventing the negative effect of abnormal radiation and neutralizes the harm of geopathogenic zones by almost 80%.
  4. Elasticity - does not create loads at the foot, slightly deformed under the legs. The child, falling on the cork floor, will get less harm than if the trouble happened on the floor or linoleum. Even after a long load on the cork floor, it restores the former shape. For example, if you made a permutation and put a bed to another angle, traces from the legs will quickly disappear.
  5. Antistaticity - Cork does not accumulate static electricity, which is useful for the design of offices or computer rooms. Due to this, the cork does not attract dirt and dust particles, filling in the air, and cleaning can be done much less often than in the case of laminate, for example.
  6. Noise insulation - a plug is one of the most effective natural sound insulation materials.
  7. Heat insulation - increased thermal insulation properties of the cork allow you to not waste extra money on the carpet. By this floor, you can safely walk barefoot and not be afraid to catch cold. Actual for children's rooms and bedrooms. Cork floors retain heat in the room in winter, so you can save on heating.
  8. High friction ratio - speaking easier, it is impossible to slip in contrast to the laminate or linoleum. Different manufacturers offer a cork coating for the floor with varying degrees of roughness, but they all are absolutely not slippery, even the most "glossy".
  9. Durability - Under the proper operating conditions, the plug does not change its properties and appearance of almost 100 years, and its service life is almost not limited! The durability is influenced by the conditions for using a cork coating for the floor. So, if you lay it in the hallway, then it will lose attractiveness in 15-20 years, if you decorate the living room with a cork floor, then your grandchildren or grandchildren will do overhaul.
  10. Cost - the price of a cork coating for the floor also relates to the advantages, because it is much cheaper than other natural finishing materials - parquet and geepboard. The plug is the perfect value for money, despite the fact that it is more expensive than laminate, linoleum and other durable synthetic materials.


The abundance of advantages plays in favor of the floor cork, but when choosing it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages in order to avoid difficulties in the operation of the coating.

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Cork flaws:

  1. The plug itself is natural, but when installing the coating, synthetic adhesive compositions, varnishes and other chemicals are used.
  2. The plug needs to be covered with an additional protective layer, otherwise it will be in disrepair very quickly.
  3. The porous structure quickly absorbs stains, which is almost impossible to remove, so it is not recommended to make cork floors in the kitchen. The situation can be corrected by applying a protective layer.
  4. The plug is sensitive to water, and it can get wet as from concrete when installing and from the spilled fluid.
  5. The cork coating for the floor does not heat, but returns warmth given to it. For this reason, it makes no sense to make warm floors under a plug - heat will be reflected and remains under the coating.
  6. Soundproofing Subtleties - Cork does not produce sound from your apartment, but imparts noise from the neighbors or from the street.
  7. Mounting specificity - the work is very responsible and possessing its own nuances, so it is better to trust the professionals, otherwise, with the slightest error, the cork floor will last much less laid.


The cork cover for the floor is also suitable for residential, and for commercial premises.

Where can I sit in the cork floor:

  1. Children's room - traffic jam will smooth blows from falling, the baby will be able to play straight on the floor, not fearing to catch a cold. The coating is pleasant to the touch and completely hypoallergenically. The trimming of the pediatric room will provide sound insulation, and the child will be able to have fun without interfering with parents.
  2. Bedroom - sound and thermal insulation make a cork coating for the floor perfect for the bedroom, where it is extremely important to feel relaxed and secluded.
  3. Living room - Cork creates a feeling of rest and comfort, which is comparable only with a finish from a natural expensive tree. In the living room, the eliminated cork floor, please relax and receive guests in a relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Hallway - the plug is not "afraid of the high pavement of the room, it is easy to clean and retains a nice appearance. It reduces the noise from the steps and the "cloak" from the ladies of the ladder to a minimum, does not slide and creates a pleasant atmosphere at the entrance to the house.
  5. Kitchen - cork floor is ideal for the kitchen only if it is covered with its protective layer of varnish. Otherwise, he will leave for himself the memory of each inadvertently shed, soup, coffee and wine ...

Types of cork coating

Buy cork coating for the floor can be directly from the manufacturer or in a construction supermarket. But before you go on shopping, you should decide on the type of traffic. The coating happens two types: adhesive and floating. Each of them has its own characteristics on which durability, cost and other characteristics of the material depends.


The adhesive cork coating for the floor is ideal for public spaces and offices. The name of this species is obliged by a feature of the installation - the plug is glued to the floor.

Adhesive tiles are of different thickness. The thinnest 3 mm resemble a tile or parquet. They greatly withstand a permanent load and can serve quite a long time even in the most passing places (foyer reception).

The adhesive coating can also be used in residential premises, but in this case the tiles should be selected - from 4 to 6 mm.



Floating cork floors are more suitable for residential buildings than for public spaces. They differ softness, durability and elasticity. By this floor, it's nice to walk barefoot, do yoga or play with a child.

The thickness of the floating coating varies from 9 to 12 mm. He also received its name because of the installation method - the tile connects the locking system on a predetermined smooth surface. The base can be represented by a concrete tie, the old layer of cork, polyethylene foam, polystyrene, etc. The substrate is relevant for uneven floors or creating additional sound insulation.

Features of the plug-in

One of the shortcomings of the cork is the specificity of the installation. The slightest mistake, and the durable beautiful floor will serve as an ordinary cheap linoleum. It all begins with preparatory work, from the correctness of which half of success depends on.


The base for laying the cork coating should be perfectly smooth, smooth and dry.

Features of training and installation of cork gear:

  1. Prepare the floor surface. Concrete floor should be aligned, clean from dust and completely dry. Wooden surface shook plywood by fixing it with screws. The room temperature should be no less than + 18c, and the humidity does not exceed 50%.
  2. Leave traffic boards for 12-20 hours indoors where the laying will be carried out so that they are the same temperature and humidity level.
  3. For laying adhesive plates, wake the base and the back of the plate glue. Put the tile tightly, leaving the distance along the wall of 5 mm. You should start from the center on the markup or from the corner diagonally (just like lay out the tile). You can arrange furniture immediately after drying the glue - after a day.
  4. A floating method involves the use of a moisture-proof film. Shipting it a concrete base, setting the brackets of the film of therapy (15-20 cm) and making the wall on the wall 5 cm. Top to put a cork substrate 15 mm from the walls and adjacent substrate tapes. Place along the wall right-left, placing the fastener in the room inside the room. Tiles to lay two rows, rinse the seams with adhesive composition and remove excess. Continue installation should be in half an hour and repeat a similar procedure until the entire floor surface closes. It should be constantly checking the mechanism of laying by the construction level. The floating coating should be fixed by the plinth throughout the perimeter of the room, leaving a small gap of several millimeters. Unlike adhesive coating, the floating can be commissioned in a week.

Read more about laying the cork gear on the video below:

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