Replacing plastic windows

January 19. Repair and construction work Views 1745. Comments to record plastic windows No

Today, the replacement of wooden windows on plastic is relevant than ever. But many are afraid to independently perform this type of work, as it seems to them that it is difficult. In fact, everything is wrong. However, you need to know some subtleties, without which the correct installation and replacement of the design elements will not work. We will tell about all this further.

Installation and replacement of plastic windows


Stages of mounting

So, how to install or replace plastic windows with your own hands? This process mainly consists of the following priority of actions:

  1. Work begins with dismantling old windows and profiles.
  2. Then the preparation of a new plastic window.
  3. After that, installation and alignment of the window profile is performed.
  4. Salves are removed using a screwdriver, then aligned at the desired level and secured.
  5. Next, the fasteners are fixed to the window frame.
  6. On the wall in places where fasteners will be installed, the relevant size is made.
  7. Next, the plastic window is placed in place and exhibited on a vertical and horizontal level.
  8. Now the window is fixed in the opening with fasteners.
  9. After that, the slots between the window and the window opening are marked with the mounting foam.
  10. Then you should install and align the windowsill.
  11. Next you need to make slopes.
  12. After that, it is necessary to adjust the window fittings.
  13. Finally, set fetches from the outer part of the plastic window. Replacing accessories if necessary, must be performed in advance.

Description of mounting work


Before installing plastic windows, mount the coaching profile. For this, it stacked in the right place, aligns horizontally. Now you need to install the window to the profile and see how its dimensions will "fit" in the opening. If there is too much space in the upper part, then it is desirable to put something under the profile. If no problems are observed, the window is temporarily removed, and the space between the profile and the wall is melted.

Standing profile is recommended to immediately insert into the bottom window groove. If it was not included in the set, then for fastening the windowsill and fixing the window under the lower groove, you can place special lumps.

After successfully installing the profile, you can directly mount the windows. It is best not to remove the protective tape until all work is completed.

Priority action when installing the window as follows:

  1. Fixing elements are fixed to the window. This uses anchor plates. The fasteners should be placed at a right angle to the window plane at a distance of about 120-200 millimeters from the corner of the frame on each side. To the window, they are attached with the help of self-tapping screws with a length of 100 millimeters.
  2. To improve the thermal insulation properties of the plastic window, the space that is available in the undercut profile is recommended to be used using the extension nozzle for the mounting gun.
  3. If plastic windows are placed without glazed windows, then the screws for fasteners should be screwed into the walls on the inside of the frame with a dowel. In order not to damage the frame, you should not screw them up to the end.
  4. After fixing the anchor bolts, the glass package should be gently inserted into the opening of the window and be sure to align. Then in places of attachment anchors need to be deepened under the fastener plate. This will allow you to level the wall after installing the windows for mounting slopes. It is better not to twist all the screws immediately completely. It is advisable after fixing the plastic windows in the opening again to check whether all the necessary dimensions are withstanding. For this work it is recommended to find an assistant. Then one person will keep the window, and the second laying bars for alignment.
  5. A space is usually formed between the window opening and double-glazed windows, which is required to pour by mounting foam. The most important thing is to fill it completely. If its sizes are more than 25 millimeters, then fading is allowed in two stages, between which the break should be kept in two hours.
  6. To maximize foam fixation before giving space, you need to moisten the surface with water. It is also worth considering the temperature conditions under which work is carried out. So, at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, it is best to use all-season or winter foam type. For larger temperatures, you can apply any mixture.
  7. For drying, the foam requires at least 12 hours. After that, it must be protected from the effects of sunlight, which are destructive for it. This can be done with a solution or tile glue. It is also recommended for this purpose to use a protective impermeable film.

Installation of windowsill

size window sills

  1. Before installing the windowsill, it is necessary to make it well to extinge its dimensions and cut off the necessary part. The fact is that it is usually sold with a margin. It is possible to cut it with a small power of small power or a jigsaw. In the presence of a coaching profile, the windowsill moves to it and aligns. If, as a result of this, a rather major gap formed between it and the opening, it can be seen by a solution. If the gap is small, it is closed by mounting foam.
  2. It is important to wear on the windowsill plugs that can be glued with super glue. It is best to cut the material so that it can enter the window opening with installed plugs.
  3. When the leveling of the window sill will be completed, it should be checked if it sends. To do this, it is enough to press it in several places. If everything is fine, you can fix the windowsill with heavy objects and proceed to fission. When the foam finally freezes, its surplus is removed using a knife.
  4. It is allowed to install the windowsill with a slight bias away from the window. Due to this, in the case of condensate formation, it will not be lingering in the window loan.

Installing slopes

Before installing the slopes, it is necessary to remove the excess foam using a knife. It should be done very carefully so as not to damage the windows. Sucks are made from PVC panels and cut off at the desired length. Then you should align them in the vertical plane and secure on the mounting foam. To make the foam, it is advised to push the panels from the walls, it is recommended to glue them in three places of painting scotch.

When the foam grabbies, it is necessary to make the final framing at the ends of the panels. This is performed using a special profile (F-shaped).

Installation of sings

Installation of sills usually does not cause problems. To do this, first you need to insert it into the groove under the window, then align, press. Films are fixed to the coaching profile using self-samples. It will be left to replace the resulting space.

When plastic windows are finally installed, the accessories and installation of the mosquito net are adjusted.

Plastic windows: Replacing rubber

When is required replacement?

It is necessary to change the sealing rubber if at least one of the following phenomena is observed:

  1. Draft.
  2. Fusion.
  3. The formation of condensation.

The cause of the draft is usually a loose fit of the sash to the frame. If the window is closely closed, this is a clear sign that the sealant was worn out and it is time to change it. This problem is solved by a simple substitute material.

Plastic window at low temperatures on the street can voic. With full or partial wear of the sealer on the inner surface of the window profile will form out.

As for condensate, the cause of its formation is improper closing of the sash and, as a result, a decrease in the temperature of the inner surface of the glass.

Types of seals


The sealer is a very important part of modern plastic windows. It is thanks to him that they are sealed and an drafts appears in the room. Therefore, the compactor needs the correct care. Otherwise, its functions at some point simply will not be performed. Modern metal-plastic windows can have the following types of seal:

  1. Rubber.
  2. Silicone.
  3. EPDM.

In its characteristics, these materials are very similar. Moreover, their life depends solely on the correctness of the care and external climatic factors.

The sealer is a special rubber cord, which has a figured or tubular section. His condition strongly affects what the microclimate is indoors.

In order for the seal to serve long enough, it is recommended to acquire European-made material.

Mounting work

For replacement work, you will need:

  1. Building glue.
  2. Scissors for rubber.
  3. New seal.

Procedure for work:

  1. To replace the rubber seal, first extracted from the grooves worn.
  2. After that, it is necessary to carefully clean the window profile from dust and dirt using a soft cloth or a sponge. The grooves where the seal was, it is necessary to clean and degrease well.
  3. Now you need to carefully obscure the angles of the frame with special glue and place a new seal in the grooves. It is important that the rubber cord is inserted into the grooves entirely, and not parts. This is perhaps the most difficult thing in this work. At the same time, it is impossible to stretch the material too much or to compress it. Neat operation will allow it evenly throughout the perimeter.
  4. When a new rubber cord will sit in a groove, you need to trim the end with scissors. You should also consolidate the place of the joint with the help of glue.

If you do not have experience in replacing the plastic window seal and there is no confidence in your abilities, it is recommended to entrust the execution of this type of work by professionals.

Installing a new handle and limiter


  1. Replace the handle simple enough. To do this, the decorative plate near its base must be rotated 90 degrees. The top and bottom will be visible several screws - one from above, another bottom. They can be unscrewed by a regular screwdriver.
  2. After that, the old handle should be easy to play.
  3. Now you need to fix a new handle and fasten it to the same screws.
  4. If you need to install a limiter, then before mounting the handle in its base, you need to place the regulator of the ventilation. After that, you can install the handle, screw the screws and turn the plate that covered the screws.

Replacement of a glass package in a plastic window


  1. It doesn't matter how you yourself will do the work on replacing or trust this is a specialist, you will need to order a new glass package. For this, the necessary measurements are performed. In addition, the old glass will have to be removed from the window loop.
  2. From the tools you will need a metal spatula and rubber cosyan. With the help of them all the strokes are removed. For this, the spatula is inserted into the joint between the frame and the glass, after which the easy blow is made. Strokes in this way should come out without problems.
  3. Next you need to remove the old glass. He is heavy enough, so it is better to do it alone.
  4. Gently put it on a flat surface of the floor. Now you can measure its height, width and thickness. By these parameters, I order a new glass window from the manufacturer.
  5. After completing the order, the obtained double-glazed package should be installed. So, if the sash is deaf, then the straight plates are placed at the bottom. With the folding sash, these plates are usually installed in the angles with an indent of 100 millimeters.
  6. It remains to insert a new glass unit, if necessary, put the straight plates and install all the strokes in place.

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