Installation of metal ceilings

March 29. Interior decoration Views 1039. Comments to record Metal ceilings No

The variety of ceiling materials every year is impressive more and more. The current manufacturers of building materials are actively used by modern developments, solutions, as well as often risk their reputation for the sake of the original product.

It can be noted that every year we get increasingly perfect materials that are already deprived of the most important flaws that have known themselves to know in certain conditions.

Thus, the so-called metal ceilings have become popular recently. It is worth saying that the metal is a versatile material, and in the modern design of the premises, it occupies not the most recent place. If you speak directly about metal ceilings, then they often fit into the modern interior, no matter how unusual it is. The choice of such surfaces is truly large, so choosing the most acceptable option for the home is not a problem.

Often, metal ceilings are used directly in shopping centers, offices, as well as many similar spaces, where the overall style must comply with modern trends. Many people believe that this decision within the framework of the apartment is not the best, since the most important comfort and comfort disappears for the owners.

In this article, we will consider in detail the features of modern metal ceilings, as well as analyze the main stages of their installation. Ultimately, it will be possible to form a common opinion that concerns modern ceilings from the metal.


The main features of modern metal ceilings

Often, if we are talking about metal ceilings, it is meant the wheels material that has a smooth glossy surface. It is worth paying attention to the fact that today such options for ceiling products are simply a tremendous amount. Moreover, today, if there is a need, you can organize a personal order that will be relevant to some original projects.

It is also worth emphasizing that metal ceilings are used in a wide variety of spheres, although at the very beginning they could only be found in large shopping and entertainment centers, as well as in various offices. Now the range has expanded significantly, so the most acceptable ceilings can be chosen for small apartments.

Many metal ceilings attract exactly the fact that they have a mirror surface. It turns out that the room in which such ceilings are installed, visually expands. For small rooms, this is especially true, but at the same time there are difficulties that are concluded in the mismatch. For example, the room may be the most ordinary (wallpaper, carpets, etc.), and the bright ceiling will be simply stand out.

The main advantages of metal ceilings

  • High quality. In general, most metal ceilings are high-quality products made of durable and durable materials. Accordingly, during the long years of operation, the ceiling surface will remain as clean and mirror (of course, it is impossible to forget about regular cleaning of the ceiling), and the design itself will last for many years.
  • A variety of execution options. On the Internet on the sites of manufacturers you can find hundreds of options for metal ceilings, and each has its unusual parts and elements. This is definitely positive news, since in such conditions the ability to choose the most suitable ceiling for the presented space. As we have already talked, the order of the company realizes even the most bold solutions associated with ceiling materials.
  • Spectative expansion of space. As mentioned earlier, with the help of a metal ceiling, you can visually increase the space, and for this you do not need to resort to some tricks, it is enough to choose a variant with a large number of mirror elements (metal plates). It should be borne in mind that with the help of other solutions related to the visual expansion of the room, you can come to a truly successful result.
  • Fire safety. It should be borne in mind that often metal ceilings are made on the basis of aluminum. Accordingly, the ignition and speech can not be. It is fire safety that is a decisive factor for many owners, given the huge amount of unsafe materials present in the market. Along with aluminum, the ceilings can be combined with other materials, so you need to be as attentive in such a situation in order to prevent any dangerous consequences.
  • Durability. Most manufacturers note that their metal ceilings are capable of listening to dozens of years, and without losing their strength and other source properties. Moreover, aluminum ceilings are absolutely not afraid of sharp temperature drops, so their condition will actually be preserved for a very long time. Despite this, there are many situations in which metal ceilings may suffer. It should be carried out with a certain regularity to clean the surface, as well as check the strength of the structure. If you comply with basic requirements, the ceiling is capable of listening to at least 50 years.

Differences between metal ceilings

Outboard systems of metal ceilings in most cases have almost the same specificity, however, differences that distinguish them between themselves are in the width of the rail. In addition, metal elements profiles may also have differences.

The ceilings are often made precisely from sheet aluminum, so the characteristics of most ceilings are about the same. It should be borne in mind that the consistency of the ceiling will depend on the width of aluminum sheets. Unfortunately, due to the subtleties of the ceiling, some material sagging can occur, and in such conditions it is impossible to exclude some threat associated with the overall condition of the ceiling construction. This is especially dangerous if the room has a large area, then the provisions and deformations of the regions are unlikely to succeed.

Often the length of the roll panels is about 3 to 4 meters. You can also find slats whose length is 6 meters, but such products are available for individual orders. Thus, if the repair work will hold a certain organization, any problem details can be settled on a warranty obligation.


Total construction of metal ceilings

Metal ceilings are a suspension design consisting of several important details:

  • Suspensions. These are the components of the ceiling, which are attached directly to the base surface. Thus, you can adjust the suspension tension, and thereby ensure the most acceptable position of the overall design. Adjustment is a rather subtle business, in which you need to provide a single plane of the ceiling structure.
  • Stringers. These elements are also called comb or traverses. On their basis, cladding rails are attached.
  • Rake. Elements that we talked earlier. Stream rails are often produced based on aluminum, but there are some other surface options.
  • Interreplicate inserts. With the help of interrepan inserts, the very gaps between the slats are masked, which are usually formed. However, it is only if we have an open-type ceilings.
  • Corner profile. This element is necessary in order to dock the walls and directly metal ceiling.

Everything may depend on the fact that the ceiling manufacturer wanted to implement in the design, and in such conditions it is uniquely you can find some important features. It is necessary to keep in mind that experimental solutions can often be used, in the reliability of which cannot be confident.

Separately, I would like to consider the types of the suspension ceiling:

  • Open suspended systems. Such systems are mounted along with small gaps between the rails. Accordingly, the gaps are closed using interrepan inserts that we have said earlier. The overall implementation of such a system depends only on the designer solution. The positive side of open suspended systems is that the gaps between the rails create additional air ventilation, which is so important in the room. Often designers make a decision to use interrepusted inserts of bright colors, which have a positive effect on the overall appearance of the ceiling surface.
  • Closed hanging systems. In this case, the metal panels are mounted tightly to each other. Accordingly, an externally surface of the ceiling looks holistic. In the event that in its original form such an idea looks like gray, you can use racks of different colors.


Installation of the suspended metal ceiling

First of all, it is worth keeping in mind that the installation of a metal ceiling, which has a suspension system - the task is not from the lungs. The thing is that the design itself consists of a variety of elements that must be securely installed. Accordingly, a person without experience can unconsciously allow a mistake and create many problems.

It is also worth to have to remember that the creation of a metal ceiling is the cheapest pleasure, and it is often comprehensive in large private houses. Despite this, the metal ceiling will be suitable for almost any housing.

If experiences for repair work are too small, appropriate literature should be studied, as well as seek consultations to specialists. Small tips or instructions can be free. The most important thing is to fully realize the entire process of installing the metal ceiling. If there is no confidence in the quality of the work, it is better to use the services of professionals.

Preparatory work

First of all, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to start the installation of a metal ceiling only after all repairs are completed in the room. Accordingly, only finishing remains, and it is then that the installation time comes.

In the process of preparation, it is extremely important to pay attention to the wiring, as well as other communications that pass at the ceiling level. Fortunately, the suspended ceiling can hide all these elements of the dwelling, so it is enough to secure the wires and continue to prepare.


Tools and devices

To carry out the installation of the metal ceiling, we will need the following tools:

  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • fasteners;
  • traverse;
  • metal scissors;
  • profiles;
  • rank elements.

Installation process

  • First of all, the installation of the guides takes place. They are located all over the perimeter of the room. With the help of a level, all those places where the mount will occur. To allow even the slightest deviations is impossible. Often profiles are attached at a distance of 20 cm from the base surface of the ceiling.
  • Now it's time to mount the guide profile. For this, self-tapping screws or dowels. If we have durable concrete walls, then the markup occurs, and then the holes are done using a drill. The standard step between the fasteners is often about 500 mm.
  • The next step consists of marking for places of fastening of suspensions. The number of suspensions is determined by the length of metal plates. The step between the suspensions is often 1 meter. Traverts are attached to the suspension, which are perpendicular to the metal material.
  • Next occurs directly adjusting the height of the metal ceiling. This process is extremely simple, since for this case it will be necessary to join or unwind self-tapping screws. At the same time, it is necessary to use a building level, with which you can set even the most minor deviations from the horizontality.
  • At the end it will be necessary to install the rails that are mounted between the profiles of the design. Also used special connectors. These elements are combined with the rails (on the reverse side) and create a holistic design.

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